Quantifying uncertainty in inverse scattering problems set in layered environments, C. Abugattas, A. Carpio, E. Cebrián, G. Oleaga, submitted 2024 Hierarchical topological clustering, A. Carpio, G. Duro, submitted 2024 On the solution of boundary value problems set in domains with moving boundaries, A. Carpio, G. Duro, submitted 2024 Analysis of a two phase flow model of biofilm spread, A. Carpio, G. Duro, Nonlinear Analysis 224, 113538, 2024 [pdf] [arxiv] Well posedness of fluid-solid mixture models for biofilm spread, A. Carpio, G. Duro, Applied Mathematical Modelling 124, 64-85, 2023 [pdf] [arxiv] Object based Bayesian full-waveform inversion for shear elastography, A. Carpio, E. Cebrián, A. Gutiérrez, Inverse Problems 39, 075007, 2023 [pdf] [arxiv] Scale free chaos in the confined Vicsek flocking model, R. González-Albaladejo, A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla, Physical Review E 107, 014209, 2023 [pdf] [arxiv] Seeing the invisible: digital holography, A. Carpio, EMS Magazine 125, 4-12, 2022 [pdf] Pattern recognition in data as a diagnosis tool, A. Carpio, A. Simón, A. Torres, L.F. Villa, Journal of Mathematics in Industry 12, 3, 2022 [pdf][arxiv] Immersed boundary approach to biofilm spread on surfaces, A. Carpio, R. González-Albaladejo, Communications in Computational Physics 31(1), 257-292, 2022 [pdf] [arxiv] Positivity preserving high order schemes for kinetic models of angiogenesis, A. Carpio, E. Cebrián, International Journal on Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 23(6), 917-929, 2022 [pdf] [arxiv] Uncertainty quantification in covid-19 spread: lockdown effects, A. Carpio, E. Pierret, Results in Physics, 35, 105375, 2022 [pdf] [arxiv] Mathematical models of the spread and consequences of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemics: Effects on health, society, industry, economics and technology, A. Micheletti, A. Araújo, N. Bubko, A. Carpio, M. Ehrhardt, Journal of Mathematics in Industry 11, 15, 2021 [pdf] Processing the 2D and 3D Fresnel experimental databases via topological derivative methods, A. Carpio, M. Pena, M.L. Rapún, Inverse Problems 37, 105012, 2021 [pdf] [arxiv] Multifrequency topological derivative approach to inverse scattering problems in attenuating media, A. Carpio, M.L. Rapún, Symmetry (Issue on Advanced Mathematical and Simulation Methods for Inverse Problems) 13, 1702, 2021 [pdf] Bayesian approach to inverse scattering with topological priors, A. Carpio, S. Iakunin, G. Stadler, Inverse Problems 36, 105001, 2020 [pdf] [arxiv] Tracking collective cell motion by topological data analysis, L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, C. Trenado, PLOS Computational Biology 16(12), e1008407, 2020 [pdf] [arxiv] Incorporating cellular stochasticity in solid-fluid mixture biofilm models, A. Carpio, E. Cebrián, Entropy 22(2), 188, 2020 [pdf] Fingerprints of cancer by persistent homology, A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla, J.C. Mathews, A.R. Tannenbaum, bioRxiv 777169, 2019 [pdf] When topological derivatives met regularized Gauss-Newton iterations in holograhic 3D imaging, A. Carpio, T.G. Dimiduk, F. Le Louer, M.L. Rapun, Journal of Computational Physics 388, 224-251, 2019 [pdf][arxiv] Biofilms as poroelastic materials, A. Carpio, E. Cebrián, P. Vidal, International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics 109, 1-8, 2019 [pdf] A convergent numerical scheme for integrodifferential kinetic models of angiogenesis, L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, M. Carretero, G. Duro, M. Negreanu, F. Terragni, Journal of Computational Physics 375, 1270-1294, 2018 [pdf] Dynamics of Pseudomonas putida biofilms in an upscale experimental framework, D.R. Espeso, E. Martínez-García, A. Carpio, V. de Lorenzo, Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 45, 899-911, 2018 [pdf] Optimization methods for in-line holography, A. Carpio, T.G. Dimiduk, V. Selgas, P. Vidal, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 11(2), 923-956, 2018 [pdf] [arxiv] Dynamic energy budget approach to evaluate antibiotic effects on biofilms, B. Birnir, A. Carpio, E. Cebrián, P. Vidal, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 54, 70-83, 2018 [pdf] [arxiv] Constructing solutions for a kinetic model of angiogenesis in annular domains, A. Carpio, G. Duro, M. Negreanu, Applied Mathematical