(se incluyen sólo aquéllas en que algún autor era miembro del grupo en el momento de la publicación)
Pendientes de publicación:
- Arrondo, A. Bernardi, P. Macias Marques, B. Murrain: “Skew-symmetric tensor decomposition”, aceptado en Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219199719500615.
- Lanteri., R. Mallavibarrena: “Some properties of rational conic fibrations”, aceptado en Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie /
Contributions to Algebra and Geometry (555): DOI: 10.1007/s13366-020- 00555-y. - Lanteri., R. Mallavibarrena: “Rational conic fibrations of sectional genus two”, aceptado en Advances in Geometry.
- Muñoz, G. Occhetta, L.E. Solá-Conde: “Nestings of rational homogeneous varieties”, Transformation Groups (2020). DOI
10.1007/s00031-020-09597-x - Muñoz, G. Occhetta, L. E. Solá Conde: “On uniform flag bundles on Fano manifolds”, Aparecerá en Kyoto J. of Mathematics, 2020.
- Muñoz, G. Occhetta, L. E. Solá Conde:”Splitting conjectures for uniform flag bundles”, European Journal of Mathematics 6, 430452 (2020) DOI.
Año 2020:
- Á. González-Prieto: “Virtual classes of parabolic SL(2,C)-character varieties”, Advances in Mathematics, 368, 107148. (2020)
- Á. González-Prieto, M. Logares, V. Muñoz: “A lax monoidal Topological Quantum Field Theory for representation varieties”,
Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, Vol. 161, 2020, 102871. (2020). - Lanteri., R. Mallavibarrena: “Projective bundles enveloping rational conc fibrations and osculation”, J. Pure and Appl. Algebra, 224 (2020), no 12
Año 2019:
- Arrondo, A. Tocino: “Cohomological characterization of universal bundles of G(1,n)”, aceptado en Journal of Algebra, 540 (2019) 206-233.
- Hayat, M. Umer, I. Gutman, B. Davvaz, Á. Nolla de Celis: “A novel method to construct NSSD molecular graphs” Open Math. 17 (2019), no. 1, 1526–1537
- Muñoz, G. Occhetta, L. E. Solá-Conde: “Splitting conjectures for uniform flag bundles”, aceptado en European Journal of Mathematics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40879-019-00343-6.
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Año 2018:
- Lanteri, R. Mallavibarrena, R. Piene: “Corrigendum to “Inflectional loci of quadric fibrations””, J. Algebra, 508 (2018), 589-591.
- Occhetta, L.E. Solá, K. Watanabe: “Characterizing the homogeneous variety F4(4)”. Math. Nachr. 291 (14-15) (2018), 2334–2346.
Año 2017:
- Occhetta, L.E. Solá, K. Watanabe: “A characterization of symplectic Grassmannians”, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 286 (3-4) (2018), 1421-1433.
- Occhetta, L.E. Solá, K. Watanabe, J. Wisniewski: “Fano manifolds whose elementary contractions are smooth P1-fibrations: a geometric characterization of flag varieties”, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci (5) (2017), 573-607.
- Nolla, Y. Sekiya: “Flops and mutations for crepant resolutions of poyhedral singularities”, Asian Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1-46 (2017).
Año 2016:
- Alzati, J.C. Sierra: “Special birational transformations of projective spaces”, Adv. Math. 289 (2016), 567–602.
- Arrondo, S. Marchesi, H. Soares: “Schwarzenberger bundles on smooth projective varieties”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 220 (2016), no. 9, 3307-3326.
- J. Gallego, M. González, B. P. Purnaprajna: “Deformations of canonical double covers”, Journal of Algebra 463 (2016) 23-32.
- J. Gallego, M. González, B. P. Purnaprajna: “Deformations of canonical triple covers”, Journal of Algebra 463 (2016) 1-9.
- Lange, P.E. Newstead, S.S. Park: “Non-emptiness of Brill-Noether loci in M(2,K)”, Comm. Algebra 44 (2016), no. 2, 746-767.
- Lanteri, R. Mallavibarrena: “Osculation for conic fibrations”, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 220 (2016), 2852-2878.
- Occhetta, L.E. Solá, J. Wisniewski: “Flag bundles on Fano manifolds”, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Apliquées, 106 (4) (2016), 651-669.
