NAME: José Fernández,
Born: (mm/dd/yy) 08/02/63 Married
BUSINESS: Instituto de Geociencias (CSIC-UCM), Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, Plaza de Ciencias, 3, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 – Madrid, Spain.
ResearcherID: K-1669-2014
Scopus Author ID: 56300432800
- Ph. D. Mathematics (Geodesy) by the Department of Physics of the Earth, Astronomy and Astrophysics – I, 1992
- M.S. Astronomy and Geodesy, Universidad Complutense of Madrid, 1986
- Graduated in Mathematics, University Complutense of Madrid, Spain, Speciality of Astronomy and Geodesy, 1986.
- American Geophysical Union
- European Geophysical Society
- International Association of Geodesy
Geodesy, Seismology, Volcanism, Geodynamics, Continuum Mechanics, Natural hazards, Remote Sensing
21/07/2008-present. Research Scientist, Spanish Council for Scientific Research, Institute of Astronomy and Geodesy. From 2011 at the Instituto de Geociencias.
01/01/2010-08/01/2013. UCM Coordinator of the scientific cluster “Global change and new energies” of the Moncloa International Campus of Excellence, UCM-UPM.
30/07/2008-01/07/2011. Acting Director of the Instituto de Astronomía y Geodesia, joint center between the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and the Universidad Complutense of Madrid.
12/11/2002-20/07/2008. Tenured Scientist, Spanish Council for Scientific Research, Institute of Astronomy and Geodesy.
01/09/2003-21/12/2003. (Concurrent with above). Invited Researcher at Center for Computational Science and Engineering and Department of Physics, University of California at Davis, Davis, USA.
24/10/95-11/11/2002. Professor of Geodesy (Tenure), Department of Physics of the Earth, Astronomy and Astrophysics – I, University Complutense of Madrid, and member of the Institute of Astronomy and Geodesy (CSIC-UCM).
23/09/2000-7/10/2000. (Concurrent with above). Invited Researcher at the Satellite Geoinformatics Research Center, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
03/10/99-09/10/99 (Concurrent with above). Invited Researcher at the Geophysical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Eslovaquia.
18/09/97-28/09/97 (Concurrent with above). Invited Researcher at the Geophysical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Eslovaquia.
11/07/97-15/08/97 (Concurrent with above). Research Associate at the Graduate School and Cooperative Institute Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado, USA.
08/12/96-15/12/96 (Concurrent with above). Invited Researcher, Geophysical Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
01/10/90-24/10/95. Associate Professor, Department of Physics of the Earth, Astronomy and Astrophysics – I, University Complutense of Madrid, and Fellow, Institute of Astronomy and Geodesy (CSIC-UCM).
01/07/94-30/09/94 (Concurrent with above). Invited Researcher, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
01/08/92-30/09/92 (Concurrent with above). Physicist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (US Department of Energy, contract W-7405-ENG-48) Universidad de Berkeley, California, USA. Earth Sciences Department.
01/10/87-30/09/90. Assistant Professor, Department of Physics of the Earth, Astronomy and Astrophysics – I, University Complutense of Madrid, and Fellow Institute of Astronomy and Geodesy (CSIC-UCM).
01/10/89-30/09/90 (Concurrent with above). Geodesit, National Museum of Natural Sciences, Department of Geology, CSIC, Madrid.
07/03/88-16/03/88, 20/02/89-08/03/89 (Concurrent with above). Invited Researcher, Observatoire Royale de Belgique, Brussels, Belgique.
13/10/86-30/09/87. Profesor Encargado de Curso, Nivel C, Departament of Astronomy and Geodesy, University Complutense of Madrid, and Fellow Institute of Astronomy and Geodesy (CSIC-UCM).
Academic Courses 84/85 and 85/86. Collaboration Grant, Departament of Astronomy and Geodesy, University Complutense of Madrid, and Institute of Astronomy and Geodesy (CSIC-UCM).
- Member of the Working Group ICCT Working Group on “Temporal variations of deformation and gravity”, International Association of Geodesy. 2007–2011.
- Member of Scientific Council of the European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology, European Council (January 2000-Present).
- Member of the Working Group ICCT2 on “Dynamic theories of deformation and gravity fields”, International Association of Geodesy. 2003 –2007.
