Offre de thèse à l’ICJ : réécriture et théorie des représentations


nous recherchons un candidat pour une thèse financée à l’Institut Camille Jordan à l’Université Jean Monnet de Saint-Étienne, à partir de septembre 2014. Date limite de candidature 16 mai 2014.

Titre : Méthodes de réécriture en théorie des représentations – Présentations cohérentes de la 2-catégorie des bimodules de Bott-Samelson.

Résumé : L’objectif est d’étudier la catégorie des bimodules de Soergel par des méthodes de réécriture de dimension supérieure. Cette catégorie s’exprime comme l’enveloppe de Karoubi de la catégorie monoïdale des bimodules de Bott-Samelson, dont une présentation par
générateurs et relations est donnée par Elias et Williamson.

Il s’agira, d’une part, de développer des méthodes de réécriture pour les présentations de catégories monoïdales, d’autre part, d’obtenir des présentations convergentes, i.e., terminantes et confluentes, de la catégorie des bimodules de Bott-Samelson afin de décrire les propriétés algébriques et homotopiques de la catégorie de Soergel.

Sujet détaillé :

Contacts : Stéphane Gaussent ( et Philippe Malbos (

Mucha Suerte.

Seminario de Doctorandos UCM.

PostDoc positions in Computational Geometry and Topology at INRIA.

As part of the «GUDHI (Geometric Understanding in Higher Dimensions)»
ERC Advanced Investigator Grant

project (2014-2019), we are offering 2-year PostDoc positions in the
Geometrica Project Team of INRIA.

The applicants should have an excellent research record, a strong culture in mathematics and computer science and good knowledge of computational geometry and topology. We seek both theory inclined candidates and researchers with experience in high-quality software development. For more information about the project see

The applicants will work in the Geometrica project team of Inria which is located in Saclay (south of Paris) and in Sophia Antipolis (on the french Riviera) and benefit from the outstanding research environment provided by Inria. Positions are open on both sites.

Applicants must hold a Ph.D in mathematics or computer science. Appointments are research-only (with no teaching duties). They are typically for two years, with possible renewal for a second two- year period. The salary will be in the range 2,600-3,200 euros per month depending on experience (before tax but including health insurance and
social security coverage).

Candidates should send their application (preferably in PDF) to who can also be contacted for furhter information.

Applications should include a CV and a research plan describing their view of the GUDHI project and ideas about their possible contribution, the names of three references with their e-mail addresses, and the intended period of stay.

We plan to make decisions on these positions by May 15, 2014 and will continue until the positions are filled.

Mucha Suerte.

Seminario de Doctorandos UCM.

Ayudas para contratos predoctorales de personal investigador en formación en la UCM.

Organismo: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Acción: Resolución de 12 de marzo de 2014, por la que se convocan ayudas para contratos predoctorales de personal investigador en formación.

Lugar y plazo de presentación de solicitudes: 

  • Cumplimentación telemática de solicitudes desde las 9:00 h. del 17-3-2014  hasta las 17:00 h. del día 21-4-2014.
  • Presentación física de comprobantes de solicitudes en el Registro General de la Universidad Complutense (Rectorado, Avda. de Séneca, 2, 28040 MADRID), hasta  las 17:30 h. del 23-4-2014. 

Gestión de la convocatoria: Sección de Becas del Servicio de Investigación.

Mucha Suerte.

Seminario de Doctorandos UCM.

Positions at the Catholic University in Chile

«The Department of Mathematics invites applications for two tenure track
positions at the Assistant Professor level beginning either March or August
2015. Applicants should have a Ph. D. in Mathematics, proven research
potential either in pure or applied mathematics, and a strong commitment
to teaching and research.

The regular teaching load for assistant
professors consists of three one-semester courses per year, reduced to
two courses during the first two years. The annual salary will be
approximately US$ 48,000. A startup grant of US$ 15,000 to be used
during the first three years will be available to support research activities.»


Mucha Suerte.

Seminario de Doctorandos UCM:

Postdoctoral positions at the University of Torino under the Train to Move Programme

Opening of Postdoctoral positions. Programme «2020 researchers: Train to Move (T2M)».

Deadline for application is May 5, 2014 at 12 (noon) local time.

This is a new international fellowship programme conceived by the University of  Torino (UNITO) and implemented with the support of the European Commission, and within the action COFUND – PEOPLE Marie Curie.

T2M target are researchers having  to up to 7 years of research experience after their PhD completion, or alternatively a track record of 4 to 10 years in research after MSc degree. There are three research areas of potential interest for my research group:

– Geometric Flows

– Differential Equations and Solitons

– Fourier Analysis and Applications

We recall that the 2014 call will finance 14 incoming fellowship for 24 months.

Here below follow the instructions for applicants. Notice that will be soon other post-doc positions in Turin.  I will be grateful if you’ll help us spreading this initiative among potentially interested people.