- C. Sierra: “The smooth surfaces in P4 with few apparent triple points”, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 18 (2016), 1550013, 15 pp.
- Tocino: “The hyperdeterminant vanishes on all but two Schur functors”, Journal of Algebra, 450 (2016), 316-322.
Año 2015:
- Alzati, J.C. Sierra: “Quadro-quadric special birational transformations of projective spaces”, International Mathematics Research Notices (2015) 55-77.
- Arrondo, S. Marchesi: “Jumping pairs of Steiner bundles”, a Forum Mathematicum, 27 (2015), 3233-3267.
- Iliev, C. Madonna,: “EPW sextics and Hilbert squares of K3 surfaces”, Serdica Math. J. 41 (2015), 343–354.
- Lanteri, R. Mallavibarrena, R.Piene: “ Inflectional loci of quadric fibrations”, J. Algebra, 441, (2015), 363-397.
- Muñoz, F. Di Sciulllo, L. E. Solá-Conde: “On the existence of a weak Zariski decomposition on projectivized vector bundles”, Geometriae Dedicata, 179 (1) (2015), 287-301.
- Muñoz, G. Occhetta, L. E. Solá-Conde, K. Watanabe. Rational curves: “Dynkin diagrams and Fano manifolds with nef tangent bundle”, Math. Annalen 361, 583-609 (2015).
- Muñoz, G. Occhetta, L. E. Solá-Conde, K. Watanabe, J. Wisniewski: “A survey on Campana-Peternell conjecture”, Rend. dell’Istituto di Mat. de l’Univ. di Trieste, 47 (2015), 127-185.
Año 2014:
- Bustinduy, L. Giraldo, J. Muciño-Raymundo: “Jacobian mates for non singular polynomial maps in Cn with one-dimensional fibers”, aceptado en Journal of Singularities, 9 (2014), 27-42.
- J. Gallego, M. González, B.P. Purnaprajna: “Smoothable locally non-Cohen-Macaulay multiple structures on curves”, Collect. Math. 65 (2014), no. 3, 417–433.
- Muñoz, G. Occhetta y Luis. E. Solá: “On rank two vector bundles on Fano manifolds”, Kyoto J. Math. 54 (1) (2014), 167-197.
- Muñoz, G. Occhetta y Luis. E. Solá: “A classification theorem on Fano bundles”, Ann. de l’Inst. Fourier 64 (1), (2014) 341-373.
- Presas, L.E. Solá Conde: “Holomorphic Engel Structures”, Rev. Mat. Complutense 27 (1), (2014) 327–344.
- C. Sierra, L. Ugaglia: “On globally generated vector bundles on projective spaces II”, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 218 (2014), 174–180.
Año 2013:
- Arrondo, A. Lanteri, C. Novelli: “A notion of Delta-multigenus for certain rank two ample vector bundles”, Kodai Mathematical Journal, 36 (2013), 137–153.
- J. Gallego, M. González y B.P. Purnaprajna: “An infinitesimal condition to smooth ropes”, Rev. Mat. Complut., 26 (2013), 253-269.
- J. Gallego, M. González and B. P. Purnaprajna: “Deformations of Bicanonical Morphisms of Genus 2-fibrations”, Proc. CAAG 2010, RMS-Lecture Notes Series No. 17, 2013, pp. 1–12.
- J. Gallego, M. González and B. P. Purnaprajna: “Canonical double covers of minimal rational surfaces and the non-existence of carpets”, Journal of Algebra 374 (2013) 231–244.
- C. Sierra, “Surfaces containing a family of plane curves not forming a fibration”: Collect. Math. 64 (2013), 85-95.
- C. Sierra, “Surfaces in P4 whose 4-secant lines do not sweep out a hypersurface”, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 351 (2013), 623–625
Año 2012:
- Alzati, J.C. Sierra, “A bound on the degree of schemes defined by quadratic equations”, Forum Math. 24 (2012), 733–750.
- Bustinduy, L. Giraldo: “Completeness is determined by any non- algebraic trajectory”, Advances in Mathematics, 231(2) (2012), 664-679.
- Knutsen, A. Lopez, R. Muñoz: “On the proof of the genus bound for Enriques-Fano threefolds”, Journal of the Ramanujan Math. Soc., 27 (2012), 375-395.