- Member of the Special Study Group 4.189 (Dynamics theories of deformation and gravity fields), International Association of Geodesy, Section IV (General Theory and Methodology). 1999 – 2004.
- Member of the Special Study Group 4.176 (Models of temporal variations of the gravity field), International Association of Geodesy, Section IV (General Theory and Methodology). 1995 – 1999.
- Corresponding Member of the Working Group WG3 (Tidal measurements and geodynamics research), International Association of Geodesy, Section V (Geodynamics), 1991-1995.
* Editor of Pure and Applied Geophysics.
1) 2014 Fall AGU meeting, 15-19 December 2014, San Francisco USA. Título: “Geodynamical studies using integrated gravity studies”. J. Fernández, K.F. Tiampo, J.B. Rundle.
2) 2014 IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium and 35th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing. July 13-18, 2014 | Québec City, Québec, Canada. Título: “Ground and space study and control of the Leintz-Gatzaga (Guipúzcoa, Spain) landslide”. J. Fernández, M. Avellaneda, G. Brú, R. Iglesias, J.J. Mallorquí, E. Sansosti, A. Morales.
3) 2014 IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium and 35th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing. July 13-18, 2014 | Québec City, Québec, Canada. Título: “Advanced DInSAR time series analysis of natural and anthropogenic hazards”. K.F. Tiampo, S.V. Samsonov, P.J. González, N. d’Oreye, J. Fernández, A. Camacho.
4) 2013 Fall AGU meeting, 3-9 December 2013, San Francisco USA. Título: “Monitoring earthquake fault slip from space: Model implications for a high precision, high resolution dedicated gravity mission”. J.B. Rundle, M.K. Sachs, K.F. Tiampo, J. Fernández, D.L. Turcotte, A. Donnellan, E.M.Heien, L.H.Kellogg.
5) 97th Journées Luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique (JLG), 2-4 October, 2013, Luxembourg. Título: “Objectives and results of more than 20 years of geodetic research in Canary Islands”. Fernández, J.
6) 15th Annual Conference of the Int. Ass. Mathematical Geosciences, Madrid 2-6, 2013. “An update GPS velocity and strain rate fields for the iberian region”. Mimmo Palano, Pablo J. González and José Fernández
7) 15th Annual Conference of the Int. Ass. Mathematical Geosciences, Madrid 2-6, 2013. “3D coupled geophysical-petrological modelling of the Canary Islands and north-western african margin lithosphere”. Javier Fullea, Antonio G. Camacho and José Fernández
8) European Supersites Coordination Workshop, Brussels 10-11 June, 2013. EC. “Inference on subsurface sources from multiparametric numerical analysis of geodetic data”. José Fernández and Antonio G. Camacho.
9) EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 22-27, 2012. EGU. “Concurrent tectonic and aquifer-compaction deformation around Lorca (SE, Spain). (EGU2012-2331)”. P. J. González, K. F. Tiampo, M. Palano, F. Cannavó, J. Fernández
10) Iberian Seismic Workshop. A Cenozoic Tectonics Perspective. Fac. C. Gelógicas, UCM, 30-06-2011. Organizado por la Fac. C. Geológicas (UCM), el Instituto de Geociencias (CSIC-UCM) y el CEI Moncloa (UCM-UPM). “Interferometría Radar y Deformaciones Cosísmicas”. José Fernández, Pablo J. González, Kristy F. Tiampo.
11) Solemne Acto de Clausura del Curso Académico 2010-2011, C.M.U. Ximénez de Cisneros, UCM, 27 de mayo de 2011. “Geodesia y matemáticas: Algunas aplicaciones en un mundo global”. Autor: José Fernández Torres.
12) Jornada Cambio Global España 2020-2050 – CCEIM (Centro Complutense de Estudios e Información Medioambiental) y ETSAM – UPM (Departamento de Urbanismo y ordenación del Territorio). ETSAM, Madrid, 5 de mayo de 2011. Título: “Clúster de Cambio Global y Nuevas Energías”. Conferencia Inaugural de las Jornadas. Autores: José Fernández Torres y Francisco Javier Elorza Tenreiro.
