Postdoc position in Lyon

A 12-month post-doctoral position is available in the Plume team
of the LIP laboratory at ENS de Lyon.

The position is cofunded by the ANR project RECRE and the LIP

Research conducted in Plume team covers various aspects of
programming languages semantics and logic in computer science.

«RECRE» stands for «Realizability for classical logic, concurrency,
references and rewriting». The project also includes topics relevant
to the Curry-Howard correspondence, such as denotational semantics,
linear logic, proof theory and type theory.

For this position, we will welcome applications in topics relevant
to RECRE, as well as at their intersection with other fields of logic
and computer science such as program verification or logic and

Salary: around 2000 euros net per month.

Starting date: September 1st 2014

Applications: please send, before *May 4th 2014*
a CV together with a one-page cover letter to Colin Riba.

For any question, please contact Colin Riba.

– Colin Riba:
– Plume team:

Mucha Suerte.

Seminario de Doctorandos UCM.