Modelling 45, 303-322, 2017 [pdf] [arxiv] Noninvasive imaging of three-dimensional micro and nanostructures by topological methods, A. Carpio, T.G. Dimiduk, M.L. Rapun, V. Selgas, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 9(3), 1324-1354, 2016 [pdf] [arxiv] Stenosis triggers spread of helical Pseudomonas biofilms in cylindrical flow systems, D.R. Espeso, A. Carpio, E. Martínez-García, V. de Lorenzo, Scientific Reports 6, 27170, 2016 [pdf] Well posedness of an integrodifferential kinetic model of Fokker-Planck type for angiogenesis, A. Carpio, G. Duro, Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications 30, 184-212, 2016 [pdf] [arxiv] [Audioslides] Well posedness of an angiogenesis related integrodifferential diffusion model, A. Carpio, G. Duro, Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (9-10), 5560-5575, 2016 [pdf] [arxiv] Differential growth of wrinkled biofilms, D.R. Espeso, A. Carpio, B. Einarsson, Physical Review E 91(2), 022710, 2015 [pdf] [arxiv] Measuring strain and rotation fields at the dislocation core in graphene, L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, C. Gong, J.H. Warner, Physical Review B 92(15), 155417, 2015 [pdf] [arxiv] Theory of force-extension curves for modular proteins and DNA hairpins, L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, A. Prados, Physical Review E 91(5), 052712, 2015 [pdf] [arxiv] Parameter identification in photothermal imaging, A. Carpio, M.L. Rapún, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 49 (2), 273-288, 2014 [pdf] [archivo] Protein unfolding and refolding as transitions through virtual states, L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, A. Prados, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 108(2), 28002, 2014 [pdf] [arxiv] Sawtooth patterns in force-extension curves of biomolecules: an equilibrium-statistical-mechanics theory, A. Prados, A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla, Physical Review E 88(1), 012704, 2013 [pdf] [arxiv] Hybrid topological derivative-gradient based methods for nondestructive testing, A. Carpio, M.L. Rapun, Abstract and Applied Analysis 816134, 2013 [pdf] Hybrid topological derivative and gradient-based methods for electrical impedance tomography, A. Carpio, M.L. Rapún, Inverse Problems 28(9), 095010, 2012 [pdf] [archivo] Biofilm growth on rugose surfaces, D. Rodriguez, B. Einarsson, A. Carpio, Physical Review E 86(6), 061914, 2012 [pdf] [archivo] Driving dislocations in graphene, L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, Science 337(6091), 161-162, 2012 [pdf] Model of ripples in graphene, L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, Physical Review B 86(19), 195402, 2012 [pdf] [arxiv] Ripples in a graphene membrane coupled to Glauber spins, L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, Journal of Statistical Mechanics- Theory and Experiment, P09015, 2012 [pdf] [archivo] Ripples in a string coupled to Glauber spins, L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, A. Prados, R.R. Rosales, Physical Review E 85(3), 031125, 2012 [pdf] [arxiv] Spin-oscillator model for the unzipping of biomolecules by mechanical force, A. Prados, A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla, Physical Review E 86(2), 021919, 2012 [pdf] [arxiv] Propagation failure along myelinated nerves, A. Carpio, I. Peral, Journal of Nonlinear Science 21(4), 499-520, 2011 [pdf] [archivo] Theory of defect dynamics in graphene: defect groupings and their stability, LL Bonilla, A. Carpio, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 23(4), 337-346, 2011 [pdf] [arxiv] Determining planar multiple sound-soft obstacles from scattered acoustic fields, A. Carpio, B.T. Johansson, M.L. Rapún, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 36(2), 185-199, 2010 [pdf] [archivo] An iterative method for parameter identification and shape reconstruction, A. Carpio, M.L. Rapún, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 18(1), 35-50, 2010 [pdf] [archivo] Analysis of helium bubble growth in radioactive waste, A. Carpio, B. Tapiador, Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications 11(5), 4174-4184, 2010 [pdf] [archivo] Nonreflecting boundary conditions for discrete waves, A. Carpio, B. Tapiador, Journal of Computational Physics 229(5), 1879-1896, 2010 [pdf] [archivo] Nonequilibrium dynamics