13) European Geosciences Union, EGU, General Assembly, 3-8 de Abril, 2011, Viena. Título: “Modelling geodetic changes at volcanic areas by extended sources. Model and application examples”. Autores: José Fernández and Antonio G. Camacho
14) European Geosciences Union, EGU, General Assembly, 3-8 de Abril, 2011, Viena. Título: “Multiple geodetic data combination to obtain 3D displacement fields: the 1999 Hector Mine earthquake case”. Autores: Pablo J. Gonzalez, Jose Fernandez, and Kristy F. Tiampo
15) 1as Jornadas Científicas del Campus de Excelencia Internacional de Moncloa, 23-25 de Febrero 2011. Título: “Cambio Global y Nuevas Energías. Presentación del Clúster”. Autores: Francisco Javier Elorza Tenreiro y José Fernández Torres.
(1) Fernández, J., Vieira, R., Díez, J.L., and Toro, C., 1992. Investigations on crustal thickness, heat flow and gravity tide relationship in Lanzarote Island. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 74, 199-208.
(2) Fernández, J., and Rundle, J.B., 1994. Gravity changes and deformation due to a magmatic intrusion in a two-layered crustal model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, 2737-2746.
(3) Fernández, J., and Rundle, J.B., 1994. FORTRAN program to compute displacement, potential and gravity changes resulting from a magma intrusion in a multilayered Earth model. Computers & Geosciences, 20, 461-510.
(4) Brimich, L., Fernández, J., Granell, R.d.R., and Hvozdara, M., 1996. Some comments about Earth models effects on ground deformation modelling. Studia Geophysica et Geodætica, 40, 14-24.
(5) Yu, T. T., Rundle, J.B., and Fernández, J., 1996. Surface deformation due to strike-slip fault in an elastic gravitational layer overlying a viscoelastic gravitational half-space. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 3199-3214.
(6) Fernández, J., Yu, T. T., Rundle, J.B., 1996. Horizontal viscoelastic-gravitational displacement due to a rectangular dipping thrust fault in a layered Earth model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 13581-13594.
(7) Fernández, J., Yu, T.-T., and Rundle, J.B., 1996. Deformation produced by a rectangular dipping fault in a viscoelastic-gravitational layered Earth model. Part I: Thrust fault. FLTGRV and FLRGRH FORTRAN programs. Computers & Geosciences, 22, 735-750.
(8) Yu, T.-T., Rundle, J.B., and Fernández, J., 1996. Deformation produced by a rectangular dipping fault in a viscoelastic-gravitational layered Earth model. Part II: Strike fault. STRGRV and STRGRH FORTRAN programs. Computers & Geosciences, 22, 751-764.
(9) Fernández, J., Rundle, J.B., Granell, R.d.R, Yu, T.-T., 1997. Programs to compute deformation due to a magma intrusion in elastic-gravitational layered Earth models. Computers & Geosciences, 23, 231-249.
(10) Yu, T.-T., Fernández, J., and Rundle, J.B., 1998. Inverting the parameters of an earthquake-ruptured fault with a genetic algorithm. Computers & Geosciences, 24, 173-182.
(11) Fernández, J., Yu, T. T., Rundle, J.B., 1998. Correction to “Horizontal viscoelastic-gravitational displacement due to a rectangular dipping thrust fault in a layered Earth model”. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, B12, 30283-30286.
(12) Fernández, J., Yu, T.-T., and Rundle, J.B., 1999. Corrigenda to “Deformation produced by a rectangular dipping fault in a viscoelastic-gravitational layered Earth model. Part I: thrust fault. fltgrv and fltgrh FORTRAN programs”. Computers & Geosciences, 25, 301-307.
(13) Fernández, J., Carrasco, J.M., Rundle, J.B., and Araña, V., 1999. Geodetic methods for detecting volcanic unrest. A theoretical approach. Bulletin of Volcanology, 60, 534-544.
(14) Yu, T. T., Rundle, J.B., and Fernández, J., 1999. Correction to “Surface deformation due to strike-slip fault in an elastic gravitational layer overlying a viscoelastic gravitational half-space”. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, 15313-15316.
(15) Folch, A., Fernández, J., Rundle, J.B., Martí, J., 2000. Ground deformation in a viscoelastic medium composed of a layer overlying a half space. A comparison between point and extended sources. Geophysical Journal International, 140, 37-50.