- Lanteri, R. Mallavibarrena, R. Piene: “Inflectional loci of scrolls over smooth, projective varieties”, Indiana University Mathematical Journal, 61(2) (2012), 717-750.
- Muñoz, G. Occhetta y Luis. E. Solá: “Uniform vector bundles on Fano varieties and applications”, Crelle Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 664 (2012), 141-162.
- Muñoz, G. Occhetta y Luis. E. Solá: “Rank two Fano bundles on G(1,4)”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 216 (2012) 2269–2273.
Año 2011:
- Arrondo, A.Bernardi: “On the variety parametrizing completely decomposable polynomials“, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 215 (2011), 201-220.
- Arrondo, Marina Bertolini, Cristina Turrini: “On the ampleness of the normal bundle of line congruences”, Forum Mathematicum, 23 (2011), 223–244.
- Bustinduy: “Proper trajectories of type C* of a polynomial vector vector field on C2“, Mathematische Annalen, 351 (2011), 393-401.
- J. Gallego, B.P. Purnaprajna “On the bicanonical morphism of quadruple Galois canonical covers”, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 363 (2011), 4401-4420.
- Knutsen, A. Lopez, R. Muñoz: “On the extendability of projective surfaces and a genus bound for Enriques-Fano threefolds”, Journal of differential Geometry 88, (2011) 483-518.
- C. Sierra: “A remark on Zak’s theorem on tangencies”, Math. Res. Lett. 18 (2011), 783-789.
Año 2010:
- Arrondo: “Schwarzenberger bundles of arbitrary rank on the projective space”, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 82 (2010), 697-716.
- Arrondo, S. Cobo: “On the stability of the universal quotient bundle restricted to congruences of low degree of G(1,3)”, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) IX (2010), 503-522 .
- Arrondo, F. Malaspina:”Cohomological Characterization of Vector Bundles on Grassmannians of Lines”, Journal of Algebra, 323 (2010), 1098-1106.
- Bustinduy: “Complete holomorphic vector fields on C2 whose underlying foliation is polynomial”, aceptado en International Journal of Mathematics.
- J. Gallego, M. González y B.P. Purnaprajna, “Deformations of canonical morphisms and the moduli of surfaces of general type”, Inventiones Mathematicae, 182, (2010), 1-46.
- Giraldo, J.A. Pan-Collantes: “On the singular scheme of codimension one holomorphic foliations in P3“, Internacional Journal of Mathematics, 21(7) (2010), 843-858.
- Muñoz, G. Occhetta y Luis. E. Solá: “An extension of Fujita’s non extendability theorem for Grassmannians”, aceptado en Math. Annalen, 348 (2010), 577-592.
- De Poi, E. Mezzetti, J.C. Sierra: “On the quadratic normality and the triple curve of three dimensional subvarieties of P5“, Advances in Geometry, 10 (2010), 419-426.
Año 2009:
- Arrondo, J. Caravantes: “On the Picard group of low-codimension subvarieties”, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 58(3) (2009), 1023-1050.
- Arrondo, C. Madonna: “Curves and bundles on the quartic threefold”, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 46 no.3 (2009), 589-607.
- Farnik, D. Frapporti, S. Marchesi: “On the non-existence of orthogonal instanton bundles on P2N+1“, Le Matematiche, 14 (2009), 81-90.
- Lanteri, R. Mallavibarrena: “Osculating properties of decomposable scrolls”, Mathematische Nachrichten, 282 (2009), 1548-1566.
- Lanteri, R. Muñoz: “Low dimensional discriminant loci and scrolls”, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 58, 5 (2009) 2205-2225.
- Lopez, R. Muñoz, J.C. Sierra: “On the extendability of elliptic surfaces of rank two and higher”, Annales de l’Institut Fourier, 59(1) (2009), 311-346.
- Muñoz, L.E. Solá: “Varieties swept out by Grassmannians of lines”, aceptado en Contemporary Mathematics: volume of the conference Interactions of Classical and Numerical Algebraic Geometry, Contemporary Mathematics 496 (2009) 303-316.
- C. Sierra: “Smooth n-dimensional subvarieties of P2n-1 containing a family of very degenerate divisors”, International Journal of Mathematics, 20(1) (2009), 109-122.
- C. Sierra: “A degree bound for globally generated vector bundles”, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 262 (2009), 517-525.
