Supported by: Ministry of Science and Innovation, Government of Spain
Reference number: PGC2018-097704-B-I00
Description: The main objective of CMEEpi (Spanish acronym of Contributions to Stochastic Models in Epidemics) is to develop four long-term research lines in Mathematical Epidemiology and Immunology. According to the statistical, probabilistic and physical specialization of the research team at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and our partners at Universidad Pontificia Comillas (UComillas), University of Leeds (ULeeds), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNLisboa), Universitá degli Studi di Salerno (USalerno) and University of Tsukuba (UTsukuba), and the experimental specialization of the researchers at the Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura (CEBAS-CSIC) and Peter MacCallum Cancer Center (Melbourne), the general scientific objectives of CMEEpi are as follows:
- Line 1: To develop stochastic models in epidemics that incorporate imperfect vaccination and non-permanent immunity of vaccinated individuals, as well as pre- and post-exposure vaccination strategies, showing their relevance in the case of tuberculosis infections.
- Line 2: To develop stochastic models in epidemics with vertical and horizontal transmission of the disease, and co-infection in the case of multiple types of infection, as well as the mutation between strains which are sensible and resistant to antibiotics.
- Line 3: To develop suitable stochastic models in epidemics making use of queueing models, relax the classical exponential assumption by using time-dependent infectious and/or recovery patterns and non-Markovian stochastic processes at occurrence epochs, and apply anticipative Stochastic Calculus in solving problems in optimal control of epidemics with privileged information.
- Line 4: To develop advanced bayesian statistical tools to parametrize stochastic epidemic models validated with experimental data, in particular, in reference to the process of maduration of T cells in the thymus, and improvement programs through genetic selection.
The CMEEpi proposal will generate new collaborations between the UCM research team and its partners in UComillas, UNLisboa, USalerno and UTsukuba, and will reinforce the existing ones between the UCM research team and their partners in ULeeds, especially in the setting of Mathematical Epidemiology and Immunology. These collaborations aim to facilitate research, innovation and training between partners, and to set up specific actions to allow the transfer of knowledge with experimentalists at CEBAS-CSIC and Melbourne.
Keywords: Epidemics; Immunology; Stochastic Processes; Stochastic Calculus; Bayesian Inference
Scheduling dates: 01/01/2019-31/12/2021
Members of the UCM research team:
- Elena Salomé Almaraz Luengo
- Carlos Escudero Liébana
- Antonio Gómez-Corral (scientific coordinator)
- María Jesús López-Herrero
- María Teresa Rodríguez-Bernal
Collaborators and students at the UCM:
- María Gamboa Pérez, PhD student
- Jorge Lemos Peralta, graduate student
- Diana Taipe Hidalgo, PhD student
Collaborators outside the UCM:
- Mario Castro, Universidad Pontifica Comillas
- Fabio Chalub, Universidad Nova de Lisboa
- Antonio Di Crescenzo, Università degli Studi di Salerno
- Martín López-García, University of Leeds
- Carmen Molina-París, University of Leeds
- Fátima Palacios Rodríguez, University of Seville
- Tuan Phung-Duc, Tsukuba University
Scientific papers:
- Ward JA, López-García M (2019). Exact analysis of summary statistics for continuous-time discrete-state Markov processes on networks using graph-automorphism lumping. Applied Network Science 4, 108.
- Escudero C (2020). Kinetic energy of the Langevin particle, Studies in Applied Mathematics 145, 719-738.
- Gamboa M, Lopez-Herrero MJ (2020). Measuring infection transmission in a stochastic SIV model with infection reintroduction and imperfect vaccine. Acta Biotheoretica 68, 395-420.
- Gamboa M, Lopez-Herrero MJ (2020). The effect of setting a warning vaccination level in a stochastic SIVS model with imperfect vaccine. Mathematics 8, article nr. 1136.
- Gamboa M, Lopez-Herrero MJ (2020). Influence of latency periods and vanning vaccines in SEIR models. In elaboration.
- Gómez-Corral A, López-García M, Lopez-Herrero MJ, Taipe D (2020). On first-passage times and sojourn times in finite QBD processes and their applications in epidemics. Mathematics 8, 1718.
- Escudero C, Ranilla-Cortina S (2021). Optimal portfolios for different anticipating integrals under insider information. Mathematics 9, 75.