of a fast oscillator coupled to Glauber spins, L.L. Bonilla, A. Prados, A. Carpio, Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment, P09019, 2010 [pdf] [arxiv] Phase transitions in a mechanical system coupled to Glauber spins, A. Prados, L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment, P06016, 2010 [pdf] [arxiv] Explosive behaviour in spatially discrete reaction-diffusion systems, A. Carpio, G. Duro, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 12(4), 693-711, 2009 [pdf] [archivo] Toy nanoindentation model and incipient plasticity, I. Plans, A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla, Chaos, solitons and fractals 42(3), 1623-1630, 2009 [pdf] [arxiv] Self-sustained current oscillations in the kinetic theory of semiconductor superlattices, E. Cebrián, L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, Journal of Computational Physics 228(20), 7689-7705, 2009 [pdf] [arxiv] Theory of surface deposition from boundary layers containing condensable vapour and particles, J.C. Neu, A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 626, 183-210, 2009 [pdf] [arxiv] Domain reconstruction using photothermal techniques, A. Carpio, M.L. Rapún, Journal of Computational Physics 227(17), 8083-8106, 2008 [pdf] [archivo] Solving inhomogeneous inverse problems by topological derivative methods, A. Carpio, M.L. Rapún, Inverse Problems, 24(4), 045014, 2008 [pdf] [archivo] Topological derivatives for shape reconstruction, A. Carpio, M.L. Rapún, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1943, 85-133, 2008 [pdf] [archivo] Periodized discrete elasticity models for defects in graphene, A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla, Physical Review B 78(8), 085406, 2008 [pdf] [arxiv] Dislocations in graphene, A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla, F. de Juan, M.A.H. Vozmediano, New Journal of Physics 10, 053021, 2008 [pdf] Homogeneous nucleation of dislocations as bifurcations in a periodized discrete elasticity model, I. Plans, A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 81(3), 36001, 2008 [pdf] [arxiv] Dislocations in cubic crystals described by discrete models, L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, I. Plans, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 376, 361-377, 2007 [pdf] [arxiv] Kinetics of helium bubble formation in nuclear materials, L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, J.C. Neu, W.G. Wolfer, Physica D- Nonlinear Phenomena 222(1-2), 131-140, 2006 [pdf] [arxiv] Asymptotic and numerical studies of the Becker-Döring model for transient homogeneous nucleation, LL Bonilla, A. Carpio, Y. Farjoun, JC Neu, Markov processes and related fields, 12, 341-365, 2006 [arxiv] Igniting homogeneous nucleation, J.C. Neu, L.L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, Physical Review E 71(2), 021601, 2005 [pdf] [arxiv] Asymptotic construction of pulses in the discrete Hodgkin-Huxley model for myelinated nerves, A. Carpio, Physical Review E 72(1), 011905, 2005 [pdf] [arxiv] Instability and collapse in discrete wave equations, A. Carpio, G. Duro, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 5(3), 223-241, 2005 [pdf] Wave trains, self-oscillations and synchronization in discrete media, A. Carpio, Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena 207(1-2), 117-136, 2005 [pdf] [arxiv] Discrete models of dislocations and their motion in cubic crystals, A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla, Physical Review B 71(13) 134105, 2005 [pdf] [arxiv] Nonlinear stability of oscillatory wave fronts in chains of coupled oscillators, A. Carpio, Physical Review E 69(4), 046601, 2004 [pdf] [arxiv] Pulse propagation in discrete systems of coupled excitable cells, A. Carpio, LL Bonilla, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 63(2), 619-635, 2003 [pdf] [arxiv] Edge dislocations in crystal structures considered as travelling waves in discrete models, A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla, Physical Review Letters 90(13), 135502, 2003; 91(2), 029901 2003 [pdf1] [pdf2] [arxiv] Oscillatory wave fronts in chains of coupled nonlinear oscillators, A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla, Physical Review E 67(5), 056621, 2003 [pdf] [arxiv] Depinning transitions in discrete reaction-diffusion equations, A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 