
Las publicaciones del grupo de investigación se dividen en tres bloques: libros y capítulos de libros, publicaciones en revistas científicas y en conferencias, así mismo dentro de cada bloque se diferencian las publicaciones por proyectos que están relacionados con la publicación o conferencia o publicaciones de Astrofísica.


Caracterización de meteroides y asteroides con el Observatorio Ultavioleta LunarAna Inés Gómez de Castro, María Frutos, Ada CanetCapítulo de libro. Imprint: Colex, ebook. ISBN: 978-84-1194-386-4. PUB DATE: Jun 14, 20242024PROYECTO OUL

The investigation of the origin of life at ultraviolet wavelengths

Gómez de Castro, A.I., Canet, Ada.Capítulo de libro. Imprint: Elsevier, Print. ISBN: 9780128191705. eBook ISBN: 9780128191712. PUB DATE: Apr 08, 20212021ASTROFÍSICA
The next generation of UV astronomical observatories and the investigation of the origin of lifeGómez de Castro, A.I., et al.Capítulo de libro. Imprint: Elsevier, Print. ISBN: 9780128191705. eBook ISBN: 9780128191712. PUB DATE: Apr 08, 20212021ASTROFÍSICA
Ultraviolet Astronomy and the Quest for the Origin of LifeGómez de Castro, A.I.Imprint: Elsevier, Print. ISBN: 9780128191705. eBook ISBN: 9780128191712. PUB DATE: Apr 08, 20212021ASTROFÍSICA
The World Space Observatory-UV project as a tool for exoplanet scienceShustov, Sachkov, Bisikalo, Gomez de Castro. Characterizing Stellar and Exoplanetary Environments, Ap&SS Science Library, Vol. 411, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-09748-0, 2015. 2015PROYECTO WSO-UV
The Universe in Ultraviolet LightGómez de Castro, A.I.UV Radiation: Properties, Effects, and Applications, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN 978-1-63321-090-5, 20142014ASTROFÍSICA
Young Stellar Objects and Protostellar DisksGómez de Castro, A.I.Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems Vol. 4, ISBN 978-94-007-5614-4, 20132013ASTROFÍSICA
El Universo Ultravioleta / Ultraviolet Universe (español/inglés)Eds. Gómez de Castro, A.I., Sánchez Doreste, N., Sestito, P., et al.Ed. Complutense, ISBN: 978-84-9983-132-9, 2012.2012ASTROFÍSICA
UV Astronomy 2011Eds. Shustov, B., Gómez de Castro, A.I., Sachkov, M.E., Dopita, M.Ed. Springer, ISBN: 978-94-007-2572-0, 2012.2012ASTROFÍSICA
The Imaging and Slitless Spectroscopy Instrument for Surveys (ISSIS) for the World Space Observatory - Ultraviolet (WSO-UV) Eds. ISSIS Science Working Group: Gómez de Castro, A.I., Sánchez Doreste, N., Sestito, P., et al. Ed. Complutense, ISBN: 978-84-9938-105-3, 2012. 2012PROYECTO WSO-UV
La ciencia espacial y el proyecto World Space Observatory-Ultraviolet (WSO-UV)Gomez de Castro, Ana I. II Seminario sobre actividades espaciales y Derecho, Instituto Iberoamerico de Derecho Aeronáutico y del Espacio y de la Aviacion Comercial, ISBN: 978-84-614-6018-2, 2012. 2012PROYECTO WSO-UV
The birth of planetary systemsGómez de Castro, A.I.Postcards from the Edge of the Universe, European Southern Observatory, ISBN 978-3-923524-64-8, 20102010ASTROFÍSICA
Space Astronomy: the UV Window to the UniverseEds. Gómez de Castro A.I. , Brosch N.Ed. Springer, ISBN 978-90-481-3005-4, 2009.2009ASTROFÍSICA
UV Astronomy: Stars from Birth to DeathEds. Gómez de Castro, A.I., Barstow M.A.Ed. Complutense, ISBN 978-84-7491-852-6, 2007.2007ASTROFÍSICA
Fundamental Questions in Astrophysics: Guidelines for Future UV ObservatoriesEds. Gómez de Castro A.I., Wamsteker W.Ed. Springer, ISBN 978-1-4020-4839-5, 2006.2006ASTROFÍSICA
El Proyecto WSO-UV / España 2003-2005. The WSO-UV Project 2003-2005 (español/inglés) Eds. Gómez de Castro A.I., Verdugo E. Ed. Complutense, ISBN: 978-84-7491-807-6, 2006.2006PROYECTO WSO-UV
Evolution of Chemistry in the envelope of HOt CorinoS (ECHOS): II. The puzzling chemistry of isomers as revealed by the HNCS/HSCN ratioEsplugues, G. ; Rodríguez-Baras, M. ; Navarro-Almaida, D. ; Fuente, A. ; et alAstronomy and Astrophysics,Astronomy
Astrophysics, A&A, 692, A5
Binding Energies and Vibrational Spectral Features of S n Species on Amorphous Water-ice Mantles: A Quantum Mechanical Study. Perrero, Jessica; Beitia-Antero, Leire; Fuente, Asunción et al.The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 971, Issue 1, id.36, 11 pp.2024ASTROFÍSICA
Gas phase Elemental abundances in Molecular cloudS (GEMS). X. Observational effects of turbulence on the chemistry of molecular clouds. Beitia-Antero, L. ; Fuente, A. ; Navarro-Almaida, D. ; Gómez de Castro, A. I. ; et al.Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 688, id.A188, 17 pp.2024ASTROFÍSICA
Grain growth and its chemical impact in the first hydrostatic core phase. Navarro-Almaida, D. ; Lebreuilly, U.; Hennebelle, P. ; et alAstronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 685, id.A112, 24 pp.2024ASTROFÍSICA
On the source of the Fe K-alpha emission in T Tauri Stars. Radiation induced by relativistic electrons during flares. An application to RY TauAna I. Gomez de Castro, Anna Antonicci, Juan Carlos VallejoAstronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. GomezdeCastro2024ASTROFÍSICA
Stellar wind impact on early atmospheres around unmagnetized Earth-like planetsAda Canet, Jacobo Valera, Ana I gómez de castroMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, stae12672024ASTROFÍSICA
Past the outer rim, into the unknown: structures beyond the Kuiper Cliff de la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, R. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 527, Issue 1, pp.L110-L114
When the horseshoe fits: Characterizing 2023 FY3 with the 10.4 m Gran Telescopio Canarias and the Two-meter Twin Telescope de la Fuente Marcos, R. ; de la Fuente Marcos, C. ; de León, J.; et al.Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 681, id.A4, 9 pp.
Uncovering a new group of T Tauri stars in the Taurus-Auriga molecular complex from Gaia and GALEX data Gómez de Castro, Ana Inés ; de la Fuente Marcos, Raúl ; Canet, Ada ; Beitia-Antero, Leire ; Yáñez-Gestoso, Javier ; Carlos Vallejo, JuanAstronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 681, id.A72, 12 pp.
Theoretical modeling of the adsorption of neutral and charged sulphur-bearing species onto olivine nanoclusters the adsorption of neutral and charged sulphur-bearing species onto olivine nanoclusters Perrero, Jessica ; Beitia-Antero, Leire; Fuente, Asunción ; Ugliengo, Piero; Rimola, Albert.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Advance Access.2023ASTROFÍSICA
Polarized microwave emission from space particles in the upper atmosphere of the Earth López-Viejobueno, Jennifer; Beitia-Antero, Leire; Gómez de Castro, Ana I. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 526, Issue 3, pp.3519-35382023ASTROFÍSICA
Large-scale structures in the stellar wind of fast-rotating stars spawned by the presence of Earth-like planets Canet, Ada; Gómez de Castro, Ana I. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 525, Issue 1, pp.286-2962023ASTROFÍSICA
Borderline hyperbolic comet C/2021 O3 (PANSTARRS) was fading as it approached the Sun Evangelista-Santana, De Prá, M. ; Carvano, J. M., de la Fuente Marcos, R, et alMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 524, Issue 2, pp.2733-2740
The IAU recommended photometric system for ultraviolet astronomy Ana I. Gómez de Castro, Noah Brosch, Daniela Bettoni, Leire Beitia-Antero, et al.Experimental Astronomy, Volume 56, Issue 1, p.171-1952023ASTROFÍSICA
Gas phase Elemental abundances in Molecular cloudS (GEMS). VII. Sulfur elemental abundance Fuente, A. ; Rivière-Marichalar, P. ; Beitia-Antero, L. ; et al.Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023A&A...670A.114F2023ASTROFÍSICA
Mini-moons from horseshoes: A physical characterization of 2022 NX1 with OSIRIS at the 10.4 m Gran Telescopio Canarias de la Fuente Marcos, R. ; de León, J. ; de la Fuente Marcos, C., et al.Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 670, id.L10, 8 pp.