- Fernández-Peralta R, Gómez-Corral A (2021). A structured Markov chain model to investigate the effects of pre-exposure vaccines in tuberculosis control. Journal of Theoretical Biology 509, 110490.
- Gamboa M, Lopez-Herrero MJ (2021) A stochastic SVIR model with imperfect vaccine and external soruce of infection. In: Performance Engineering and Stochastic Modeling. EPEW, ASMTA 2021 (Eds. P Ballarini, H Castel, I Dimitriou, M Iacono, T Phung-Duc, J Walraevens). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13104. Springer, Cham, pp 197-209.
- Gómez-Corral A, López-García M, Rodríguez-Bernal MT (2021). On time-discretized versions of SIS epidemic models: A comparative analysis. Journal of Mathematical Biology 82, 46.
- Escudero C (2021) Explicit blowing up solutions for a higher parabolic equation with Hessian nonlinearity. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 2021.
- Elizalde M, Escudero C (2021). Chances for the honest in honest versus insider trading. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 13, SC39-SC52.
- Correales A, Escudero C, Ptashnyk M (2022). Chemical kinetics, Markov chains, and the imaginary Itô interpretation. Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics.
- Elizalde M, Escudero C, Ichiba T (2022) Optimal investment with insider information using Skorokhod & Russo-Vallois integration. arXiv:2211.07471.
- Gamboa M, Lopez-Herrero MJ (2022). Measures to assess a warning vaccination level in a stochastic SIV model with imperfect vaccine. Studies in Applied Mathematics 148, 1411-1438.
- Escudero C, Manada C (2022) Itô versus Stratonovich in a stochastic cosmological model. Letters in Mathematical Physics 112, 12.
- Gamboa M, López-García M, Lopez-Herrero MJ (2022) On the exact and population reproduction numbers in a stochastic SVIR model with imperfect vaccine. Under review.
- Lopez-Herrero MJ, Taipe D (2022) Influence of vaccine characteristics on disease prevalence in a stochastic SIRS model. Under review.
- Belluccini G, Lythe G, Molina-París C, López-García M (2022) Two-type branching process to study cell population dynamics with cellular fate decision at birth. In elaboration.
- Dreiwi H, Feliciangeli F, Castro M, Lythe G, Molina-París C, López-García M (2022) On the role of symmetric and asymmetric division during cell differentiation: a stochastic approach. In elaboration.
- Luque Duque D, López-García M, Gaevert JA, Lythe G, Thomas PG, Molina-París C (2022) Multi-variate model of T cell clonotype competition and homeostasis. Under review.
- Lopez-Herrero MJ, Mustaro V, Taipe D (2022) Studying time and infection incidence prior first recovery in a stochastic epidemic model with imperfect and waning vaccine. In elaboration.
- Gómez-Corral A, Langwade J, López-García M, Molina-Paris C (2023). Sufficient conditions for regularity, positive recurrence and absorption in LD-QBD processes and related block-structured Markov chains. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 46, 6756-6766.
- Gómez-Corral A, Lopez-Herrero MJ, Rodríguez-Bernal MT (2023). On first passage times in discrete skeletons and uniformized versions of a continuous-time Markov chain. In: Trends in Mathematical, Information and Data Sciences (Eds. N. Balakrishnan et al.). Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 445. Springer, Cham, pp. 29-37.
- Escudero C (2023). Fluctuation-dissipation relation, Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, equipartition theorem, and stochastic calculus. arXix:2021.02543.
- Gómez-Corral A, Lopez-Herrero MJ, Taipe D (2023). A Markovian epidemic model in a resource-limited environment. Applied Mathematics & Computation 458, 128252.
- Gómez-Corral A, Palacios-Rodríguez F, Rodríguez-Bernal MT (2023). On the exact reproduction number in SIS epidemics models with vertical transmission. Computational and Applied Mathematics 42, 291.
- Chalub FACC, Gómez-Corral A, López-García M, Palacios-Rodríguez F (2023) A Markov chain model to investigate the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in hospitals. Studies in Applied Mathematics 151, 1498-1524.
Communications in scientific conferences:
- The deterministic SIS epidemic model in a Markovian environment, by MJ Lopez-Herrero. 10th Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natrural Sciences (DSABNS 2019). Naples, Italy.
