MEDiterranean SUpersite Volcanoes (MED-SUV)

siteon0-38e4aPROYECTO: MEDiterranean SUpersite Volcanoes (MED-SUV). Collaborative Project. (Contract nº: 308665)
Duración: 01/06/2013-31/05/2016.
Organismo financiador: European Union, SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME – Convocatoria FP/-ENV-2012-two-stage.
Centros de ejecución: INGV, Italia (Coordinador), IGEO (CSIC) es Associated Member, siendo el total de socios incluidos en el proyecto de 24 de los siguientes países. Italia, Alemania, Reino Unido, Francia, España, Portugal, MT, CH, Canadá y Estados Unidos.
Investigador responsable IGEO: José Fernández 
Coste total Proyecto: 6.759.217 €, Subvención concedida: 5.998.851 €
Subvención CSIC-IGEO: 250.000 €

This project will improve the consortium capacity of assessment of volcanic hazards in Supersites of Southern Italy by optimising and integrating existing and new observation/monitoring systems, by a breakthrough in understanding of volcanic processes and by increasing the effectiveness of the coordination between the scientific and end-user communities. More than 3 million of people are exposed to potential volcanic hazards in a large region in the Mediterranean Sea, where two among the largest European volcanic areas are located: Mt. Etna and Campi Flegrei/Vesuvius. This project will fully exploit the unique detailed long-term in-situ monitoring data sets available for these volcanoes and integrate with Earth Observation (EO) data, setting the basic tools for a significant step ahead in the discrimination of pre-, syn- and post-eruptive phases. The wide range of styles and intensities of volcanic phenomena observed on these volcanoes, which can be assumed as archetypes of “closed conduit”  and “open conduit” volcano, together with the long-term multidisciplinary data sets give an exceptional opportunity to improve the understanding of a very wide spectrum of geo-hazards, as well as implementing and testing a large variety of innovative models of ground deformation and motion. Important impacts on the European industrial sector are expected, arising from a partnership integrating the scientific community and SMEs to implement together new observation/monitoring sensors/systems. Specific experiments and studies will be carried out to improve our understanding of the volcanic internal structure and dynamics, as well as to recognise signals related to impending unrest or eruption. Hazard quantitative assessment will benefit by the outcomes of these studies and by their integration into the cutting edge monitoring approaches thus leading to a step-change in hazard awareness and preparedness and leveraging the close relationship between scientists, SMEs, and end-users.

Aparte de la participación en los diferentes WP el CSIC coordina diferentes Tareas y Sub-tareas:
WP3. Data Sharing, Integration and Interoperability.
Coordinación Task 3.3: Data integration.
WP4. Closed-conduit volcanoes laboratory
Sub-Task 4.2.3: Determination of the 3D density structure of the crust
WP5. Etna volcano laboratory (open-conduit)
Coordinación Task 5.4 Models and software

PROYECTO: Integration between SAR Interferometry and Ground-Based Geodetic Data on Mt. Etna Using Radarsat-2 Data (SOAR-E Nº: 5087).
Organismo financiador: CANADIAN SPACE AGENCY (CSA)
Duración: 2011-2013
Centros de ejecución: University of Western Ontario (UWO, Canadá), Instituto de Geociencias (IGEO, CSIC-UCM) (Spain), INGV- S. Catania (Italy)
Investigador Principal: K. F. Tiampo (UWO, Canadá), Co-IP: J. Fernández, G. Puglisi, P.J. González, S. Samsonov, S. Alipour, F. Guglielmino.
Redución de coste en las imágenes equivalente a más de 60.000,00 €.

PROYECTO: Integration between SAR interferometry and ground-based geodetic data on Mt. Etna Supersite using Terrasar-X data.
Organismo financiador: Agencia Espacial Alemana (DLR).
Duración: 8/2011-12/2013
Centros de ejecución: INGV-Catania (Italia), Delf Univ. Tech. (Holanda), UWO (Canadá), IGEO (CSIC-UCM) (España), INGV-Roma (Italia)
Investigador Principal: G. Puglisi (INGV-Catania, Italia), Co-IP: K. F. Tiampo (UWO, Canadá), J. Fernández (IGEO, Spain), A. Hooper (Delf, Holanda), G. Guglielmino (INGV-Catania, Italia);S. Stramondo (INGV-Roma, Italia).
Redución de coste en las imágenes equivalente a más 60.000,00 €.
Y por los PROYECTOS del  Committee on Earth Observation Satellite ( (CEOS)

PROYECTO: Mt. Etna Supersite Volcano.
Organismo financiador: CEOS
Desde: Junio 2014
Punto de Contacto (PoC): G. Puglisi, INGV-OE