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomyde la Fuente Marcos, Carlos; de la Fuente Marcos, Raúl.Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Volume 134, Issue 5, article id.382022ASTROFÍSICA
Deep and fast Solar System flybys: the controversial case of WD 0810-353de la Fuente Marcos, R. ; de la Fuente Marcos, C.Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 668, id.A14, 9 pp2022ASTROFÍSICA
How to Become a Mini-moon: Some Hints from 2022 NX1de la Fuente Marcos, Raúl ; de la Fuente Marcos, Carlos.Research Notes of the AAS, Volume 6, Issue 8, id.160.2022ASTROFÍSICA
The Closest Past Flyby of a Known Star to the Solar System: HD 7977, UCAC4 237-008148 or WISE J072003.20-084651.2? de la Fuente Marcos, Raúl ; de la Fuente Marcos, Carlos.Research Notes of the AAS, Volume 6, Issue 7, id.152.2022ASTROFÍSICA
An Update on the Future Flyby of Gliese 710 to the Solar System Using Gaia DR3: Flyby Parameters Reproduced, Uncertainties Reduced de la Fuente Marcos, Raúl ; de la Fuente Marcos, Carlos.Research Notes of the AAS, Volume 6, Issue 6, id.136.2022ASTROFÍSICA
Recent arrivals to the main asteroid belt de la Fuente Marcos, R. ; de la Fuente Marcos, C.Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Volume 134, Issue 5, article id.382022ASTROFÍSICA
Assessing the complexity of orbital parameters after asymmetric kick in binary pulsars Taani, Ali ; Vallejo, Juan C. ; Abu-Saleem, Mohammed.Journal of High Energy Astrophysics, Volume 35, p. 83-90.
Twisted extreme trans-Neptunian orbital parameter space: statistically significant asymmetries confirmed de la Fuente Marcos, C. ; de la Fuente Marcos, R. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 512, Issue 1, pp. L6-L10 , May 20222022ASTROFÍSICA
Distant trans-Neptunian object candidates from NASA's TESS mission scrutinized: fainter than predicted or false positives?de la Fuente Marcos, R. ; de la Fuente Marcos, C.; Vaduvescu, O. ; Stănescu, M. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 513, Issue 1, pp.L78-L822022ASTROFÍSICA
Physical and dynamical characterization of hyperbolic comet C/2017 U7 (PANSTARRS) Evangelista-Santana, M.; Carvano, J. M.; De Prá, M.; de la Fuente Marcos, R. et al.Icarus, Volume 377, article id. 114834, May 20222022ASTROFÍSICA
Centaur 2013 VZ70: Debris from Saturn's irregular moon population?de la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, RAstronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 657, id.A59, 10 pp., January 20222022ASTROFÍSICA
Approach to build a dedicated space born small aperture UV telescope for the long term study of comets (Comet-UV project)Sachkov, M. ; Shugarov, A. ; Shmagin, V. ; Kartashova, A.Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, vol. 51, no. 3, p. 249-256., December 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
The Indo-Russian UV Spectrograph Project for the Chinese Space Station (SING)Sachkov, M. E. ; Chandra, Bharat et al.Solar System Research, Volume 55, Issue 7, p.688-691, December 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
Hot Spots Drift in Synchronous and Asynchronous Polars: Results of Three-Dimensional Numerical SimulationBisikalo, Dmitry ; Sobolev, Andrey ; Zhilkin, AndreyGalaxies, vol. 9, issue 4, p. 110, November 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
Multi-Component MHD Model of Hot Jupiter Envelopes. UniverseZhilkin, Andrey; Bisikalo, DmitriUniverse, vol. 7, issue 11, p. 422, November 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
Roaming the Relativistic Realm: Short-term Dynamical Evolution of Atira 2021 PH27de la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, RResearch Notes of the AAS, Volume 5, Issue 9, id.205, 0 pp., september 20212021ASTROFÍSICA
Formation of ring-like structures in flared α-discs with X-ray/FUV photoevaporationJuan C. Vallejo, Ana Inés Gómez de Castro, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 508, Issue 1, November 2021, Pages 950–9652021ASTROFÍSICA
Self-Similar Perturbation of an Accretion Disc around Merging Black HolesZhilkin, A. G. ; Bisikalo, D. VAstronomy Reports, Volume 65, Issue 11, p.1102-1121, November 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
Optical telescope with 3.75 ° field of view and pre-aperture slewing mirror with observation area of 50 ° ×120 ° for the system of observation of day time asteroids (the SODA project)Shugarov, A. S. ; Shmagin, V. E. ; Buslaeva, A. I.INASAN Science Reports, Volume 6(2), pp. 60-67. OCTOBER 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
How many interstellar visitors are there in the Solar System?Shustov, B. M.INASAN Science Reports, Volume 6(1), pp. 16-21, October 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
The role of atmospheric outflows in the migration of hot JupitersShematovich, V. I. ; Bisikalo, D. V.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 506, Issue 3, pp.3128-3137, September 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
Peculiar orbits and asymmetries in extreme trans-Neptunian spacede la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, RMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 506, Issue 1, pp.633-649, September 20212021ASTROFÍSICA
A Kinetic Model for Precipitation of Solar-Wind Protons into the Martian AtmosphereShematovich, V. I. ; Bisikalo, D. VAstronomy Reports, Volume 65, Issue 9, p.869-875, September 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
Gas envelopes of exoplanets - hot JupitersBisikalo, D. V. ; Shematovich, V. I. ; Kaygorodov, P. V. ; Zhilkin, A. G.Physics - Uspekhi, Volume 64, Issue 8, pp.747-800, August 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
MHD Model of the Interaction of a Coronal Mass Ejection with the Hot Jupiter HD 209458bZhilkin, A. G. ; Bisikalo, D. V. ; Kolymagina, E. AAstronomy Reports, Volume 65, Issue 8, p.676-692, August 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
Erratum to: The Sweeping-out of Dust by Radiation Pressure of Stars and Chemical Composition Peculiarities of Disc GalaxiesSivkova, E. E. ; Wiebe, D. S. ; Shustov, B. M.Astronomy Reports, Volume 65, Issue 7, p.632-632, July 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
On the Dynamic Evolution of the Population of Near-Earth AsteroidsZolotarev, R. V. ; Shustov, B. M.Astronomy Reports, Volume 65, Issue 6, p.518-527, June 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
Activity of the Jupiter co-orbital comet P/2019 LD2 (ATLAS) observed with OSIRIS at the 10.4 m GTCLicandro, J. ; de León, J. ; Moreno, F. ; de la Fuente Marcos, C. ; de la Fuente Marcos, R., et al.Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 650, id.A79, 10 pp. , June 20212021ASTROFÍSICA
The Sweeping-out of Dust by Radiation Pressure of Stars and Chemical Composition Peculiarities of Disc GalaxieSivkova, E. E. ; Wiebe, D. S. ; Shustov, BAstronomy Reports, Volume 65, Issue 5, p.370-384, May 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
Three-Dimensional Model of the Flow Structure in the Asynchronous Polar CD Ind during Magnetic Pole SwitchingSobolev, A. V. ; Zhilkin, A. G. ; Bisikalo, D. V. ; Buckley, D. A. HAstronomy Reports, Volume 65, Issue 5, p.392-411, May 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
Evolution of Earth-like extended exospheres orbiting solar-like starsCanet, Ada, Gómez de Castro, A.I.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 502, Issue 4, 2021, pp.6170-6176., May 20212021ASTROFÍSICA
The active centaur 2020 MK4de la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, R.; Licandro, J.; Serra-Ricart, M.; Martino, S.; de León, J.; Chaudry, F.; Alarcón, M. R.Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 649, id.A85, 15 pp., May 20212021ASTROFÍSICA
Life as the Only Reason for the Existence of N2-O2-Dominated AtmospheresSproß, L. ; Scherf, M. ; Shematovich, V. I. ; Bisikalo, D. V. ; Lammer, H.Astronomy Reports, Volume 65, Issue 4, p.275-296, April 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
Towards a BRICS Optical Transient Network (BRICS-OTN)Buckley, David; McBride, Vanessa, Shustov, B. et alAn. Acad. Bras. Ciênc., 2021, vol.93, suppl.1. ISSN 0001-3765, article id.e20200917, April 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
Dust Growth in Molecular Cloud Envelopes: A Numerical ApproachLeire Beitia-Antero, Ana I. Gómez de Castro.The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 909, Number 2, March 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
Effect of Variations in the Extended Hydrogen Corona of Mars on the Efficiency of Charge Exchange with Solar Wind ProtonsShematovich, V. I. ; Bisikalo, D. V. ; Zhilkin, A. G.Astronomy Reports, Volume 65, Issue 3, p.203-208, March 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
Discovery of the First Interstellar Comet and the Spatial Density of Interstellar Objects in the Solar NeighborhoodBorisov, G. V. ; Shustov, B. MSolar System Research, Volume 55, Issue 2, p.124-131, March 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
Memories of past close encounters in extreme trans-Neptunian space: Finding unseen planets using pure random searchesde la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, R.Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 646, id.L14, 9 pp., February 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
Formation of Dust Filaments in the Diffuse Envelopes of Molecular CloudsLeire Beitia-Antero, Ana Inés Gómez de Castro, Juan Carlos Vallejo

The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 908, Issue 2, page 908, February 2021.