Best regards,

Susanna Terracini




First of all you should read carefully all of documents at your disposal, in particular the documents in attachment in this message: «T2M 1st CALL FOR PROPOSALS» and  “GUIDE FOR APPLICANTS” in which you should pay attention of sections about Evaluation and Selection.

About the criteria of  selection  the eligible researchers, you should know:

– MOBILITY RULE: T2M eligible researchers are experienced researchers who have carried out their work and/or studies in European, other than Italy, or Third Countries for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to call deadline.

– RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: T2M eligible researchers have up to 7 years of research experience after PhD completion, or alternatively T2M eligible researchers have a track record of 4 to 10 years in research after MSc degree. Research experience is calculated starting from the time of call deadline.

Both researchers resuming their career after a break and researchers having previously undergone one or more career breaks are eligible to apply, as long as they are able to demonstrate at least 4 consecutive years of full time commitment in research within their overall track record.

If you are able to apply in according to the requisites, you will do a registration on-line:

So it’s very important that you complete your application on-line on the intranet section of the T2M website. Remember, the applications sent by email or ordinary mail will not be considered.

All documents submitted must be filled in English and you will cannot modified the data provided and filled in the profile section.

At page 3 of the “Guide for applicants” you can read the instructions for create a new account.

Than you fill in the eligibility requirements and after that, you must select the Scientific Panel and the research area in which fits your proposal: in your case the Sciences one.

At page 17 of the Document «T2M 1st CALL FOR PROPOSALS», there are the research areas of interesting for Department of Mathematics, in particular are important for our research group:

– Geometric Flows

– Differential Equations and Solitons

– Fourier Analysis and Applications

Finally it’s necessary to download templates for your CV and for the scientific research proposal and fill in them offline. It’s important to write them in English and attach documents required only in .pdf format.

If you are among the selected fellows, you will be offered the best employment conditions available according to the current Italian Law on Research and Education. The contract scheme provided for T2M fellows is the Research Grant (“Assegno di Ricerca” – art 22 L. 30/12/2010, n. 240) with a duration of 24 month.

 Fellow salary /year                                                           Incoming Fellowship

 Living Allowance (inclusive of any charges)                        28,500 €

Mobility and Travel Allowance                                               9,000 €

TOTAL GROSS SALARY (inclusive of any charges)           37,500 €

Contributions to research costs/year                                    8,000 €

(more information at page 4 of the Document «T2M 1st CALL FOR PROPOSALS»)

The eligibility is checked on the basis of the information provided by the applicant in the proposal. The Management Team of T2M Programme will conduct the eligibility check.

Then, the evaluation of applications is entrusted to the European Science Foundation (ESF) and these results are expected to be published on the web site within 3 months after the deadline.

A second call will be issued in March 2015.

For more information consulting the website:

If you cannot find the information you are looking for, you may also contact the T2M

Management Team at

Remember: the deadline for this first call for applications is 5 May 2014 h. 12.00 (Italian time).

Mucha Suerte.

Seminario de Doctorandos UCM.

Recherche de vacataires au département d’informatique de l’École Polytechnique

Chers collègues,
Le département d’informatique de l’X (DIX) cherche des vacataires pour assurer les TD d’un cours de programmation web  (HTML5, CSS, PHP, Javascript, MySQL).
Il s’agit de 36h de présence devant les élèves sous forme de 9 blocs de 4h les vendredis après midi (18/04, 09/05, 16/05, 23/05, 30/05, 06/06, 13/06, 20/06, 27/06).
Nous recherchons des vacataires (typiquement thésard – attention au contrat de doctorat – postdoc ou jeune CR) pour encadrer les séances de TD et les projets. Les enseignements ont lieu en français.
On trouvera à l’URL ci-dessous plus d’informations sur ce cours :
Si vous connaissez des candidats potentiels, faites-le nous savoir (rapidement…) et faites leur nous envoyer leur CV.
Mucha Suerte.
Seminario de Doctorandos UCM.

Maths lectureship and Stats Graduate Tutor position‏

Dear all,

The University of the West of England, Bristol, UK, is advertising for a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, and a Graduate Tutor in Statistics.  See


The Graduate Tutor post is a PhD studentship with some teaching included.

Please do publicise these posts to anyone you know who might be interested

Mucha Suerte.

Seminario de Doctorandos UCM.

JOB – Postdoctoral Research Worker in Biostatistics at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London – UK

King’s College London
Department of Biostatistics, Institute of Psychiatry

Postdoctoral Research Worker in Biostatistics

Salary range: £31,644 – £41,242 per annum, plus £2,323 London allowance
per annum.

We would like to invite applications for the post of Postdoctoral Research
Worker in the Department of Biostatistics at the Institute of Psychiatry.
The post is available for a period of 2 years.

