

Type of disaster

Organizations involved

N. affected people

Niger (Africa)



Farmamundi, CADEV

2.5 million

Brief description: Niger suffered a food crisis aggravated by a locust plague in 2004 and drought in 2005. A relief organization led a two-phase response plan based on food and medical support.

Mission: To distribute 500 tons of aid with a maximum budget of $80,000 (EUR).

Availability: 800 tons in Niamey, 500 tons in Gaya.

Demand: 750 tons in Agadez, 300 tons in Zinder.

Network: The transportation network includes the seven most important cities in the disaster area. Niamey (the capital) and Gaya are supply nodes. Dosso, Tahoua and Maradi are transshipment nodes. Agadez and Zinder are demand nodes. Eleven roads (each one associated with two directed arcs on opposite directions) connect the different nodes in the network. Distances between nodes, ransack probabilities and reliabilities of the arcs are available.
Data: Available here.

Data sources: Farmamundi (2005) and public websites such as Google Maps provide the data for this test case.

Tested in: This test case was built as part of the final degree project of (1). The case was tested in a peer reviewed paper by (2). This article introduces a model based on two static network flows, using lexicographical goal programming to deal with different performance criteria.

  1. Ruiz-Rivas, A.F. (2007). Sistema de ayuda a la toma de decisiones en la logística de intervención en desastres y emergencias. Universidad Pontificia de Comillas de Madrid. Final Project of Industrial Engineering.
  2. Ortuño, M.T., G. Tirado, B. Vitoriano (2011). A lexicographical goal programming based decision support system for logistics of Humanitarian Aid. TOP 19, pp. 464-479.