Transient Terrestrial Trojans: Comparative Short-term Dynamical Evolution of 2010 TK7 and 2020 XL5de la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, R.Research Notes of the AAS, Volume 5, Issue 2, id.29, 0 pp., 2021.2021ASTROFÍSICA
Graphite to diamond transition induced by photoelectric absorption of ultraviolet photonsAna I. Gomez de Castro, Maikel Rheinstädter, Patrick Clancy, et al.Scientific Reports volume 11, Article number: 2492 (2021)2021ASTROFÍSICA
WSO-UV Project: New Touches Shustov, B. M. ; Sachkov, M. E. et al.Solar System Research, Volume 55, Issue 7, p.677-687, december 20212021PROYECTO WSO-UV
Using Mars co-orbitals to estimate the importance of rotation-induced YORP break-up events in Earth co-orbital spacede la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, R.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 501, Issue 4, pp.6007-6025 (2021)2021ASTROFÍSICA
Accretion and inter-cycle variations in the PMS interacting binary AK ScoAna I. Gomez de Castro, Juan Carlos Vallejo, Ada Canet-Varea, Parke Loyd, Kevin FranceThe Astrophysical Journal, Volume 904, Number 2 (2020)2020ASTROFÍSICA
High reddening patches in Gaia DR2. Possible artifacts or indication of star formation at the edge of the Galactic diskBeitia-Antero, Leire; Gómez de Castro, Ana Inés; de la Fuente Marcos, Raúl 2020A&A...634A..33B 2020ASTROFÍSICA
Physical characterization of 2020 AV2, the first known asteroid orbiting inside Venus orbitPopescu, M.; de León, J.; de la Fuente Marcos, C.; Vaduvescu, O.; de la Fuente Marcos, R., et al.2020MNRAS.496.3572P2020ASTROFÍSICA
Visible and near-infrared observations of interstellar comet 2I/Borisov with the 10.4-m GTC and the 3.6-m TNG telescopesde León, J.; Licandro, J.; de la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, R., et al.2020MNRAS.495.2053D2020ASTROFÍSICA
On the orbital evolution of 2020 AV2, the first asteroid ever observed to go around the Sun inside the orbit of Venusde la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, R.2020MNRAS.494L...6D2020ASTROFÍSICA
High reddening patches in Gaia DR2. Possible artifacts or indication of star formation at the edge of the Galactic diskBeitia-Antero, Leire; Gómez de Castro, Ana Inés; de la Fuente Marcos, Raúl2020A&A...634A..33B2020ASTROFÍSICA
On the orbital evolution of meteoroid 2020 CD3, a temporarily captured orbiter of the Earth-Moon systemde la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, R.2020MNRAS.494.1089D2020ASTROFÍSICA
Comet C/2018 V1 (Machholz-Fujikawa-Iwamoto): dislodged from the Oort Cloud or coming from interstellar space?de la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, R.2019MNRAS.489..951D2019ASTROFÍSICA
Understanding the evolution of Atira-class asteroid 2019 AQ3, a major step towards the future discovery of the Vatira populationde la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, R.2019MNRAS.487.2742D2019ASTROFÍSICA
Flying far and fast: the distribution of distant hypervelocity star candidates from Gaia DR2 datade la Fuente Marcos, R.; de la Fuente Marcos, C.2019A&A...627A.104D2019ASTROFÍSICA
Spectroscopic and dynamical properties of comet C/2018 F4, likely a true average former member of the Oort cloudLicandro, J.; de la Fuente Marcos, C.; de la Fuente Marcos, R.; et al.2019A&A...625A.133L2019ASTROFÍSICA
Structure of X-ray emitting jets close to the launching site: from embedded to disk-bearing sourcesUstamujic, S.; Orlando, S.; Bonito, R.; Miceli, M.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.

Is Life an Unavoidable Consequence of the Formation of the Universe? Investigating the Formation of Bio-Precursors and the Signature of Earth-Like Living FormsGómez de Castro, A. I.Front. Astron. Space Sci. 5:22. doi: 10.3389/fspas.2018.000222018ASTROFÍSICA
Imaging and Characterization of Extrasolar Planets with the Next Generation of Space TelescopesGómez de Castro, A. I.Geosciences 2018, 8 (12), 442; 2018ASTROFÍSICA
The interplay between the viscosity and EUV radiation on the dispersal of protoplanetary discsVallejo, J.C., Gomez de Castro, A.I.2018, APSS, 363, 2462018ASTROFÍSICA
The science case for POLLUX, a high-resolution UV spectropolarimeter onboard LUVOIRBouret, Jean-Claude; Neiner, Coralie; Gómez de Castro, Ana I., et al.

On the Use of Logistic Regression for stellar classification. An application to colour-colour diagramsBeitia-Antero, L.; Yáñez, J.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.2018Experimental Astronomy, Volume 45, Issue 3, pp.379-3952018ASTROFÍSICA
Comets in UVShustov, B.; Sachkov, M.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.; Vallejo, J. C.; Kanev, E.; Dorofeeva, V.2018Ap&SS.363...64S, 20182018ASTROFÍSICA
The World Space Observatory Ultraviolet (WSO-UV), as a bridge to future UV astronomyShustov, B.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.; Sachkov, M.; Vallejo, J. C.; Marcos-Arenal, P. et al.2018Ap&SS.363...62S, 20182018PROYECTO WSO-UV
On the feasibility of studying the exospheres of Earth-like exoplanets by Lyman-alpha monitoring. Detectability constraints for nearby M starsGomez de Castro, Ana I.; Beitia-Antero, Leire; Ustamujic, Sabina2018ExA....45..147C2018ASTROFÍSICA
Interstellar extinction in Orion. Variation of the strength of the UV bump across the complexL. Beitia-Antero y Ana I. Gómez de CastroMNRAS, 469, (3): 2531-2538, 2017.2017ASTROFÍSICA
Ultraviolet astronomy with small space telescopesBrosch, N.; Goméz De Castro, Ana I.; Murthy, J. et al.2017CoSka..47..200B, 20172017ASTROFÍSICA
Optical design of Arago's spectropolarimeterGomez de Castro, A.I., Pertenais, M.; Neiner, C.; Bouillot, A. et al.2017SPIE10562E..2AP, 20172017ASTROFÍSICA
Ultraviolet astronomy with small space telescopesN. Brosch;, Ana Ines Gomez De Castro;, J. Murthy, E. N. Ribak, E. Behar and V. BalabanovContrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnat´e Pleso 47, 1 – 8, (2017)2017ASTROFÍSICA
WSO-UV Project for Stellar AstrophysicsGomez de Castro, A.I., Sachkov, M., Shustov, B., et al.2017ASPC..510..568S, 20172017PROYECTO WSO-UV
New Imaging Instrument Onboard the WSO-UVGomez de Castro, A.I., Sachkov, M., Shustov, B., et al.2017ASPC..510..573S, 20172017PROYECTO WSO-UV
Finding the UV-Visible Path Forward: Proceedings of the Community Workshop to Plan the Future of UV/Visible Space AstrophysicsGomez de Castro, A.I., et al.PASP..129g6001S, 20172017PROYECTO WSO-UV
WUVS simulator: detectability of spectral lines with the WSO-UV spectrographsMarcos-Arenal, Pablo; de Castro, Ana I. Gómez; Abarca, Belén Perea; Sachkov, Mikhail2017JATIS...3b5002M, 2017.2017PROYECTO WSO-UV
Scientific problems addressed by the Spektr-UV space project (world space Observatory—Ultraviolet)Boyarchuk, A. A., Shustov, B. M., Savanov, I. S., Sachkov, M. E., Gomez de Castro, A.I., et al. Astronomy Reports, 60, 1, 2016. 2016PROYECTO WSO-UV