- C. Sierra, L. Ugaglia: “On globally generated vector bundles on projective spaces”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 213 (2009), 2141-2146.
Año 2008:
- Ballico, R. Muñoz: “Varieties swept by rational normal curves” Communications in Algebra, 36, no.11 (2008), 4257-4262.
- J. Gallego, M. González, B.P. Purnaprajna: “Deformation of finite morphisms and smoothing of ropes”, Compositio Math. 144 (2008), 673-688.
- J. Gallego, M. González, B.P. Purnaprajna: “K3 double structures on Enriques surfaces and their smoothings”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 212 (2008), 981-993.
- J. Gallego, B.P. Purnaprajna: “Classification of quadruple Galois canonical covers, I”, Transactions AMS, 360 (2008), 5489-5507.
- Lanteri, R. Mallavibarrena, R. Piene: “Inflectional loci of scrolls”, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 258 (2008), 557-564.
- Lanteri, R. Muñoz: “Discriminant loci of ample and spanned line bundles”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 212 (2008) 808-831.
Año 2007:
- Arrondo: “A home-made Hartshorne-Serre correspondence”, Revista Matemática Complutense, 20 (2007), 423-443.
- J. Gallego, B.P. Purnaprajna: “Classification of quadruple canonical curves, II”, Journal of Algebra, 312 (2007), 798-828.
- Kebekus, M. Toma, L.E. Solá-Conde: “Rationally connected foliations after Bogomolov and McQuillan”, Journal of Algebraic Geometry,16 (2007), 65-81.
- Muñoz, J.C. Sierra, L.E. Solá: “Tangential projections and secant defective varieties”, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 39 (2007), 949-961.
- C. Sierra: “Low codimensional subvarieties of projective spaces containing a family of very degenerate divisors”, en “Vector Bundles and Low Codimensional Subvarieties: State of the Art and Recent Developments” (G. Casnati, F. Catanese and R. Notari eds.) Serie Quaderni di Matematica (2007), 375-385.
- C. Sierra, A.L. Tironi: “Some remarks on smooth surfaces in P4 containing a family of plane curves”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 209(2007), 361-369.
- C. Sierra, A.L. Tironi: “Varieties with a reducible hyperplane section whose two components are hypersurfaces”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 135 (2007), 1263-1269.
Año 2006:
- Arrondo, D. Faenzi: “Vector bundles with no intermediate cohomology on Fano threefolds of type V22“, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 225(2) (2006), 201-220.
- Arrondo, M.L. Fania: “Evidence to subcanonicity of codimension two submanifolds of G(1,4)”, International Journal of Mathematics, 17 (2006), 157-168.
- Arrondo, B. Graña: “Congruences on G(1,4) with split universal quotient bundle”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 56(6) (2006), 1057-1067.
- Cobo: “Simplicity of the universal quotient bundle restricted to congruences of lines in P3”, Advances in Geometry, 6 (2006), 495-501.
- González: “Smoothing of ribbons over curves”, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 591 (2006), 201-235.
- Kebekus, L.E. Solá-Conde: “Existence of rational curves on algebraic varieties, minimal rational tangents, and applications”, en ” Global aspects of complex geometry”, 359-416, Springer, Berlin, 2006.
- Lanteri, R. Muñoz: “Varieties with small discriminant variety”, Trans. AMS, 358 (2006), 5565-5585.
- C. Sierra, L. Ugaglia: “On double Veronese embeddings in the Grassmannian G(1,N)”, Math. Nachr., 279(7) (2006), 798-804.
Año 2005:
- Arrondo: “Subcanonicity of codimension two subvarieties”, Revista Matemática Complutense, 18 (2005), 69–80.
- Arrondo, M. Bertolini, C. Turrini: “Focal loci in G(1,n)”, Asian Journal of Mathematics, 9, No.4 (2005), 449-472.
- Arrondo, R. Paoletti: “Characterization of Veronese varieties via projections in Grassmannians”, in “Projective varieties with unexpected properties” (eds. Ciliberto, Geramita, Miró-Roig, Ranestad), De Gruyter (2005) 1-12.
- Arrondo, J.C. Sierra, L. Ugaglia: “Classification of n-dimensional subvarieties of G(1,2n) that can be projected to G(1,n+1)”, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 37 (2005), 673-682.