PROYECTO: Vesuvius – Campi Flegreii Supersite.
Organismo financiador: CEOS
Desde: Junio 2014
Punto de Contacto (PoC): S. Borgstrom, INGV-OV
Y el proyecto

PROYECTO: MEDiterranean SUpersite Volcanoes. Integration of on-shore and off-shore passive and active Seismic Experiemnts in South Italy (MED-SUV.ISES).
Duración: 11/2010-10/2014
Organismo financiador: EUROFLEETS2, EU VII Framework Programm.
Centros de ejecución: INGV-OE, Univ. Granada y 17 Instituciones más de diferentes países, incluyendo CSIC.
Coordinador: G. Puglisi, D. Patané (INGV, Italia), J. Ibañez (Univ. Granada)

• José Fernández Torres (IR CSIC)
• Antonio J. González Camacho (Geodesia, gravimetría, modelado y problema inverso)
• Alfredo Aparicio Yagüe (Geología e interpretación)
• Guadalupe M. Bru Cruz (InSAR, Geología e interpretación)


  • Samsonov, S. V., K. F. Tiampo, A. G. Camacho, J. Fernández, and P. J. González, 2014. Spatiotemporal analysis and interpretation of 1993–2013 ground deformation at Campi Flegrei, Italy, observed by advanced DInSAR. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 6101-6108, doi: 10.1002/2014GL060595.
  • Samsonov, S. V., A. P. Trishchenko, K. Tiampo, P. J. González, Y. Zhang, and J. Fernández, 2014. Removal of systematic seasonal atmospheric signal from interferometric synthetic aperture radar ground deformation time series, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 6123-6130, doi:10.1002/2014GL061307.


1) European Supersites Coordination Workshop, Brussels 10-11 June, 2013. EC. “Inference on subsurface sources from multiparametric numerical analysis of geodetic data”. José Fernández and Antonio G. Camacho.


AUTORES: Samsonov, S.V., González, P.J., Tiampo, K.F., Camacho, A.G., Fernández, J.
TÍTULO: Spatiotemporal analysis of ground deformation at Campi Flegrei and Mt Vesuvius, Italy, observed by Envisat and Radarsat-2 InSAR during 2003-2013.

CONGRESO: 15th Annual Conference of the Int. Ass. Mathematical Geosciences, Madrid, Septiembre 2-6, 2013.
CARÁCTER: Internacional.
AUTORES: Jose Fernández, Antonio G. Camacho, Daniele Carbone, Alessandro Bonforte, Francesco Guglielmino, and Giuseppe Puglisi
TÍTULO: Joint inversion of ground deformation and gravity changes using free geometry bodies.

CONGRESO: EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 28-May 2, 2014.
CARÁCTER: Internacional
AUTORES: Flavio Cannavò, Antonio G. Camacho, Danila Scandura, Pablo J. González, Mario Mattia, and José Fernández
TÍTULO: Tracking magmatic intrusions in real-time by means of free-shaped volcanic source modelling.

CONGRESO: EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 28-May 2, 2014.
CARÁCTER: Internacional
AUTORES: Kristy Tiampo, Sergey Samsonov, Pablo González, Jose Fernández, and Antonio Camacho
TÍTULO: Spatiotemporal analysis and interpretation of 2003-2013 ground deformation at Campi Flegrei, Italy, observed by advanced DInSAR.

CONGRESO: EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 28-May 2, 2014.
CARÁCTER: Internacional
AUTORES: Samsonov, S.V., González, P.J., Tiampo, K.F., Fernández, J., Zhang, Y.
TÍTULO: Seasonal tropospheric oscillations observed in InSAR time series.

CONGRESO: 2014 IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium and 35th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing. July 13-18, 2014 | Québec City, Québec, Canada..
ENTIDAD ORGANIZADORA: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) and the Canadian Remote Sensing Society
CARÁCTER: Internacional
AUTORES: Tiampo, K.F., Samsonov, S.V., González, P.J., d’Oreye, N., Fernández, J., Camacho, A.
TÍTULO: Advanced DInSAR time series analysis of natural and anthropogenic hazards.

CONGRESO: 2014 IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium and 35th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing. July 13-18, 2014 | Québec City, Québec, Canada.
ENTIDAD ORGANIZADORA: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) and the Canadian Remote Sensing Society
CARÁCTER: Internacional
AUTORES: J. Fernández, A.G. Camacho, D. Carbone, A. Bonforte, F. Guglielmino, G. Puglisi
TÍTULO: Joint inversion of 1995-2001 ground deformation data and gravity changes observed at Mt. Etna: New insight into the shallow plumbing system

CONGRESO: AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA, 15-19/12/2014.
CARÁCTER: Internacional