Editorial boards

                                                                                                                                                                                              December 2024

Member of editorial boards:

Advances in Mathematical Science and Applications, since January 1991.

Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de Madrid since May 1996 [Founder and first Editor-in-Chief of RACSAM (Serie A: Matemáticas) from 2001 to 2004]

Electronic Differential Equations Journal, since January 2001.

Differential and Integral Equations, since October 2001.

The Annals of the University of Craiova – Mathematics and Computer Science since June 2006

Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, since January 2010

Differential Equations and Applications  (DEA), since January 2011.

 Revista de la Real Academia Canaria de Ciencias, since March 2017.

Advances in Nonlinear Analysis, since January 2019.

Opuscula Mathematica, since January 2019.

Mathematical and Computational Applications, since June 2019.


Former presence in editorial boards:

Abstract and Applied Analysis, from July 2012 to January 2024.

* Journal of the European Mathematical Society, from 2003 to 2016.

*Revista Matemática de la Univ. Complutense,  from 1987 to 1995.

* Annales de la  Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse, from 1991 to 2002.

*La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española,   from 1998 to 2002.

*Journal Interfaces and free boundaries: Modelling, Analysis and Computation, from 1997 to 2003.

*Matemáticas Aplicadas, Santiago de Chile (Chile), from 1987 to 2007.

*Publicacions Matematiques,  from 1987 to 2008.

*Nonlinear Analysis: Theory and Applications (Series A: Theory and Methods), from May 2002 to January 2010.

*Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics (MedJM), February 2016-January 2020