Reflections on the discovery space for a large ultraviolet-visible telescope: inputs from the European-led EUVO exerciseGómez de Castro, A. I.; Gaensicke, B.; Neiner, C; Barstow, M.A.Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 2, 041215, 20162016ASTROFÍSICA
A database of synthetic photometry in the GALEX ultraviolet bands for the stellar sources observed with the International Ultraviolet ExplorerBeitia-Antero, L.; Gómez de Castro, A.I.A&A, 596, A49, 2016.2016ASTROFÍSICA
Protoplanetary Disk Shadowing by Gas Infalling onto the Young Star AK ScoGómez de Castro, Ana I.; Loyd, Robert O. P.; France, Kevin; Sytov, Alexey; Bisikalo, DmitryApJL, 818, L17, 2016.2016ASTROFÍSICA
Protoplanetary Disk Shadowing by Gas Infalling onto the Young Star AK ScoGómez de Castro, Ana I.; Loyd, Robert O. P.; France, Kevin; Sytov, Alexey; Bisikalo, Dmitry2016ApJ...818L..17G, 20162016ASTROFÍSICA
Formation of X-ray emitting stationary shocks in magnetized protostellar jetsUstamujic, S.; Orlando, S.; Bonito, R.; Miceli, M.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.; López-Santiago, J.2016A&A...596A..99U, 20162016ASTROFÍSICA
Close PMS Binaries Evolution - Hints for Planet FormationGomez De Castro, Ana; Bisikalo, Dmitry; Sytov, Alexey; Ustamujic, Sabina2016cosp...41E.700G, 20162016ASTROFÍSICA
A database of synthetic photometry in the GALEX ultraviolet bands for the stellar sources observed with the International Ultraviolet ExplorerBeitia-Antero, Leire; Gómez de Castro, Ana I.2016A&A...596A..49B, 20162016ASTROFÍSICA
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Synthetic GALEX photometry for IUE sources (Beitia-Antero+, 2016)Beitia-Antero, L.; Gomez de Castro, A. I.2016yCat..35960049B, 20162016ASTROFÍSICA
Reflections on the discovery space for a large ultraviolet-visible telescope: inputs from the European-led EUVO exerciseGómez de Castro, Ana I.; Gaensicke, Boris; Neiner, Coralie; Barstow, Martin A.2016JATIS...2d1215G, 20162016ASTROFÍSICA
Accretion physics in T Tauri starsGómez de Castro, Ana I2016acps.confE..18G, 20162016ASTROFÍSICA
Hydrogen diffusion and trapping in nanocrystalline tungstenPiaggi, P. M.; Bringa, E. M.; Pasianot, R. C.; Gordillo, N.; Panizo-Laiz, M.; del Río, J.; Gómez de Castro, C.; Gonzalez-Arrabal, R.2015JNuM..458..233P, 20152015ASTROFÍSICA
A GALEX-based Search for the Sparse Young Stellar Population in the Taurus-Aurigae Star Forming RegionGómez de Castro, Ana I.; Lopez-Santiago, Javier; López-Martínez, Fatima; Sánchez, Néstor; Sestito, Paola; de Castro, Elisa; Cornide, Manuel; Yañez Gestoso, Javier2015ApJS..216...26G, 20152015ASTROFÍSICA
VizieR Online Data Catalog: GALEX search for T Tauri in Taurus-Auriga Gomez de Castro, A. I.; Lopez-Santiago, J.; Lopez-Martinez, F.; Sanchez, N.; Sestito, P.; de Castro, E.; Cornide, M.; Gestoso, J. Y2015yCat..22160026G, 20152015ASTROFÍSICA
X-ray emission from stellar jets by collision against high-density molecular clouds: an application to HH 248Lopez-Santiago, J., Bonito, R., Orellana, M. et al.ApJ, 806, id. 53, 2015.2015ASTROFÍSICA
Variation of the ultraviolet extinction law across the Taurus-Auriga star-forming complex. A GALEX based studyGómez de Castro, A.I., Lopez-Santiago, J., Lopez-Martinez, F. et al.MNRAS, 449, 3867, 2015.2015ASTROFÍSICA
Constraints to the magnetospheric properties of T Tauri stars - II. The Mg II ultraviolet featureLopez-Martinez, F., Gomez de Castro, A.I.MNRAS, 448, 484, 2015.2015ASTROFÍSICA
A GALEX-based Search for the Sparse Young Stellar Population in the Taurus-Aurigae Star Forming RegionGomez de Castro, A.I., Lopez-Santiago, J., Lopez-Martinez, F. et al.ApJ Supp., 216, id. 26, 2015.2015ASTROFÍSICA
Preface: Stars, galaxies and star formation history in the UVGómez de Castro, A. I; Shea, M. A.2014AdSpR..53..899G, 2014.2014ASTROFÍSICA
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Young stellar object candidates toward OrionSanchez, N.; Gomez de Castro, A. I.; Lopez-Martinez, F.; Lopez-Santiago, J.2014yCat..35720089S, 2014.2014ASTROFÍSICA
MOSAIX: a tool to built large mosaics from GALEX imagesArmengot, Marcelo; Sánchez, Nestor; López-Santiago, Javier; Gómez de Castro, Ana Inés2014Ap&SS.354..113A, 2014.2014ASTROFÍSICA
Building galaxies, stars, planets and the ingredients for life between the stars. The science behind the European Ultraviolet-Visible ObservatoryGómez de Castro, Ana I.; Appourchaux, Thierry; Barstow, Martin A., et al.2014Ap&SS.354..229G, 2014.2014ASTROFÍSICA
Young stellar object candidates toward the Orion region selected from GALEXSanchez, N., Gomez de Castro, A.I., Lopez-Martinez, F., Lopez-Santiago, J.A&A, 572, id.A89, 2014.2014ASTROFÍSICA
The PLATO Simulator: modelling of high-precision high-cadence space-based imagingMarcos-Arenal, P., Zima, W., De Ridder, J., et al.A&A, 566, id.A92, 2014.2014ASTROFÍSICA
MOSAIX: a tool to built large mosaics from GALEX imagesArmengot, M., Sanchez, N., Lopez-Santiago, J., Gomez de Castro, A.I.Ap&SS, 354, 113, 2014.2014ASTROFÍSICA
Constraints to the magnetospheric properties of T Tauri stars - I. The C II], Fe II] and Si II] ultraviolet featuresLopez-Martinez, F., Gomez de Castro, A.I.MNRAS, 442, 2951, 2014.2014ASTROFÍSICA
Building galaxies, stars, planets and the ingredients for life between the stars. The science behind the European Ultraviolet-Visible ObservatoryGomez de Castro, A.I., Appourchaux, T., Barstow, M.A., et al.Ap&SS, 354, 229, 2014.2014ASTROFÍSICA
Preface: Stars, galaxies and star formation history in the UVGomez de Castro, A.I., Shea, M.A.Advances in Space Research, 53, 899, 2014.2014ASTROFÍSICA
UV image processing to detect diffuse cloudsArmengot, M.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.; López-Santiago, J.; Sánchez-Doreste, N.Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VIII, 863, 20142014ASTROFÍSICA
Numerical simulations of jet- interstellar medium interactionsUstamujic, S.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.; López-Santiago, J.Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VIII, 617, 20142014ASTROFÍSICA
Young Stellar Object candidates from GALEX toward OrionSanchez, N.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.; Lopez-Martinez, F.; López-Santiago, J.Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VIII, 616, 20142014ASTROFÍSICA
WSO-UV progress and expectationsShustov, B., Gomez de Castro, A.I., Sachkov, M., et al. Ap&SS, 354, 155, 2014. 2014PROYECTO WSO-UV
Challenges on Ultraviolet Astronomy 2014 Gómez de Castro, Ana I.; Barbuy, Beatriz; Melnick, Jorge; Brosch, Noah; Sachkov, Mikhail2014Ap&SS.354....1G, 2014. 2014PROYECTO WSO-UV
Optimal strategies for surveys with WSO-UV/ISSIS - A mathematical programming and heuristic approachesYanez, J., Gomez de Castro, A.I., Lopez-Santiago, J. Experimental Astronomy, 38, 11, 2014. 2014PROYECTO WSO-UV