The successful candidate will work on an MRC Methodology Research
Programme funded project to develop statistical methods for evaluating
mechanism in complex intervention studies. The post holder, together with
the methodologist investigators, will be responsible for carrying out and
implementing a programme of methodology research. The focus of the
research will be on innovative methods for explanatory analysis of complex
intervention trials to optimally exploit the resource provided by modern
trial designs. In addition, the post holder will make a modest
contribution to the teaching programme and service support of the
Biostatistics Department.

The successful candidate will have a PhD or expect to gain a PhD and a
formal qualification in statistics or another numerate discipline, and
possess a familiarity with statistical software packages such as STATA, R,
WinBugs and/or MPlus. S/he will have competence in standard medical
statistics, including multivariate statistics, longitudinal modelling and
structural equation modelling. S/he will also have experience in
publishing in peer-reviewed journals.

To obtain further particulars, a person specification and further
information about the Institute, please see our website at

To apply please follow instructions provided on our website. Please quote
reference number WPAV126114SW in all correspondence.

Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Sabine Landau

Closing date for applications is 10 April 2014.

Interviews are expected to be held on 23 April 2014.

Only candidates shortlisted for interview will be contacted.

Equality of opportunity is College policy.

Mucha Suerte.

Seminario de Doctorandos UCM.

PhD proposals and Post-doc positions in Computer Science in Marseille

The Labex Archimède (Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in Marseille) offers several PhD and Post-doc positions in mathematics and computer science. Some of these positions will be opened in the Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale de Marseille (LIF – UMR7279 Aix-Marseille University / CNRS). The research areas of applicants can be any of the research topics studied in our lab :

– Algorithms and Complexity (contact : Victor Chepoi)
– Databases and Data-mining (contact : Rosine Cicchetti)
– Distributed Algorithms (contact : Jérémie Chalopin)
– Logic, Automata and Verification (contact : Rémi Morin)
– Machine and Statistical Learning (contact : Liva Ralaivola)
– Natural Language processing (contact : Alexis Nasr)
– Theoretical Computer Science and Biological Dynamics (contact : Sylvain Sené)

More information can be found on

PhD positions: applicants must have a master’s degree in mathematics or computer science. Funding is available for doctoral students for a full three year Graduate Scholarship in Marseille. The monthly stipend is approximatively 1600 euros (before tax but including health insurance, social security coverage). The starting date is between september and november 2014.

Post-doc positions: applicants must hold a Ph.D in mathematics or computer science obtained before October 1st, 2014. These are research-only appointments (with no teaching duties). They are typically for one year, with possible renewal for a second year subject to review. The salary will be approximately 2100 euros per month (before tax but including health insurance and social security coverage). The starting date is between september and november 2014.

Before applying, candidates may contact researchers from the LIF working in their topics of interest and should email their detailed CV with a list of publications, and a short description of their current research interests and future research plans to

The deadline for application is 15 june 2014 on these sites (PhD : – Post-docs :

Mucha Suerte.

Seminario de Doctorandos UCM.

Building Bridges: 2nd EU/US Summer School on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics.

Buenos días,

Os hacemos llegar la siguiente información

LMS-CMI Research School – Bristol, 30 June – 5 July 2014
Organisers:  Lynne Walling (Bristol), Jennifer Beineke (Western New England University)
Automorphic forms are present in almost every area of modern number theory. In recent decades there has been a starburst of activity and progress in this broad area, leading to many new directions, applications, and connections with other areas within mathematics and mathematical physics.  The purpose of the research school is to provide graduate students and early career researchers with training on some topics that are having great impact on current research in automorphic forms, allowing them to make new connections, with areas related to their current research programs and with other researchers. The school will be comprised of three 2-day intensive mini-courses, each team-taught by a pair of experts, and supplemented by afternoon problems sessions.
  • Explicit Methods for Modular Forms and L-functions (John Cremona, University of Warwick and Tim Dokchitser, University of Bristol)
  • The Legacy of Ramanujan (William Duke, UCLA and Ozlem Imamoglu, ETH Zurich)
  • The Langlands Program (James Cogdell, Ohio State University, and Solomon Friedberg, Boston College)
 For further information please visit:
Applications: Research students, post-docs and those working in industry are invited to apply. The closing date for applications is 15 March 2014. Numbers will be limited and those interested are advised to make an early application.  Applications should be made using the registration form available via the Society’s website at:
and applicants should have a letter of support sent to the organisers at:
*All applicants will be contacted within two weeks after the deadline; information about individual applications will not be available before then*
Financial support:  There is some support available for travel and local costs; requests for support should be indicated on the application form.
Fees:  Registration for a graduate student is £150, and for an early career researcher it is £250, although these fees may be lowered or waived as is appropriate. Fees are not payable until a place on the course is offered but will be due by 15 May 2014.

Mucha suerte,

Seminario de Doctorandos de la UCM.