(16) Tiampo, K., Rundle, J.B., Fernández, J., and Langbein, J., 2000. Spherical and ellipsoidal volcanic sources at Long Valley Caldera, California, using a Genetic Algorithm inversion technique. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 102, 189-206.
(17) Yu, T.-T., Fernández, J., Tseng, C.-L., Sevilla, M.J., and V. Araña, 2000. Sensitivity Test of the Geodetic Network in Las Cañadas Caldera, Tenerife, for Volcano Monitoring. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 103, 393-407.
(18) Fernandez, J., Charco, M., Tiampo, K. F., Jentzsch, G., Rundle, J. B., 2001. Joint interpretation of displacements and gravity changes in volcanic areas. A test example: Long Valley Caldera, California. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 1063-1066.
(19) Arnoso, J., Fernández, J., Vieira, R., 2001. Interpretation of tidal gravity anomalies in Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Journal of Geodynamics, 31/4, 341-354.
(20) Fernandez, J., Tiampo, K. F., Jentzsch, G., Charco, M., Rundle, J. B., 2001 Inflation or deflation? New results for Mayon volcano applying elastic-gravitational modeling. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 2349-2352.
(21) Fernández, J., Tiampo K. F., Rundle, J. B., 2001. Viscoelastic displacement and gravity changes due to point magmatic intrusions in a gravitational layered solid Earth. Geophysical Journal International, 146/1, 155-170.
(22) Fernández, J., Romero, R., Carrasco, D., Luzón, F., Araña, V., 2002. InSAR Volcano and Seismic Monitoring in Spain. Results for the Period 1992-2000 and Possible Interpretations. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 37/2-3, 285-297.
(23) Yu, T.-T., Rundle, J.B., and Fernández, J., 2002. Corrigendum to “Deformation produced by a rectangular dipping fault in a viscoelastic-gravitational layered earth model. Part II: strike-slip fault – STRGRV and STRGRH FORTRAN programs” [Computers & Geosciences 22 (1996) 751-764]. Computers & Geosciences, 28(1), 89-91.
(24) Charco M., Brimich L., Fernández J., 2002: Topography effects on the displacements and gravity changes due to magma intrusion. Geologica Carpathica, 53, 4, 215-221.
(25) Romero, R., Carrasco, D., Araña, V., and Fernández, J., 2003. A new approach to the monitoring of deformation on Lanzarote (Canary Islands): an 8-year radar perspective. Bulletin of Volcanology, 65: 1-7, DOI: 10.1007/s00445-002-0232-3.
(26) Fernández, J., Yu, T.-T., Rodríguez-Velasco, G., Gonzalez-Matesanz, F.J., Romero, R., Rodríguez, G., Quirós, R., Dalda, A., Aparicio, A., and Blanco, M.J., 2003. New Geodetic Monitoring System in the Volcanic Island of Tenerife, Canaries, Spain. Combination of InSAR and GPS Techniques. Journal Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 124/3-4, 241-253.
(27) Fernández, J., Rundle, J.B., 2004. Postseismic Viscoelastic-Gravitational Half Space Computations: Problems and Solutions. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, 29 L07608, DOI:10.1029/2004GL019654.
(28) Fernández, J., 2004 (Editor). Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol 161, nº 7, Topical Issue “Geodetic and geophysical effects associated with seismic and volcanic hazards.”, ISSN 0033-4553, pp. 1301-1611.
(29) Fernández, J., 2004. Geodetic and geophysical effects associated with seismic and volcanic hazards. Introduction. Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol 161, nº 7, 1301-1303, DOI: 10.1007/s00024-004-2505-6.
(30) Fernández, J., F. J. González-Matesanz, J. F. Prieto, A. Staller, G. Rodríguez-Velasco, A. Alonso-Medina and M. Charco, 2004. GPS Monitoring in the N-W part of the Volcanic Island of Tenerife, Canaries, Spain. Strategy and results. Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol 161, nº 7, 1359-1377, DOI: 10.1007/s00024-004-2509-2.