- Lanteri, R. Muñoz: “On the discriminant of spanned line bundles”, in “Varieties with unexpected properties” (eds. Ciliberto, Geramita, Miró-Roig, Ranestad), De Gruyter (2005), 339-349.
- C. Sierra, “Surfaces in G(1,5) with one apparent double point”, Mathematica Scandinavica, 96 (2005), 190-202.
Año 2004:
- J. Gallego, B.P. Purnaprajna: “Classification of quadruple canonical curves: Galois case”, C.R. Math. Acad. Sci Soc R. Can., 26 (2004), 45-50.
- Giraldo, A. F. Lopez, R. Muñoz: “On the existence of Enriques-Fano threefolds of index greater than one”, J. Algebraic Geom. 13, (2004), 143-166.
- E. Solá-Conde, J.A. Wisniewski: “On manifolds whose tangent bundle is big and 1-ample”, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 89 (2004), 273-290.
Año 2003:
- J. Gallego, B.P. Purnaprajna: “On the canonical ring of covers of surfaces of minimal degree”, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 355 (2003), 2715-2732.
- J. Gallego, B.P. Purnaprajna: “Some homogeneous rings associated to finite morphisms”, Advances in Algebra and Geometry (Hyderabad Conference 2001) (2003), 241-270.
- J. Gallego, B.P. Purnaprajna: “Triple canonical covers of varieties of minimal degree”, A tribute to C.S. Seshadri. Perspectives in Geometry and Representation Theory (Chennai 2002) (2003), 241-270.
- González, R. Mallavibarrena: “Osculating degeneration of curves”, Communications in Algebra, 31 (2003), 3829-3845.
Año 2002:
- Giraldo, A. F. Lopez, R. Muñoz: “On the projective normality of Enriques surfaces” (with an appendix by Lopez, A.F. and Verra, A.). Math. Ann. 324, (2002), 135-158.
- Lanteri, R. Mallavibarrena: “Jets of multicanonical bundles on Del Pezzo surfaces of degree lesser or equal than 2”, Volume in Memory of Paolo Francia, W. De Gruyter (2002), 257-276.
Año 2001:
- Arrondo, M. Bertolini, C. Turrini: “A focus on focal surfaces”, Asian Journal of Mathematics, 5, No.3 (2001), 535-560.
- J. Gallego, B.P. Purnaprajna: “Some results on rational surfaces and Fano varieties”, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 538 (2001), 25-55.
- Lanteri, R. Mallavibarrena: “Osculatory behaviour and second dual varieties of Del Pezzo surfaces”, Advances in Geometry, 1 (2002), 345-363.
- Muñoz: “Varieties with degenerate dual variety”, Forum Math. 13 (2001), 757-779.
- Pedreira, L.E. Solá-Conde: “Classification of plane congruences in P4(C), I”. Geom. Dedicata, 85 (2001), 69-83.
Año 2000:
- Arrondo, M. Bertolini, C. Turrini: “Quadric bundle congruences in G(1,n)”, Forum Mathematicum, 12 (2000), 649-666.
- Arrondo, L. Costa: “Vector bundles on Fano 3-folds without intermediate cohomology”, Communications in Álgebra, 28 (8) (2000), 3899-3911.
- J. Gallego, B.P. Purnaprajna: “Vanishing theorems and syzygies for K3 surfaces and Fano varieties”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 146 (2000), 251-265.
- Lanteri, R. Mallavibarrena: “Higher order dual varieties of generically k-regular surfaces”, Arch. Math., 74 (2000), 1-6.
- Muñoz: “Varieties with almost maximal defect”, Rend. Istit. Lombardo Accad. Sci. Lett Rend. A 133 (2000), 103-114.
Año 1999:
- Arrondo: “Projections of Grassmannians of lines and characterization of Veronese varieties”, Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 8 (1999), 85-101.
- J. Gallego, B.P. Purnaprajna: “Projective normality and syzygies of algebraic surfaces”, J. Reine Angew. Math., 506 (1999), 145-180.
- J. Gallego, B.P. Purnaprajna: “Syzygies of projective surfaces: an overview”, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 14 (1999), no. 1, 65-93.
- Lanteri, R. Mallavibarrena: “Higher order dual varieties of projective surfaces”, Communications in Algebra, 27 (1999), 4827-4851.