The Imaging and Slitless Spectroscopy Instrument for Surveys (ISSIS): expected radiometric performance, operation modes and data handlingGomez de Castro, A.I., Belen Perea, G., Sanchez, N., et al. Ap&SS, 354, 177, 2014. 2014PROYECTO WSO-UV
World Space Observatory-Ultraviolet: ISSIS, the imaging instrumentGomez de Castro, A.I., Sestito, P., Sanchez, N., et al. Advances in Space Research, 53, 996, 2014.2014PROYECTO WSO-UV
WSO-UV project for high-resolution spectroscopy and imagingSachkov, M., Shustov, B., Savanov, I., Gomez de Castro, A.I. Astronomische Nachrichten, 335, 46, 2014. 2014PROYECTO WSO-UV
WSO-UV project, M., Shustov, B., Gomez de Castro, A.I. Advances in Space Research, 53, 990, 2014. 2014PROYECTO WSO-UV
Magnetospheric properties of T Tauri stars through CII], FeII] and SiII] ultraviolet emission linesLopez-Martinez, F.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VIII, 602, 20142014ASTROFÍSICA
Building galaxies, stars, planets and the ingredients for life between the stars. A scientific proposal for a European Ultraviolet-Visible Observatory (EUVO)Gómez de Castro, A. I.; Appourchaux, T.; Barstow, M. et al.Ap&SS, 1 ,229, 2014.2014ASTROFÍSICA
XMM-Newton Monitoring of the Close Pre-main-sequence Binary AK Sco. Evidence of Tide-driven Filling of the Inner Gap in the Circumbinary DiskGomez de Castro, A.I., et al.2013ApJ...766...62G, 2013.2013ASTROFÍSICA
Evidence of Hot High Velocity Photoionized Plasma Falling on Actively Accreting T Tauri StarsGomez de Castro, A.I2013ApJ...775..131G, 2013.2013ASTROFÍSICA
Evidence of Hot High Velocity Photoionized Plasma Falling on Actively Accreting T Tauri StarsGómez de Castro, A.I.ApJ,775, 131, 2013.2013ASTROFÍSICA
Evidence of Non-thermal X-Ray Emission from HH 80López-Santiago, J.; Peri, C. S.; Bonito, R. et al.ApJ Letters, 776, L22, 2013.2013ASTROFÍSICA
Crucial aspects of the initial mass function. I. The statistical correlation between the total mass of an ensemble of stars and its most massive starCerviño, M.; Román-Zúñiga, C.; Luridiana, V. et al.A&A, 553, id.A31, 2013.2013ASTROFÍSICA
Crucial aspects of the initial mass function. II. The inference of total quantities from partial information on a clusterCerviño, M.; Román-Zúñiga, C.; Bayo, A. et al.A&A, 553, id.A32, 2013.2013ASTROFÍSICA
XMM-Newton Monitoring of the Close Pre-main-sequence Binary AK Sco. Evidence of Tide-driven Filling of the Inner Gap in the Circumbinary DiskGómez de Castro, A. I.; López-Santiago, J.; Talavera, A. et al.ApJ,766, 62, 2013.2013ASTROFÍSICA
Extended Magnetospheres in Pre-main-sequence Evolution: From T Tauri Stars to the Brown Dwarf LimitGómez de Castro, Ana I.; Marcos-Arenal, Pablo2012ApJ...749..190G, 20122012ASTROFÍSICA
Evidence of accretion triggered oscillations in the pre-main-sequence interacting binary AK ScoGomez de Castro, Ana I; Lopez-Santiago, Javier; Talavera, Antonio2012arXiv1210.3226G, 20122012ASTROFÍSICA
ISSIS: the imaging and slitless spectroscopy instrument for surveys in the World Space Observatory-Ultraviolet telescopeGomez de Castro, Ana I.; Sanchez, Nestor; et al.2012SPIE.8443E..2WG, 20122012PROYECTO WSO-UV
The Dependence of Prestellar Core Mass Distributions on the Structure of the Parental CloudParravano, A., Sánchez, N., Alfaro, E.J.ApJ, 754, 150, 2012.2012ASTROFÍSICA
The ultraviolet survey of the Gould Belt: general properties of the Taurus star forming regionGómez de Castro, A.I., Lopez-Santiago, J., Sestito, P., et al.Ap&SS, 335, 97, 2011.2011ASTROFÍSICA
On the source of dense outflows from T Tauri stars - III. Winds driven from the star-disc shear layerGómez de Castro, A.I., von Rekowski, B.MNRAS, 411, 849, 2011.2011ASTROFÍSICA
XMM-Newton investigations of the Lambda Orionis star-forming region (XILO). I. The young cluster Collinder 69Barrado, D., Stelzer, B., Morales-Calderón, M., et al.A&A, 526, A21, 2011.2011ASTROFÍSICA
MESS (Mass-loss of Evolved StarS), a Herschel key programGroenewegen, M.A.T., Waelkens, C., Barlow, M.J., et al.A&A, 526, A162, 2011.2011ASTROFÍSICA
Photoelectric Charging of Dust Grains in the Environment of Young Stellar ObjectsPedersen, A., Gómez de Castro, A.I.ApJ, 740, 77, 2011.2011ASTROFÍSICA
The Fresnel space imager as a disk evolution watcherGómez de Castro, A.I.Experimental Astronomy, 30, 205, 2011.2011ASTROFÍSICA
Fresnel arrays and their astrophysical applications. Editorial to the Topical Issue "Space-borne Fresnel Imagers"Koechlin, L., Rivet, J.-P., Gomez de Castro, A.I.Experimental Astronomy, 30, 83, 2011.2011ASTROFÍSICA
A space Fresnel Imager for ultra-violet astrophysics: example on accretion disksRaksasataya, T., Gomez de Castro, A.-I., Koechlin, L., Rivet, J.-P.Experimental Astronomy, 30, 183, 2011.2011ASTROFÍSICA
The imaging and slitless spectroscopy instrument for surveys (ISSIS) for the world space observatory-ultraviolet (WSO-UV)Gomez de Castro, A.I., Maíz Apellániz, J., Rodriguez, P., et al. Gomez de Castro, A.I., Maíz Apellániz, J., Rodriguez, P., et al. 2011PROYECTO WSO-UV
Scientific program construction principles and time allocation scheme for the World Space Observatory - Ultraviolet missionMalkov, O., Sachkov, M., Shustov, B., et al. Ap&SS, 335, 323, 2011. 2011PROYECTO WSO-UV
World space observatory-ultraviolet among UV missions of the coming yearsShustov, B., Sachkov, M., Gómez de Castro, A.I., et al. Ap&SS, 335, 273, 2011. 2011PROYECTO WSO-UV
A model for timetabling problems with period spread constraintsLara-Velázquez, P., López-Bracho, R., Ramírez-Rodríguez, J., Yáñez, J.Journal of the Operational Research Society 62, 217, 2011.2011ASTROFÍSICA
First results on Martian carbon monoxide from Herschel/HIFI observationsHartogh, P., Blecka, M.I., Jarchow, C., et al.A&A, 521, L48, 2010.2010ASTROFÍSICA
Herschel/HIFI observations of Mars: First detection of O2 at submillimetre wavelengths and upper limits on HCl and H2O2Hartogh, P., Jarchow, C., Lellouch, E., et al.A&A, 521, L49, 2010.2010ASTROFÍSICA
First results of Herschel-PACS observations of NeptuneLellouch, E., Hartogh, P., Feuchtgruber, H., et al.A&A, 518, L152, 2010.2010ASTROFÍSICA
The Herschel-SPIRE submillimetre spectrum of MarsSwinyard, B.M., Hartogh, P., Sidher, S., et al.A&A, 518, L151, 2010.2010ASTROFÍSICA
The formation of planetary disks and winds: an ultraviolet viewGómez de Castro A.I.Ap&SS, 320, 97, 2009.2009ASTROFÍSICA
The fresnel interferometric imagerKoechlin, L., Serre, D., Deba, P., et al.Experimental Astronomy, 23, 379, 2009.2009ASTROFÍSICA
AK Sco, First Detection of a Highly Disturbed Atmosphere in a Pre-Main-Sequence Close BinaryGómez de Castro, A.I.ApJL, 698, L108, 2009.2009ASTROFÍSICA
Water and related chemistry in the solar system. A guaranteed time key programme for HerschelHartogh, P., Lellouch, E., Crovisier, J., et al.Planet. Space Sci., 57, 1596, 2009.2009ASTROFÍSICA