(31) Tiampo, K.F., Fernández, J., Jentzsch, G., Charco, M., and Rundle, J.B., 2004. New results at Mayon, Philippines, from a joint inversion of gravity and deformation measurements. Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol 161, nº 7, 1433-1452, DOI: 10.1007/s00024-004-2513-6.
(32) Charco, M., Fernández, J., Tiampo, K.F., Battaglia, M., Kellogg, L., McClain, J., and Rundle, J.B., 2004. Study of volcanic sources at Long Valley Caldera, California, using gravity data and a genetic algorithm inversion technique. Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol 161, nº 7, 1399-1413, DOI: 10.1007/s00024-004-2511-8.
(33) Tiampo, K.F., Fernández, J., Jentzsch, G., Charco, M., and Rundle, J.B., 2004. Inverting for the parameters of a volcanic source using a genetic algorithm and a model for magmatic intrusion in elastic-gravitational layered Earth models. Computers & Geosciences, 30/9-10 pp. 985-1001.
(34) Fernández, J., Romero, R.; Carrasco, D., Tiampo, K.F., Rodríguez-Velasco, G., Aparicio, A., Araña, V., González-Matesanz, F.J., 2005. Detection of displacements in Tenerife Island, Canaries, using radar interferometry. Geophysical Journal International, 160, 33-45. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02487.x.
(35) Tiede, C., Tiampo, K.F., Fernández, J., Gerstenecker, C., 2005. Deeper Understanding of Non-Linear Geodetic Data Inversion Using a Quantitative Sensitivity Analysis. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 12, 373–379.
(36) Tiede, C., A. G. Camacho, C. Gerstenecker, J. Fernández, and I. Suyanto, 2005. Modeling the density at Merapi volcano area, Indonesia, via the inverse gravimetric problem, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 6, Q09011, doi:10.1029/2005GC000986.
(37) Fernández, J., Tiampo, K.F., Rundle, J.B., Jentzsch, G., 2005. On the interpretation of vertical gravity gradients produced by magmatic intrusions. Journal of Geodynamics, 39/5, 475-492. doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2005.04.005.
(38) Fernández, J. Charco, M., Rundle, J. B., Tiampo, K. F., 2006. A revision of the FORTRAN codes GRAVW to compute deformation produced by a point magma intrusion in elastic-gravitational layered Earth models. Computers & Geosciences, 32/2, 275-281. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2005.06.015.
(39) Charco, M., Fernández, J., Luzón, F., and Rundle, J. B., 2006. On the relative importance of self-gravitation and elasticity in modelling volcanic ground deformation and gravity changes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, B03404, doi: 10.1029/2005JB003754.
(40) Hayes, T.J., Tiampo, K.F., Rundle, J.B., Fernández, J.B., 2006. Gravity changes from a stress-evolution earthquake simulation of California. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, B09408, doi: 10.129/2005JB004092.
(41) Gottsmann, J., Wooller, J., Martí, J., Fernández, J., Camacho, A., González, P., García, A., Rymer, H., 2006. New evidence for the reawakening of Teide volcano. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L20311, doi: 10.1029/2006GL027523.
(42) Gottsmann, J., Camacho, A.G., Tiampo, K.F., Fernández, J., 2006. Spatio-temporal variations in vertical gravity gradients at the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy): A case for source multiplicity during unrest. Geophysical Journal International, 167, 1089-1096.
(43) Charco, M., Luzón, F., Fernández, J., and Tiampo, K.F., 2007. Topography and self-gravitation interaction in elastic-gravitational modelling. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3), 8, Q01001, doi:10.1029/2006GC001412.
(44) Wolf, D., Fernández, J., 2007 (Editors). Pure and Applied Geophysics (Pageoph), Topical Issue “Deformation and Gravity Change: Indicators of Isostasy, Tectonics, Volcanism and Climate Change.”, 164/4, 633-878.
(45) Wolf, D., Fernández, J., 2007. Deformation and Gravity Change: Indicators of Isostasy, Tectonics, Volcanism and Climate Change. Introduction. Pure and Applied Geophysics (Pageoph), 164/4, 633-635.
(46) Tiampo, K.F., Fernández, J., Hayes, T. and Jentzsch, G., 2007. Modeling of stress changes at Mayon volcano, Philippines. Pure and applied geophysics (Pageoph), 164/4, 819-835.
