Organization of conferences & Programme Committees


  1. (Program Committee) EPEW 2024, The 20th European Performance Engineering Workshop. Venice, Italy.


  1. (Co-chairman) Semestre Temático «Procesos de Markov y sus aplicaciones». Red temática Procesos Estocásticos y sus Aplicaciones; actuación RED2022-134435-T financiada por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 . Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.


  1. (Co-chairman) 2nd International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and their Applications. A virtual workshop, Spain.
  2. (Program Committee) ASMTA 2021, 26th International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications. A online event.


  1. (Co-chairman) 1st International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and their Applications. A virtual workshop, Spain.


  1. (Organizing Committee) Diderot Mathematical Forum 2016, Biomedical Applications of Mathematics, European Mathematical Society, Milano-Paris-Madrid.


  1. (Co-chairman) 10th International Workshop on Retrial Queues. Tokyo, Japan.
  2. (Co-chairman) A Two-day Meeting on Mathematical Biology – ICMAT. Madrid, Spain.


  1. (International Program Committee) Modern Probabilistic Methods for Analysis, Design and Optimization of Information Telecommunication Networks — Twentieth Second Belarusian Winter Workshop in Queueing Theory, BWWQT 2013. Minsk, Belarus.


  1. (Program Committee) ICORES 2012 – 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems. Vilamoura, Portugal.
  2. (Program Committee) 9th International Workshop on Retrial Queues. Seville, Spain.
  3. (Technical Program Committee) 7th International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology. Venice, Italy.


  1. (Organizing Committee) Third Madrid Conference on Queueing Theory. Toledo, Spain.


  1. (International Program Committee) Mathematical Methods for Analysis and Optimization of Information and Telecommunication Networks — Twentieth Belarusian Winter Workshop in Queueing Theory, BWWQT 2009. Minsk, Belarus.
  2. (International Program Committee) International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, CIE39. Troyes, France, 2009.
  3. (Program Committee) IEEM 2009 – IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. Hong Kong, China.


  1. (Scientific Program Committee) Seventh International Workshop on Retrial Queues. Athens, Greece.


  1. (International Program Committee) International Conference «Mathematical Methods for Increasing Efficiency of Info-Telecommunication Networks» – Nineteenth Belarussian Winter Workshop in Queueing Theory. Grodno, Belarus.
  2. (International Advisory Committee) International Conference on Simulation and Modeling. Coimbatore, India.
  3. (Programme Committee) IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling, ASM 2007. Palma de Mallorca, Spain.


  1. (Organizing Committee) Second Madrid Conference on Queueing Theory. Madrid, Spain.
  2. (Chairman) Sixth International Workshop on Retrial Queues. Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, Spain.
  3. (Programme Committee) IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling, ASM 2006. Rhodes, Greece.


  1. (Programme Committee) IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling, ASM 2005. Benalmádena, Spain.


  1. (Programme Committee and Invited talk) 5th International Workshop on Retrial Queues. Korea University, Seoul, Korea.


  1. (Organizing Committee) First Madrid Conference on Queueing Theory. Madrid, Spain.


  1. (Secretary of the Organizing Committee) 1st International Workshop on Retrial Queues. Madrid, Spain.