63(3), 1056-1082, 2003 [pdf] [arxiv] Effects of disorder on the wave front depinning transition in spatially discrete systems, A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla, A. Luzon, Physical Review E (RC) 65(3), 035207, 2002 [pdf] [arxiv] Wavefronts for discrete two-dimensional nonlinear diffusion equations, A. Carpio, Applied Mathematics Letters 15(4), 415-421, 2002 [pdf] [archivo] Wave front depinning transition in discrete one-dimensional reaction-diffusion systems, A. Carpio, LL Bonilla, Physical Review Letters 86(26), 6034-6037, 2001 [pdf] [arxiv] Long time asymptotics for the semiconductor Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann equations, A. Carpio, E. Cebrian, F.J. Mustieles, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 11(9), 1631-1665, 2001 [pdf] [archivo] Pile-up solutions for some systems of conservation laws modelling dislocation interaction in crystals, A. Carpio, SJ Chapman, JJL Velazquez, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 61(6), 2168-2199, 2001 [pdf] [arxiv] Numerical study of hyperbolic equations with integral constraints arising in semiconductor theory, A. Carpio, P. Hernando, M. Kindelan, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 39(1), 168-191, 2001 [pdf] [arxiv] Motion of wave fronts in semiconductor superlattices, A. Carpio, LL Bonilla, G. Dell'Acqua, Physical Review E 64(3), 036204, 2001 [pdf] [arxiv] Asymptotic profiles for convection-diffusion equations with variable diffusion, A. Carpio, G Duro, Nonlinear Analysis- Theory, Methods and Applications 45(4), 407-433, 2001 [pdf] [archivo] Wave solutions for a discrete reaction-diffusion equation, A. Carpio, SJ Chapman, S Hastings, JB Mcleod, European Journal of Applied Mathematics 11(4), 399-412, 2000 [pdf] [archivo] Wave fronts may move upstream in semiconductor superlattices, A. Carpio, LL Bonilla, A Wacker, E Schöll, Physical Review E 61(5), 4866-4876, 2000 [pdf] [arxiv] Long-time behavior for solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson-Fokker-Planck equation, A. Carpio, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 21(11), 985-1014, 1998 [pdf] [archivo] On the modelling of instabilities in dislocation interaction, A. Carpio, SJ Chapman, Philosophical Magazine B 78(2), 155-157, 1998 [pdf] Dynamics of line singularities, A. Carpio, S.J. Chapman, S.D. Howison, J.R. Ockendon, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 355 (1731), 2013-2024, 1997 [pdf] [archivo] Large time behavior in convection-diffusion equations, A. Carpio, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa-Classe di Scienze (Ser IV), 23(3), 551-574, 1996 [pdf] [archivo] Large-time behavior in incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, A. Carpio, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 27 (2), 449-475, 1996 [pdf] [archivo] Large time behavior in incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, A. Carpio, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 76 (S2), 495-496, 1996 Asymptotic-behavior for the vorticity equations in dimensions two and three, A. Carpio, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 19(5-6), 827-872, 1994 [pdf] [archivo] Existence of global solutions to some nonlinear dissipative equations, A. Carpio, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 73(5), 471-488, 1994 [archivo] Unicité et comportement asymptotique pour des équations de convection diffusion scalaires, A. Carpio, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique (CRAS Paris), 319, Ser I, 51-56, 1994 Comportement asymptotique dans les équations de Navier-Stokes, A. Carpio, CRAS Paris, 319, Ser I, 223-228, 1994 Comportement asymptotique des solutions des équations du tourbillon en dimensions 2 et 3, A. Carpio, CRAS Paris, 316, Ser I, 1289-1294, 1993 Existence de solutions globales rétrogrades pour des équations des ondes non linéaires dissipatives, A. Carpio, CRAS Paris, 316, Ser I, 803-808, 1993 Sharp estimates of the energy for the solutions of some dissipative second order evolution problems, A. Carpio, Potential Analysis 1(3), 265-289, 1992 [pdf] [archivo] A nonexistence result for a nonlinear equation involving critical Sobolev exponent, AC Rodriguez, M. Comte, R. Lewandowski, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré-Analyse Non Linéaire 9(3), 243-261, 1992 [pdf] [archivo] |