(47) Charco, M., Fernández, J., Luzón, F., Tiampo, K.F. and Rundle, J. B., 2007. Some insights about topographic, elastic and self-gravitation interaction in modelling ground deformation and gravity changes in active volcanic areas. Pure and applied geophysics (Pageoph), 164/4, 865-878.
(48) Tiede, C., Fernández, J., Gerstenecker, C., Tiampo, K.F., 2007. A hybrid model for the summit region of Merapi volcano, derived from gravity changes and deformation measured between 2000 and 2002. Pure and applied geophysics (Pageoph), 164/4, 837-850.
(49) Chávez-García, F.J., Luzón, F., Raptakis, D., Fernández, J., 2007. Shear-wave velocity structure at Teide volcano. Results using microtremors and the SPAC method. Implications for interpretation of geodetic results. Pure and applied geophysics (Pageoph), 164/4, 697-720.
(50) Camacho, A. G., Fernández, J., Charco, C., Tiampo, K.F. and Jentzsch, G., 2007. Interpretation of 1992-1994 gravity changes around Mayon volcano, Philippines, using point sources. Pure and applied geophysics (Pageoph), 164/4,733-749.
(51) Charco, M., Luzón, F., Fernández, J., Tiampo, K.F., and Sánchez-Sesma, F.J., 2007. 3D Indirect Boundary Element Method for deformation and gravity changes in volcanic areas. Application to Teide volcano (Tenerife, Canary Islands). Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, B08409, doi:10.1029/2006JB004740.
(52) Fernández, J., Fernàndez, M., Miguelsanz, L., Camacho, A.G., 2008. On the interpretation of gravity tide residuals in the Iberian Peninsula. Journal of Geodynamics, 45/1, 18-31. doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2007.03.006.
(53) Hayes, T.J., Tiampo, K.F., Fernández, J., Rundle, J.B., 2008. A gravity gradient method for characterizing the post-seismic field for a finite fault. Geophysical Journal International, 173(3), 802-805, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03795.x.
(54) Hayes, T.J., Tiampo, K.F., Rundle, J.B., Fernández, J., 2008. A general method for calculating co-seismic gravity changes in complex fault systems. Computers & Geosciences, 34, 1541-1549.
(55) Camacho, A.G., Díez, J.I., Fernández, J., 2008 (Editors). Pure and Applied Geophysics (Pageoph), Topical Issue “Earth Sciences and Mathematics. Volume I.” 165, nº6.
(56) Camacho, A.G., Díez, J.I., Fernández, J., 2008. Introduction: Linking Earth Sciences and Mathematics Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165, nº6, 997-1001. DOI: 10.1007/s00024-008-0343-7.
(57) Eff-Darwich, A., Grassin, O., Fernández, J., 2008. An upper limit to ground deformation in the island of Tenerife, Canary Islands, for the period 1997-2006. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165, nº6 1049-1070. DOI: 10.1007/s00024-008-0346-7.
(58) Gottsmann, J., Camacho, A.G., Martí, J., Wooller, L., Fernández, J., García, A., and Rymer, H., 2008. Shallow structure beneath the central volcanic complex of Tenerife from new gravity data: Implications for its evolution and recent reactivation. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 168, 212-230.
(59) Camacho, A.G., Díez, J.I., Fernández, J., 2008 (Editors). Pure and Applied Geophysics (Pageoph), Topical Issue “Earth Sciences and Mathematics. Volume II.” 165, nº8, 1459-1706.
(60) Camacho, A.G., Díez, J.I., Fernández, J., 2008. Introduction to Earth Sciences and Mathematics, Volume II. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165, nº8, 1459-1463.
(61) Perlock, P.A., González, P.J., Tiampo, K.F., Rodríguez-Velasco, G., Samsonov, S., Fernández, J., 2008. Time evolution of deformation using time series of differential interferograms: Application to La Palma Island (Canary Islands). Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165, nº 8, 1531-1554.
(62) Arjona, A., Díaz, J.I., Fernández, J., Rundle, J.B., F., 2008. On the Mathematical Analysis of an Elastic-gravitational Layered Earth Model for Magmatic Intrusion: The Stationary Case. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165, nº 8, 1465-1490.
