PostDoc positions in Computational Geometry and Topology at INRIA.

As part of the «GUDHI (Geometric Understanding in Higher Dimensions)»
ERC Advanced Investigator Grant

project (2014-2019), we are offering 2-year PostDoc positions in the
Geometrica Project Team of INRIA.

The applicants should have an excellent research record, a strong culture in mathematics and computer science and good knowledge of computational geometry and topology. We seek both theory inclined candidates and researchers with experience in high-quality software development. For more information about the project see

The applicants will work in the Geometrica project team of Inria which is located in Saclay (south of Paris) and in Sophia Antipolis (on the french Riviera) and benefit from the outstanding research environment provided by Inria. Positions are open on both sites.

Applicants must hold a Ph.D in mathematics or computer science. Appointments are research-only (with no teaching duties). They are typically for two years, with possible renewal for a second two- year period. The salary will be in the range 2,600-3,200 euros per month depending on experience (before tax but including health insurance and
social security coverage).

Candidates should send their application (preferably in PDF) to who can also be contacted for furhter information.

Applications should include a CV and a research plan describing their view of the GUDHI project and ideas about their possible contribution, the names of three references with their e-mail addresses, and the intended period of stay.

We plan to make decisions on these positions by May 15, 2014 and will continue until the positions are filled.

Mucha Suerte.

Seminario de Doctorandos UCM.