B. Vitoriano, A. Rodríguez-Martínez, M.T. Ortuño (2023) ‘Mathematical Modeling for Preparedness in Humanitarian Logistics’. SIAM News. https://sinews.siam.org/Details-Page/mathematical-modeling-for-preparedness-in-humanitarian-logistics .
Viciosa, M 2017, ‘Tras la catástrofe, matemáticas’, El Independiente, 17 September, viewed 19 September 2017, https://www.elindependiente.com/futuro/2017/09/17/tras-la-catastrofe-matematicas/
On the article in Spanish ‘After the catastrophe, mathematics’, the researcher Begoña Vitoriano talks about two of the tools developed by this group for disaster management: SEDD, a tool for early warning and decisions for relief operations after natural disasters; and HADS, a model for last mile distribution of humanitarian aid in the response phase of relief operations.
J.L. G. G. 2017, ‘Récord inversor en inteligencia artificial en restauración en 2017: 950 millones’, La Información, 15 September, viewed 19 September 2017, http://www.lainformacion.com/economia/Record-inversion-restaurantes-inteligentes-millones_0_1063394688.html
Article in Spanish newspaper titled ‘Record investment in artificial intelligence for restaurant business: 950 millions’ that mentions a personnel scheduling tool developed by members of this group.