WSO-UV—ultraviolet mission for the next decadeShustov, B., Sachkov, M., Gómez de Castro, A.I., et al. Ap&SS, 320, 187, 2009.2009PROYECTO WSO-UV
Hot Gas in Accretion Disks and Jets: An UV View of Star FormationGómez de Castro, A.I.Protostellar Jets in Context, 43, 2009.2009ASTROFÍSICA
Understanding the Accretion Engine in Pre-main Sequence StarsGómez de Castro, A.I.American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 1135, 262, 2009.2009ASTROFÍSICA
Magnetic field measurements and wind-line variability of OB-type starsSchnerr, R.S., Henrichs, H.F., Neiner, C., et al.A&A, 483, 857, 2008.2008ASTROFÍSICA
The graph coloring problem: A neuronal network approachTalaván, P.M., Yáñez, J.European Journal of Operational Research, 191, 100, 2008.2008ASTROFÍSICA
Evidence of Stellar-driven Outflows from the Classical T Tauri Star RY TauGómez de Castro, A.I., Verdugo, E.ApJL, 654, L91, 2007.2007ASTROFÍSICA
The Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS) for AKARIKawada, M., Baba, H., Barthel, P.D., et al.PASJ, 59, 389, 2007.2007ASTROFÍSICA
Joint Discussion 4 UV astronomy: stars from birth to deathGómez de Castro, A.I., Barstow, M.A.Highlights of Astronomy, 14, 169, 2007.2007ASTROFÍSICA
The accretion engine in pre Main Sequence stars and its role in the evolution of young planetary disksGómez de Castro, A.I., Verdugo, E., von Rekowski, B.UV Astronomy: Stars from Birth to Death, 3, 2007.2007ASTROFÍSICA
On the Relevance and Future of UV Astronomyde Castro, A.I.G.Exploring the Cosmic Frontier: Astrophysical Instruments for the 21st Century, 219, 2007.2007ASTROFÍSICA
The Infrared Astronomical Mission AKARIMurakami, H., Baba, H., Barthel, P., et al.PASJ, 59, 369, 2007.2007ASTROFÍSICA
A graph coloring approach for image segmentationGómez, D., Montero, J., Yáñez, J., Poidomani, C.Omega, 35, 173, 2007.2007ASTROFÍSICA
UV Capabilities to Probe the Formation of Planetary Systems: From the ISM to PlanetsGómez de Castro, A.I., Lecavelier, A., D'Avillez, et al.Ap&SS, 303, 33, 2006.2006ASTROFÍSICA
Fundamental Problems in AstrophysicsGómez de Castro, A.I., Wamsteker, W., Barstow, M., et al.Ap&SS, 303, 133, 2006.2006ASTROFÍSICA
Massive stars in the UVNajarro, F., Herrero, A., Verdugo, E.Ap&SS, 303, 153, 2006.2006ASTROFÍSICA
On the excitation of the Fe Kalpha line in AGNs by the impact of beams of highly relativistic electrons on the diskGómez de Castro, A.I., Antonicci, A.Astronomische Nachrichten, 327, 989, 2006.2006ASTROFÍSICA
Attempts to measure the magnetic field of the pulsating B star nu EridaniSchnerr, R.S., Verdugo, E., Henrichs, H.F., Neiner, C.A&A, 452, 969, 2006.2006ASTROFÍSICA
Fundamental problems in modern astrophysics requiring access to the ultraviolet rangeGómez de Castro, A.I., Lecavelier des Etangs, A., Reimers, D.Proc. SPIE, 6266, id. 626608, 2006.2006ASTROFÍSICA
The generalized quadratic knapsack problem. A neuronal network approachTalaván, P.M., Yáñez, J.Neural Networks, 19, 416, 2006.2006ASTROFÍSICA
A coloring fuzzy graph approach for image classificationGómez, D., Montero, J., Yáñez, J.Information Sciences, 176, 3645, 2006.2006ASTROFÍSICA
Ultraviolet capabilities to study the formation of planetary systemsGómez de Castro, A.I., Verdugo, E., Ferro-Fontán, C.39TH ESLAB Symposium on Trends in Space Science and Cosmic Vision 2020, 588, 267, 2005.2005ASTROFÍSICA
The relevance and future of the ultraviolet rangeGómez de Castro, A.I., Pagano, I., Linsky, J.L.13th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, 560, 155, 2005.2005ASTROFÍSICA
On the source of dense outflows from T Tauri stars - II. Warm disc windsGómez de Castro, A.I., Ferro-Fontán, C.MNRAS, 362, 569, 2005.2005ASTROFÍSICA
A continuous Hopfield network equilibrium points algorithmTalaván, P.M., Yáñez, J.Computers and Operations Research, 32, 2179, 2005.2005ASTROFÍSICA
Coloring fuzzy graphsMuñoz, S., Teresa Ortuño, M., Ramírez, J., Yáñez, J.Omega, 33, 211, 2005.2005ASTROFÍSICA
Radiation induced by relativistic electron showers in the X-ray spectrum of Active Galactic NucleiAntonicci, A., Gómez de Castro, A.I.A&A, 432, 443, 2005.2005ASTROFÍSICA
Performance qualification of the detector on board the Spektr-UF (WSO-UV) space telescopeAna Gómez de Castro, David Moya, et al.Proc. SPIE. 13093, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray2024PROYECTO WSO-UV
An interface to evaluate the performance of photon-counting detectorsMaria Frutos, Moya David, et al.Proc. SPIE. 13093, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray2024ASTROFÍSICA
The Lunar Ultraviolet Observatory (OUL): preparatory optical activities and detectorAna Gómez de Castro, María Frutos, et al.Proc. SPIE. 13093, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray2024PROYECTO OUL
Low dispersion ultraviolet spectropolarimeter for astrobiological researchAna Gómez de Castro, Carlos Miravet, et al.Proc. SPIE. 12777, International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 20222023ASTROFÍSICA
Graphite to diamond phase transition induced by UV radiationAna I. Gómez de CastroProc. SPIE. 12201, UV and Higher Energy Photonics: From Materials to Applications 20222022ASTROFÍSICA
New near-infrared spectra of (594913) 'Aylo'chaxnim, the first known asteroid orbiting inside Venus orbit Popescu, Marcel ; de la Fuente Marcos, Carlos ; Văduvescu, Ovidiu ; de la Fuente Marcos, Raul, et al.16th Europlanet Science Congress 2022, held 18-23 September 2022 at Palacio de Congresos de Granada, Spain2022ASTROFÍSICA
The detector for the far ultraviolet channel of the imaging instrument (FCU) on board the Spectrum-UV (WSO-UV) space telescopeGómez de Castro, Ana I., Díez, Laura, Yañez, Javier, Prada, Iván, Araujo, Alejanda, et al.PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE, 2020. WSO-UV
Field camera unit of the WSO-UV missionSachkov, M., Sichevsky, S., Shustov, B., Shugarov, A., Shmagin, V., et al.PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE, 2020. WSO-UV
The World Space Observatory: ultraviolet mission: science program and status reportSachkov, M., Gómez de Castro, A. I., Shustov, BPROCEEDINGS OF SPIE, 2020. WSO-UV
MCPSim-Py: an open source pythonbased simulator of the performance of MCP photon-counting detectorsPrada, Iván, Ya��ez, Javier, Gómez de Castro,PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE, 2020. WSO-UV

Formation of structures in the wind of sun-like stars by the presence of unmagnetized terrestrial planets

Canet, Ada ; Gómez de Castro, Ana I

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Numerical simulation of the interaction between planetary exospheres and the stellar windCanet, Ada ; Gómez de Castro, Ana I

Highlights on Spanish Astrophysics X, 505-505.

