Curriculum Vitae

Full Curriculum Vitae:

A full version of the CV can be downloaded HERE

Summary of the Curriculum Vitae:

From 2003 to 2006, I pursued a Ph.D. in applied mathematics under the guidance of Prof. Bijan Mohammadi at the University of Montpellier 2, France. The research was financially supported through a contracted ‘Allocataire de Recherche,’ equivalent to an FPU grant. During this period, my focus was on optimization methods, mathematical modeling (specifically in finance, fluid mechanics, and fiber optics), and numerical analysis.

In 2005, I enriched my academic experience by spending six months at BNP-PARIBAS, where I served as a research fellow. In this role, I applied my expertise to develop a loan portfolio optimization program. I successfully completed my Ph.D. with a Très Honorable (Cum Laude) mention.

In 2006, I secured a position as an Assistant at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), progressing to Assistant Doctor from 2008 to 2013, then Associate Professor Doctor (PCD) from 2013 to 2018, and subsequently, Associate Professor (TU) from 2018 to 2022. Finally, since 2022, I have held the position of Full Professor (CU).

Since joining UCM, I have played an integral role in the MOMAT research group and the Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute. Leveraging these structures and establishing connections with new collaborators, I ventured into novel research domains with significant implications for Spanish society. This included the exploration of models in veterinary and human epidemiology, with a particular focus on aspects related to COVID-19. These efforts yielded positive outcomes, resulting in the receipt of the Complutense COVID-19 Research Award, and accumulating approximately 350 citations in the Web of Science (WoS) database since 2020. Furthermore, I delved into the study of protein folding processes under High-Pressure/Temperature treatments, an area where Spain holds a prominent position as a global leader. Additionally, I contributed my expertise in optimization and numerical techniques to these groups, building upon my ongoing research initiated during my Ph.D. studies. Exploring new challenges, such as the design of structures and the decontamination of oil spills in open seas, allowed me to establish meaningful connections between these issues and real-world applications.
I would like to emphasize that the diverse range of research topics I have undertaken is a result of indispensable collaborations, both in Spain and internationally, with professors across various scientific disciplines. These collaborations encompass experts from fields such as veterinary sciences, chemistry, and civil engineering. Notably, I have had the privilege of working alongside esteemed individuals like the late Prof. Roland Glowinski (1937-2022) from the University of Houston. The success of this collaborative effort is reflected in the variety of journals where our work has been published, spanning not only mathematics but also other fields such as veterinary sciences and analytical chemistry. Thanks to these connections, I have had the opportunity to undertake research stays, totaling 15 visits since completing my doctorate, at various research centers in Spain and abroad, including Chile, Mexico, the USA, and France. This extensive body of work has unfolded within the framework of numerous research projects, totaling 17 projects in all, three as the Principal Investigator and 14 as a collaborating member. These projects have received funding both in Spain and internationally, including support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program, as well as Chile, Mexico, and France. Additionally, I have actively participated in three contractual collaborations with companies based in Spain and Mexico. Notably, two of these agreements focused on analyzing environmental risks associated with oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico.

Some of the results obtained have led to the publication of 48 articles in international journals with a relative quality index (41 in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR): 25 in Q1, 12 in Q2, 4 in Q3/Q4). As of January 2024, according to the Web of Science database (WoS), my works have been cited 917 times, resulting in an h-index of 17. Additionally, to ensure widespread dissemination, I have contributed to 26 articles in book chapters, proceedings, and pre-publications, with the majority freely accessible. In order to enhance the visibility of these works, I have participated in 36 conferences and delivered 28 seminars. Throughout my career, I have provided supervision for five doctoral theses, each distinguished with a Cum Laude qualification. Complementing my research experience, I actively engage with the international scientific community by undertaking evaluations for journals, projects, and doctoral theses. Furthermore, I serve on the editorial committees of journals listed in the JCR.

In the realm of teaching, I boast over 15 academic years of experience within the Spanish university system, delivering nearly 2300 hours of instruction in the field of Mathematics. Of this total, I have devoted 1,350 hours to nine Undergraduate Degrees subjects and 1,250 hours to eight Master’s Degrees. My teaching prowess has been acknowledged through positive evaluations accredited by the DOCENTIA program of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Furthermore, I have directed 31 TFMs and 5 TFGs, showcasing my commitment to guiding and mentoring students. Lastly, I have contributed as a collaborating researcher in two teaching innovation projects, solidifying my dedication to advancing both research and education.