(63) Tiampo, K.F., Assefa, D., Fernández, J., Mansinha, L., Rasmussen, H., 2008. Postseismic deformation following the 1994 Northridge earthquake identified using the localized Hartley transform filter. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165, nº 8, 1577-1602.
(64) Battaglia, M., Gottsmann, J., Carbone, D., Fernández, J., 2008. 4D volcano gravimetry. Geophysics, 73/6, WA3-WA18. doi: 10.1190/1.2977792.
(65) Fernández, J., P. Tizzani, M. Manzo, A. Borgia, P. J. González, J. Martí, A. Pepe, A. G. Camacho, F. Casu, P. Berardino, J. F. Prieto, R. Lanari, 2009. Subsidence induced by sinking of Tenerife intrusive complex measured by InSAR time series analysis. Geophys. Res. Letters, 36, L04306, doi: 10.1029/2008GL036920.
(66) Charco, M., Camacho, A.G., Tiampo, K.F., Fernández, J., 2009. Spatiotemporal gravity changes on volcanoes: Assessing the importance of topography. Geophys. Res. Letters, 36, L08306, doi: 10.1029/2009GL037160.
(67) Camacho, A.G., Fernández, J., González, P.J., Rundle, J.B., Prieto, J.G., Arjona, A., 2009. Structural results for La Palma Island using 3D gravity inversion. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, B05411, doi: 10.1029/2008JB005628.
(68) Wolf, D., González, P.J., Fernández, J., 2009 (Editors). Pure and Applied Geophysics (Pageoph), Topical Issue “Deformation and Gravity Change: Indicators of Isostasy, Tectonics, Volcanism and Climate Change. Volume II.”, vol.166, Nº. 8/9, 1165-1531.
(69) Wolf, D., González, P.J., Fernández, J., 2009. Deformation and Gravity Change: Indicators of Isostasy, Tectonics, Volcanism and Climate Change, Volume II. Introduction. Pure and applied geophysics (Pageoph), vol.166, Nº. 8/9, 1165-1166.
(70) González, P.J., Fernández, J., and Camacho, A.G., 2009. Co-seismic three dimensional displacements determined using SAR data: processing, elastic modeling and interpretation. Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol.166, Nº. 8/9, 1403-1424.
(71) Prieto, J.F., P. J. González, A. Seco, G. Rodríguez-Velasco, L. Tunini, P. A. Perlock, A. Arjona, A. Aparicio, A. G. Camacho, J. B. Rundle, K. F. Tiampo, J. L. G. Pallero, S. Pospiech, J. Fernández, 2009. Geodetic and Structural Research in La Palma island, Canaries, Spain: 1992-2007 results. Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol.166, Nº. 8/9, 1461-1484.
(72) Seco, A., P.J. González, F. Ramírez, R. García, E. Prieto, C. Yagüe and J. Fernández, 2009. GPS monitoring of the tropical storm Delta along the Canary Islands track, November 28-29, 2005. Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol.166, Nº. 8/9, 1519-1531.
(73) González, P.J., Chini, M., Stramondo, S., Fernández, J., 2010. Co-seismic horizontal displacements using phase correlation of IRS satellite images: the 1999 Izmit (Turkey) earthquake. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 48/5, 2250-2242, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2009.2039352.
(74) González, P. J., Tiampo, K. F., Camacho, A. G., Fernández, J., 2010. Shallow flank deformation at Cumbre Vieja volcano (Canary Islands): Implications on the stability of steep-side volcano flanks at oceanic islands. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 297, 545-557. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.07.006.
(75) Van Aalsburg, J., Rundle, J.B., Grant, L.B., Rundle, P.B., Yakovlev, G, Turcotte, D.L., Donnellan, A., Tiampo, K.F., Fernandez, J., 2010. Space- and time- dependent probabilities for earthquake fault systems from numerical simulations: Feasibility study and first results, Pure and applied geophysics (Pageoph), 167/8-9, 967-977. doi: 10.1007/s00024-010-0091-3.