- Extreme values in SIR epidemic models with two strains and full cross-immunity, by A Gómez-Corral. Meeting of the British Society for Immunology. Microsoft Research Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
- A comparative analysis between two time-discretized versions of the SIS epidemic model, by A Gómez-Corral. Mathematical and Statistical Explorations in Disease Modelling and Public Health (DMPH 2019). ICTS, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore, India.
- Cuantificación de la infección en un modelo de epidemias con cambios aleatorios en el entorno, by MJ Lopez-Herrero. XXXVIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO 2019). Universitat Politècnica de València, Alcoi, Spain.
- Procesos LD-QBD aplicados a la propagación de epidemias, by A Gómez-Corral. XXXVIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO 2019). Universitat Politècnica de València, Alcoi, Spain.
- Markov chains and the imaginary Itô interpretation, by C Escudero. Conference of the Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association (SAMSA 2019). Blantyre, Malawi.
- Exact approaches for the analysis of stochastic epidemic processes on networks, by M López-García. 1st International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and their Applications. A virtual workshop (IWSPA 2020). Madrid, Spain.
- Quantifying infection transmission in a stochastic SIV model with imperfect vaccine, by MJ Lopez-Herrero. 1st International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and their Applications. A virtual workshop (IWSPA 2020). Madrid, Spain.
- Markovian discrete-time study of the distribution of the number of infected during the active phase of a non-immunizing communicable disease, by D Taipe. 1st International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and their Applications. A virtual workshop (IWSPA 2020). Madrid, Spain
- On the number of inspections of the population that find an active process: A first approach to estimate the contact rate of a disease, by M Gamboa. 1st International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and their Applications. A virtual workshop (IWSPA 2020). Madrid, Spain.
- Itö vs Stratonovich in the Langevin model of brownian motion, by C Escudero. 1st International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and their Applications. A virtual workshop (IWSPA 2020). Madrid, Spain.
- On the stochastic methodology for different applications, by C Escudero. Conference of the Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association, a virtual conference (SAMSA 2020). Auburn University.
- Rethinking Itô vs Stratonovich, by C Escudero. Conference on Complex Systems, a virtual conference (CCS 2020). Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
- Anticipating stochastic calculus. Optimal investment strategies under insider trading, by S. Ranilla-Cortina and C Escudero. Conference on Complex Systems, a virtual conference (CCS 2020). Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
- Portfolio optimization in anticipating settings, by C Escudero. 2021 Annual Conference of Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association, a virtual event (SAMSA 2021).
- Stochastic measures for vaccine-preventable disease transmission when vaccine is partially effective, by MJ Lopez-Herrero. Mathematical Population Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution, a virtual conference (MPDEE21). Marseille, France.
- Quantifying the spread of an epidemic process on a discrete-time stochastic SIS model, by M Gamboa. Mathematical Population Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution (MPDEE21). Marseille, France.
- Study of the exact reproduction number for SIS models with vertical and horizontal transmissions, by F Palacios-Rodríguez. 2nd International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and their Applications. A virtual workshop (IWSPA 2021). Madrid, Spain.
- A stochastic SVIR model with imperfect vaccine and external source of infection, by M Gamboa. 2nd International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and their Applications. A virtual workshop (IWSPA 2021). Madrid, Spain.
- Portfolio optimization for different anticipating integrals, by C Escudero. 2nd International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and their Applications. A virtual workshop (IWSPA 2021). Madrid, Spain.
- On first-passage times and sojourn times in a finite QBD processes: an application to varicella-zoster infections, by D Taipe. 2nd International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and their Applications. A virtual workshop (IWSPA 2021). Madrid, Spain.
- Extinction thresholds in discrete-time stochastic SIS epidemic models and some applications, by M Gamboa. V Jornadas Científicas de Estudiantes de la Sociedad Española de Bioestadística, a virtual conference (V JSEB 2021). Madrid, Spain.
- On the distribution of the number of infectives during an active epidemic of discrete-time SIS stochastic model, by D Taipe. V Jornadas Científicas de Estudiantes de la Sociedad Española de Bioestadística, a virtual conference (V JSEB 2021). Madrid, Spain.
- A stochastic SVIR model with imperfect vaccine and external source of infection, by M Gamboa. 26th International Conference on Analytical & Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Applications, a virtual event (ASMTA 2021). University of Tsukuba, Japan.
- Tiempos de primer paso en las versiones uniformizadas y los esqueletos discretos de una cadena de Markov en tiempo continuo y sus aplicaciones al modelo SIS de epidemias, by A Gómez-Corral. V Encuentro de la SMM y la RSME, 2021. Guanajuato, México.
