J.R. Artalejo & A. Gómez-Corral, Retrial Queueing Systems. A Computational Approach, Springer, 2008
ISBN: 978-3-540-78724-2
M. de León & A. Gómez-Corral, Las Matemáticas de la Biología, Los Libros de la Catarata, 2019 (In Spanish)
ISBN: 978-84-9097-576-3
M. de León & A. Gómez-Corral, Las Matemáticas de la Pandemia, CSIC-Los Libros de la Catarata, 2020 (In Spanish), visit the blog
ISBN: 978-84-1352-102-2
M. de León & A. Gómez-Corral, Τα Μαθηματικά της Πανδημίας, Crete University Press, 2024 (In Greek)
ISBN: 978-618-230-075-6
Antonio is the scientific coordinator of the Stochastic Modelling Group at Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), where he began working in 1993. His current research is, in general, focused on applied probability and, in particular, on the use of stochastic models in population dynamics. These models play an important role in the spread of a pathogen among the individuals of a population, and the interaction between species, including competition processes and host-parasite models, among others. Another area of Antonio’ interest, both in his research and teaching activities, is Queueing Theory. He is active as teacher in courses on stochastic processes for graduate, master and Ph.D. students.
At UCM, Antonio has been an assistant and an associate professor, and currently holds a position of full professor at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research.
Antonio acts as an area editor of RAIRO-Operations Research, and an associate editor of Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research and Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability. In addition, he has been a subject editor of Applied Mathematical Modelling, and a guest editor of European Journal of Operational Research (jointly with Jesús R Artalejo, special issue on «Advances in Retrial Queues») and The Annals of Operations Research (jointly with Tuan Phung-Duc, special volume on «Retrial Queues and Related Models»).
Brief CV
Conferences, seminars & courses
Editorial work
Organization of conferences & Programme Committees
Research projects
Some links on Antonio’s research:
Group UCM-910211 on Stochastic Modelling.
«Contributions to the Theory on Stochastic Processes and their Applications», the research project in progress.
«Contributions to Stochastic Models in Epidemics», our previous research project.
Working Group Pres&a on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research, and its main scientific activities: IWSPA and SPA Webinar Series.
Thematic Network on Stochastic Processes & Their Applications, in Spanish
Some links on maths:
The Round Table «Procesos de Markov: Casos de Estudio y Futuras Aplicaciones» in YouTube.
Link to a book on «Las matemáticas de la pandemia» and this book in the media (videos, interviews, digital newspapers).
On the left, you may find the sidebar of Antonio’s blog. For a more interesting blog, visit «Matemáticas y sus fronteras» at Madri+d blogs. Here is a sample of contributions in Spanish:
- «Las matemáticas de la pandemia»
- «Teoría de grupos y virus»
- «El teorema del mosquito y la teoría de los eventos»
- «Series temporales»
- «La ley de los grandes números y el libre albedrío»
- «La propagación de una epidemia usando cadenas de Markov (IV)»
- «De cómo la poesía dio lugar a las cadenas de Markov (III)»
- «Cadenas de Markov y las leyes de Mendel (II)»
- «Andrei Markov, cadenas para luchar contra las epidemias (I)»
- «La extinción de los apellidos entre la aristocracia victoriana»
- «Sopa de letras: más allá del modelo SIR»
- «El aspecto del enemigo: el Covid-19»
- «Las matemáticas contra la malaria y el modelo SIR»
- «Vacunas y matemáticas: lecciones de la viruela»
- «Las matemáticas del coronavirus Covid-19»
The Conversation: «La biología no se puede entender sin matemáticas»
The Conversation: «SARS-Cov-2: la geometría del enemigo»
The Conversation: «Andrei Markov: cadenas matemáticas para luchar contra las epidemias»
The Conversation: «El teorema del mosquito y la teoría de los eventos»
The Conversation:«¿En qué se parecen un patógeno y un rumor?»
El País: «Las matemáticas que surgieron de las pandemias»
BBVA: «La importancia de los datos y el advenimiento del pico« (in Spanish and English)
Fundación Aquae: «¿Qué es la biología matemática?»
A few simple, but interesting YouTube videos on epidemics and the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19), by Mario Castro (Universidad Pontificia Comillas) and Tom Britton (Stockholm University):
- «La cinemática de las epidemias», by Mario Castro
- «La cinemática de las epidemias 2: el modelo inglés», by Mario Castro
- «¿Está siendo peor la epidemia en España? La exponencial ataca de nuevo», by Mario Castro
- «Mathematics of the Corona outbreak», by Tom Britton
The Washington Post: «Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to flatten the curve», by Harry Stevens.
Finally, here is a contribution on how to explain the spread of COVID-19 by using SIR models.