The London School of Geometry and Number Theory (LSGNT), a joint venture between UCL, King’s College London and Imperial College London, is advertising 15 fully funded PhD places available from September 2015. Applications are now open at: . Applications from women are strongly encouraged.
Initial deadline: Dec 8, 2014.
Further opportunities for women: A collaboration between the DPMMS at Cambridge University and Newnham College Cambridge is providing new opportunities for women who wish to take up the one-year Masters in Advanced Studies in Mathematics course in Cambridge in any area of pure mathematics. Applicants to Newnham College who are interested in geometry or number theory are furthermore invited to apply to the LSGNT simultaneously and be considered for a deferred PhD place in London to follow on from the masters year in Cambridge.
For more details on these two schemes see the graduate admissions pages at and the LSGNT page