- Measures to assess an optimal vaccination coverage in a stochastic SIV model with imperfect vaccine, by M Gamboa. Virtual Society of Mathematics Biology Annual Meeting, 2021. University of California, Riverside, EE.UU.
- Setting a waning vaccination level on a stochastic model with infection reintroduction when vaccine is partially effective, by MJ Lopez-Herrero. 13th Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied o Biology and Natural Sciences, a virtual event (DSABNS 2022).
- Sobre la formalización matemática de la inversión financiera en presencia de información privilegiada, by C Escudero. Incertidumbre en Modelos Financieros, UNED, Spain.
- Análisis del tiempo hasta alcanzar un umbral sobre el número de individuos vacunados de una población finita protegida preventivamente por una vacuna imperfecta, by MJ Lopez-Herrero. XXXIX Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, SEIO 2022. Universidad de Granada, Spain.
- Evaluating an immediate re-vaccination program, by M Gamboa. XXXIX Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, SEIO 2022. Universidad de Granada, Spain.
- Normal and anomalous diffusion in evolving domains: a brief overview of some recent results, by F Le Vot, E Abad, C Escudero and SB Yuste. XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, 2022. Murcia, Spain.
- On the use of time-discretized models as approximations to continuous-time epidemic models, by MT Rodríguez-Bernal. 12th European Conference of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, ECMTB 2022. Heidelberg, Germany.
- Some measures to establish a threshold on the number of vaccinated individuals in a stochastic SVIS model with imperfect vaccine, by M Gamboa. International Conference on Models in Population Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution, MPDEE’22. Torino, Italy.
Other contributions:
- Anticipating Stochastic Integration, S Ranilla Cortina. Master thesis, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 2019. Supervisor: C Escudero.
- Estudio Markoviano en Tiempo Discreto de la Distribución del Número de Infectados Durante la Fase Activa de una Enfermedad Contagiosa sin Inmunidad, D Taipe Hidalgo. Master thesis, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2019. Supervisor: MJ López-Herrero.
- A New Pre-exposure Tuberculosis Vaccine Stochastic Model, R Fernández Peralta. Master thesis, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2019. Supervisor: A Gómez-Corral.
- Reaction-Diffusion Processes and their Interdisciplinary Applications, A Correales Fernández. Doctoral thesis, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2019. Supervisor: C Escudero.
- Studying the effect of vaccination in epidemic models with stochastic transmission, M Gamboa. Doctoral thesis. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2022. Supervisor: MJ Lopez-Herrero.
Popularization and dissemination of mathematics in epidemics:
- M. de León & A. Gómez-Corral, Las Matemáticas de la Biología, Catarata, 2019
- M. de León & A. Gómez-Corral, en The Conversation, «La biología no se puede entender sin matemáticas», 2019
- M. Castro, M. de León & A. Gómez-Corral, en BBVA, «La importancia de los datos y el advenimiento del pico« (in Spanish and English), 2019
- M. Castro, M. de León & A. Gómez-Corral, en The Conversation, «SARS-Cov-2: la geometría del enemigo», 2020
- M. de León & A. Gómez-Corral, Las Matemáticas de la Pandemia, CSIC-Catarata, 2020
- M. de León & A. Gómez-Corral, en Fundación Aquae, «¿Qué es la biología matemática?», 2020
- M. de León & A. Gómez-Corral en The Conversation, ¿En qué se parecen un patógeno y un rumor?, 2020
- A. Gómez-Corral en El día después de pi: libros, mates y mucho más, Matemáticas y epidemias, 2021
- M. de León & A. Gómez-Corral en El País, «Las matemáticas que surgieron de las pandemias», 2021
- M. Castro, M. de León & A. Gómez-Corral, en The Conversation, «Andrei Markov: cadenas matemáticas para luchar contra las epidemias», 2021
- M. de León & A. Gómez-Corral, en The Conversation, «El teorema del mosquito y la teoría de los eventos», 2021
Related links:
- Our Seminar on Mathematical Biology
- Working Group on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications
- International Workshop on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, IWSPA 2020, and IWSPA 2021, organized by the Working Group Pres&a jointly with CMEEpi.
- Virtual Workshop on Financial Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis, Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Spain. Co-chairs: M. Elizalde and C. Escudero.