Numerical simulation of the interaction between planetary exospheres and the stellar windCanet, A.; Gómez de Castro, A. I2019hsax.conf..505C2019PROYECTO WSO-UV
Taking advantage of Machine Learning to identify potential T-Tauri star candidatesBeitia-Antero, L.; Yánez, J.; Gómez de Castro, A. 2019hsax.conf..399B2019PROYECTO WSO-UV
Release of the WSO-UV Software tools to attend the call for the Core Scientific ProgramMarcos-Arenal, P.; Vallejo Chavarino, J.C.; Bustamante Bengoechea,I.;2019hsax.conf..568M2019PROYECTO WSO-UV
Performing simulations for the WSO-UV SpectrographsMarcos-Arenal, P.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.; Perea Abarca, B.; Sachkov, M2017hsa9.conf..704M, 2017.2017PROYECTO WSO-UV
Performing simulations for the WSO-UV SpectrographsPablo Marcos-Arenal, Ana I. Gómez de Castro, Belen Perea Abarca,Mikhail SachkoHighlights of Spanish Astrophysics IX, ISBN 978-84-606-8760-3 - Sociedad Españolade , 2017</a2017PROYECTO WSO-UV
The properties of diffuse interstellar dust clouds as determined from GALEX and infrared (IRAS, Herschel) observationsArmengot, M.; Gómez de Castro, A. I2017hsa9.conf..701A, 2017.2017PROYECTO WSO-UV
Modelling X-ray emitting stationary shocks in magnetized protostellar jetsUstamujic, S.; Orlando, S.; Bonito, R.; Miceli, M.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.; L��pez-Santiag2017hsa9.conf..475U, 2017.2017PROYECTO WSO-UV
Catalogue of UV sources in the GalaxyBeitia-Antero, L.; Gómez de Castro, A. I2017hsa9.conf..494B, 2017.2017PROYECTO WSO-UV
Ultraviolet Echelle spectropolarimeter for the ARAGO missionPerea Abarca, B.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.; Marcos-Arenal, P2017hsa9.conf..676P, 2017.2017PROYECTO WSO-UV
Catalogue of UV sources in the GalaxyLeire Beitia-Antero, and Ana Ines Gómez de CastrHighlights of Spanish Astrophysics IX, ISBN 978-84-606-8760-3 - Sociedad Españolade Astronomía, 2017</2017ASTROFÍSICA
Modelling X-ray emitting stationary shocks in magnetized protostellar jetsS. Ustamujic, S. Orlando, R. Bonito, M. Miceli; A. I. Gómez de Castro1, J. L opez-SantiagHighlights of Spanish Astrophysics IX, ISBN 978-84-606-8760-3 - Sociedad Españolade Astronomía, 2017</2017ASTROFÍSICA
Ultraviolet Echell�� spectropolarimeter for the ARAGO mission.Belen Perea Abarca, AnaI Gómez de Castro, and Pablo Marcos-ArenaHighlights of Spanish Astrophysics IX, ISBN 978-84-606-8760-3 - Sociedad Españolade Astronomía, 2017</2017ASTROFÍSICA
The properties of di use interstellar dust clouds as determined from GALEX and infrared (IRAS, Herschel) observationsMarcelo Armengot and Ana In��s Gómez de CHighlights of Spanish Astrophysics IX, ISBN 978-84-606-8760-3 - Sociedad Españolade Astronomía, 2017</2017ASTROFÍSICA
Science Data Management for WSO-UV Gomez De Castro, Ana; Sachkov, Mikhail; Marcos-Arenal, Pablo; Bel��n Perea Abarca, G.; Malkov, 2016cosp...41E.699G, 20162016PROYECTO WSO-UV
World Space Observatory Ultraviolet mission: status 2016 Sachkov, M; Shustov, B.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.Proc. SPIE 9905, id. 990504, 2016.2016PROYECTO WSO-UV
UVESP: ultraviolet visible Echell�� spectropolarimeter for stellar astrophysics Yushkin, M; Panchuk, V.; Perea Abarca, B.; Marcos Arenal, P.; Sachkov, M.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.Proc. SPIE 9905, id. 99052Z, 2016.2016PROYECTO WSO-UV
Simulations of the WUVS instrument Marcos Arenal, P.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.; Perea Abarca, B.; Sachkov, M.Proc. SPIE 9905, id. 990530, 2016.2016PROYECTO WSO-UV
UV image processing to detect diffuse cloudsArmengot, M.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.; L��pez-Santiago, J.; S��nchez-Do2015hsa8.conf..863A, 20152015ASTROFÍSICA
Numerical simulations of jet- interstellar medium interactionsUstamujic, S.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.; L��pez-Santiag2015hsa8.conf..617U, 20152015ASTROFÍSICA
Young Stellar Object candidates from GALEX toward OrionSanchez, N.; Gómez de Castro, A. I.; Lopez-Martinez, F.; L��pez-Santiag2015hsa8.conf..616S, 20152015ASTROFÍSICA
The Hourglass as seen with HST/WFPC2Gómez de Castro, A. I., et al2015hsa8.conf..604M, 20152015ASTROFÍSICA
Magnetospheric properties of T Tauri stars through CII], FeII] and SiII] ultraviolet emission linesLopez-Martinez, F.; Gómez de Castro, A. I2015hsa8.conf..602L, 20152015ASTROFÍSICA
WSO-UV Space Mission: The State of ArtShustov, B.; Gomez de Castro, A. I.; Sachkov, M.2015mbhe.confE..71S, 20152015PROYECTO WSO-UV
The Imaging and Slitless Spectroscopy Instrument for Surveys (ISSIS) for the World Space Observatory-Ultraviolet (WSO-UV): optical design, performance and verification tests Gómez de Castro, A. I.; Perea, B.; S��nchez, N.; Chirivella, J.; SeijasHighlights of Spanish Astrophysics VIII, 866, 2015.2015PROYECTO WSO-UV
WSO-UV progress and expectations Shustov, Boris; Gómez de Castro, Ana I.; Sachkov, Mikhail; et al2014Ap&SS.354..155S, 20142014PROYECTO WSO-UV
Instrumentation of the WSO-UV projectSachkov, M., Shustov, B., Gómez de Castro, A. I.Proc. SPIE, 9144, 2014.2014PROYECTO WSO-UV
The Imaging and Slitless Spectroscopy Instrument for WSO-UV Gomez De Castro, Ana; Perea Abarca, Belen; Sanchez, Nestor; Lopez-Santiago, Javier Proceedings of the 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly at Moscow, Russia, 2014.2014PROYECTO WSO-UV
Next step in Studying the Ultraviolet Universe: WSO-UV Shustov, Boris M.; Sachkov, Mikhail; Gomez De Castro, Ana Proceedings of the 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly at Moscow, Russia, 2014.2014PROYECTO WSO-UV
Status update of the WSO-UV project in 2012: The Spanish participation in WSO-UV Gómez de Castro, A. I.; Sestito, P.; Sanchez , N. et al.Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII, 820, 2013.2013PROYECTO WSO-UV
Pre main sequence interacting binariesGomez de Castro, A. I.; Marcos-Arenal, P.2015mbhe.confE..19G, 20152015ASTROFÍSICA
The ASTROID Simulator Software Package: Realistic Modelling of High-Precision High-Cadence Space-Based ImagingGómez de Castro, A.I.; Marcos-Arenal, PPoS, id. MULTIF15-019, 2015.2015ASTROFÍSICA
The imaging and slitless spectroscopy instrument for surveys for the WSO-UV space telescope Sestito, Paola; Sánchez, Néstor; Gómez de Castro, A.Proceedings of the 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly at Mysore, India, 2013.2013PROYECTO WSO-UV
World Space Observatory-Ultraviolet: ISSIS, the imaging instrument Gómez de Castro, A.I; Sestito, Paola; Sánchez, Néstor, et alProceedings of the 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly at Mysore, India, 2013.2013PROYECTO WSO-UV
The World Space Observatory - Ultraviolet (WSO-UV) Space Telescope; Status Update in 2013 Gómez de Castro, A. I.; Shustov, B.; Sachkov, M.The Tenth International Workshop on Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources, Palermo, Italy. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings, 1, 298, 2013.2013PROYECTO WSO-UV
AK Sco: evidence of tide driven filling of the inner gap in the circumbinary diskGomez de Castro, A.I., et al.2013prpl.conf1K080G, 2013.2013ASTROFÍSICA
Mapping the magnetospheric structure at outburst of the pre-main sequence close binary AK ScoGomez de Castro, A.I2013hst..prop13372G, 2013.2013ASTROFÍSICA
Analysis of Star-Disk Interaction in T Tauri Stars Through MG II Lines in the UVLopez-Martinez, Fatima; Gomez de Castro, Ana Ines2013prpl.conf2S006L, 2013.2013ASTROFÍSICA
A Galex Based Survey of the Taurus Star Forming RegionGomez de Castro, Ana Ines; Lopez-Martinez, Fatima; Sanchez, Nestor; Armengot, Marcelo; de Castro, Elisa; Cornide, Manuel; Yanez Gestoso, Javier, et al.2013prpl.conf1S063G, 2013.2013ASTROFÍSICA
The ASTROID Simulator Software Package: Realistic Modelling of High-Precision High-Cadence Space-Based ImagingMarcos-Arenal, P.; Zima, W.; De Ridder, J.; Huygen, R.; Aerts, C.BAASP Conference papers, Space Research Review, 2, 19, 2013.2013ASTROFÍSICA
Resources to introduce Inquire Based Scientific Education in Secondary and High SchoolGómez de Castro, A. I.; Lozano-Bright, C.; Martínez, R.; Calvo, M.; Organero, F.; Blay, P.; López-Martínez2013hsa7.conf..977G, 2013.2013PROYECTO HOU
Sailing the Sun field and the mathematics of the Solar SystemGómez de Castro, A. I.; López-Martínez, F.; Lozano, C. et European Planetary Science Congress 2012, id. EPSC2012-4182012PROYECTO HOU
Star Disk Interaction in T Tauri Stars: Analysis of the MgII LinesMartínez, F.L., de Castro, A.I.GStar Clusters in the Era of Large Surveys, 225, 2012.2012ASTROFÍSICA
ISSIS: the imaging and slitless spectroscopy instrument for surveys in the World Space Observatory-Ultraviolet telescopeGomez de Castro, A.I., Sanchez, N., Sestito, P., et al.Proc. SPIE, 8443, 2012.2012PROYECTO WSO-UV
Results from the Herschel Key Program MESSGroenewegen, M.A.T., Waelkens, C., Barlow, M.J., et al.Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars II: Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants, 445, 567, 2011.2011ASTROFÍSICA
Analysis of the Mg II lines in the T-Tauri starsLopez Martinez, F., Gomez de Castro, A.I.Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VI, 538, 2011.2011ASTROFÍSICA
Network clustering by graph coloring: An application to astronomical imagesZarrazola, E., Gómez, D., Montero, J., Yánez, J., Gómez de Castro, AIntelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA2011), 796, 2011.2011ASTROFÍSICA
WSO-UV: the space telescope for ultraviolet astronomy in 2014-2024Gómez de Castro, A.I., Shustov, B., Sachkov, M., et al.Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VI, 715, 2011.2011PROYECTO WSO-UV
WSO-UV: the challenge of the Russia-Spain shared operationsLozano, J.M., Vazquez, R., Molina, M.A., et al.Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VI, 727, 2011.2011PROYECTO WSO-UV
Astronomy: a success story in educationGómez de Castro, A.I., Rodrigo Gudiel, V., López Martínez,Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VI, 822, 2011.2011PROYECTO HOU
Mathematics and Astronomy: Inquire Based Scientific Education at Schoolde Castro, A.I.G.American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 1283, 145, 2010.2010PROYECTO HOU
First results of the HssO key programmeHartogh, P., Crovisier, J., Lelloch, E., et al.38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 38, 2469, 2010.2010ASTROFÍSICA
The Space Telescope for Ultraviolet Astronomy WSO-UVGómez de Castro, A.I., Shustov, B., Sachkov, M., et al.Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics V, 219, 2010.2010PROYECTO WSO-UV
Shared Operations Within the WSO-UV ObservatoryMolina, M.A., Lozano, J.M., Gomez, A.I., et al.SpaceOps 2010 Conference, 2010.2010PROYECTO WSO-UV
El universo en tus manos: hands-on universe, un esfuerzo global para renovar la educación científicaLópez Martínez, F., Gómez de Castro, ARevista Astronomía, 128, 76, 20102010PROYECYO HOU
AK Sco: a tidally induced atmospheric dynamo in a pre-main sequence binary?Gómez de Castro, A.I15th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, 1094, 313, 2009.2009ASTROFÍSICA
Water and related chemistry in the Solar System. A Guaranteed Time Key Programme for HerschelHartogh, P., Crovisier, J., Lellouch, E., et al.European Planetary Science Congress, 579, 2009.2009ASTROFÍSICA
The magnetic field of the B3V star 16 PegasiHenrichs, H.F., Neiner, C., Schnerr, R.S., et al.Cosmic Magnetic Fields: From Planets, to Stars and Galaxies, IAU Symposium, 259, 393, 2009.2009ASTROFÍSICA
ESA Collaboration on the AKARI MissionSalama, A., Alfageme, C., Garc��a-Lario, P., etAKARI, a Light to Illuminate the Misty Universe, 418, 19, 2009.2009ASTROFÍSICA
Partition problems for fuzzy graphsGómez, D., Montero, J., Yánez,EUROFUSE'09, 67, 2009.2009ASTROFÍSICA
Science with the World Space Observatory - UltravioletGómez de Castro, A.I., Pagano, I., Sachkov, M., et al. New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics. II. Ultraviolet Properties of Evolved Stellar Populations, 319, 2009.2009PROYECTO WSO-UV
World space observatory-ultravioletShugarov, A., Shustov, B., Sachkov, M. et al.EAS Publications Series, 37, 217 , 2009.2009PROYECTO WSO-UV
Time allocation scheme for the WSO-UV missionMalkov, O.Y., Sachkov, M., Shustov, B., et al.Proceedings of the 27th IAU General Assembly, Brazil, 2009.2009PROYECTO WSO-UV
World Space Observatory-UltraViolet: International Space Mission for the Nearest FutureSachkov, M., Gómez de Castro, A.I., Pagano, I., et al.New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics. II. Ultraviolet Properties of Evolved Stellar Populations, 301, 2009.2009PROYECTO WSO-UV
The Focal-plane Instruments on Board WSO-UVPagano, I., Sachkov, M., Gómez de Castro, A.I., et al.New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics. II. Ultraviolet Properties of Evolved Stellar Populations, 309, 2009.2009PROYECTO WSO-UV
An Algorithmic Approach to Preference RepresentationYánez, J., Montero, J., Gómez,International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 16, 1, 2008.2008ASTROFÍSICA
ESA Collaboration on the AKARI missionSalama, A., Alfageme, C., Garcia-Lario, P., et al.37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 37, 2717, 2008.2008ASTROFÍSICA
Graph coloring inconsistencies in image segmentationJaez, J., Muñoz, S., Montero, JComputational Intelligence in Decision and Control 2008, 435, 2008.2008ASTROFÍSICA
WSO-UV-Ultraviolet Mission for the Next DecadeWerner, K., Shustov, B., Sachkov, M., et al.American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 1135, 314, 2009.2009PROYECTO WSO-UV
Modular Mission Planning and Scheduling Systems in the WSO-UV observatoryVallejo, J.C., Vazquez, R., Gómez de Castro, A.I.Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVII, 394, 697, 2008.2008PROYECTO WSO-UV
Bringing Frontline astronomy in the classroom: EU-HOUGómez de Castro A.I., Hollerou C., Doran R., et alINTED2007 Proceedings, 2008.2008PROYECYO HOU
Decomposing preference relationsGómez, D., Montero, J., Yánez,FUZZ-IEEE 07, 1251, 2007.2007ASTROFÍSICA
European Hands-on UniverseDoran, R., Ferlet, R., Gómez de Castro, A.I., et alEuropean Planetary Science Congress, 940, 2007.2007PROYECYO HOU
Measuring criteria weights by means of dimension theoryGómez, D., Montero, J., Yánez,Mathware and Soft Computing, 13, 173, 2006.2006ASTROFÍSICA
Segmentación de imGóenes digitales basada en problemas de coloración para grafos valoraGómez, D., López, V., Montero, J., YánSEIO2006, 605, 2006.2006ASTROFÍSICA
Coloreando grafos con redes neuronalesYánez, J., Talaván, P.SEIO2006, 605, 2006.2006ASTROFÍSICA
El modelo de Hopfield aplicado a problemas de optimizaci��n combinatTalaván, P.M., Yánez,SICO2005, 47, 2005.2005ASTROFÍSICA
A dimension-based representation in multicriteria decisi��n maGómez, D., Montero, J., Yánez,EUSFLAT'05, 910, 2005.2005ASTROFÍSICA
Spectroscopic diagnosis of warm MHD windsGómez de Castro, A.I., Ferro-Font��13th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, 560, 579, 2005.2005ASTROFÍSICA
Do A-type Supergiants have Magnetic Fields?Verdugo, E., Henrichs, H.F., Talavera, A., et al.The Nature and Evolution of Disks Around Hot Stars, 337, 324, 2005.2005ASTROFÍSICA