(76) Tizzani, P., A. Manconi, G. Zeni, A. Pepe, M. Manzo, A.G. Camacho, J. Fernández, 2010. Long-term vs. short-term deformation processes at Tenerife volcano (Canary Islands). Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, B12412. doi:10.1029/2010JB007735
(77) d’Oreye, N., P.J. González, A. Shuler, A. Oth, L. Bagalwa, G. Ekström, D. Kavotha, F. Kervyn, C. Lucas, F. Lukaya, C. Wauthier, J. Fernández, 2011. The Bukavu-Cyangugu 2008 earthquake source parameters estimated from InSAR and teleseismic data. Geophysical Journal International, 184, 934-948, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04899.x.
(78) Camacho, A.G., J. Fernández and J. Gottsmann, 2011. A new gravity inversion method for multiple sub-horizontal discontinuity interfaces and shallow basins. Journal Geophysical Research, 116, B02413, doi:10.1029/2010JB008023.
(79) Camacho, A.G., Fernández, J., Gottsmann, J., 2011. The 3-D gravity inversion package GROWTH2.0 and its application to Tenerife Island, Spain. Computers & Geosciences, 37, 621-633, doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2010.12.003.
(80) González, P.J., Fernández, J., 2011. Drought-driven transient aquifer compaction imaged using multi-temporal satellite radar interferometry. Geology, 39/6, 551–554; doi:10.1130/G31900.1.
(81) Samsonov, S., J. Beavan, P.J. González, K. Tiampo, and J. Fernández, 2011. Ground deformation in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand observed by ALOS PALSAR interferometry. Geophysical Journal International, 187, 147-160, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05129.x.
(82) Camacho, A.G., González, P.J., Fernández, J., Berrino, G., 2011. Simultaneous inversion of surface deformation and gravity changes by means of extended bodies with free geometry. An application to deforming calderas. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, B10401, doi:10.1029/2010JB008165.
(83) González, P.J., Fernández, J., 2011. Error estimation in multitemporal InSAR deformation time series, with application to Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, B10404, doi:10.1029/2011JB008412.
(84) Wolf, D., Santoyo, M.A., Fernández, J., 2012. Deformation and Gravity Change: Indicators of Isostasy, Tectonics, Volcanism and Climate Change. Vol. III. Introduction. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 169/8, 1329-1330. DOI: 10.1007/s00024-011-0451-7.
(85) Eff-Darwich, A., J.C. Pérez-Darias, J. Fernández, B. García-Lorenzo, A. González-Fernández, P. J. González, 2012. A new methodology to mitigate the effect of tropospheric water vapour from DInSAR data. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 169/8, 1425-1441. DOI 10.1007/s00024-011-0401-4.
(86) Tiampo, K.F., F.-A. Ouegnin, S. Valluri, S. Samsonov, J. Fernández, and G. Kapp, 2012. An elliptical model for deformation due to groundwater fluctuations. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 169/8, 1443-1456. DOI: 10.1007/s00024-011-0402-3.
(87) Wolf, D., Santoyo, M.A., Fernández, J., 2012 (Editors). Pure and Applied Geophysics (Pageoph), Topical Issue “Deformation and Gravity Change: Indicators of Isostasy, Tectonics, Volcanism and Climate Change. Vol. III”. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 169/8, 1329-1537.
(88) González, P.J.; Tiampo, K.F.; Palano, M.; Cannavó, F.; and Fernández, J., 2012. The 2011 Lorca earthquake slip distribution controlled by groundwater crustal unloading. Nature Geoscience, 5/11, 755-834. DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1610.
(89) Palano, M., González, P.J., Fernández, J., 2013. Strain and stress fields along a diffuse plate boundary: The Gibraltar Orogenic Arc. Gondwana Research, 23/3, 1071–1088. doi: 10.1016/
(90) Camacho, A. G., and Fernández, J., 2013. Book Review. “Bouguer Gravity Regional and Residual Separation: Application to Geology and Environment” by Mallick, K., Vasanthi, A. and Sharma, K.K., Springer, 2012. ISBN: 978-94-007-0405-3 (hardback). Pure and Applied Geophysics, 170, 735-736. DOI: 10.1007/s00024-012-0600-7
(91) Tomás, R., Romero, R., Mulas, J., Marturià, J.J., Mallorquí, J.J., López-Sánchez, J.M., Herrera, G., Gutiérrez, F., González, P.J., Fernández, J., Duque S., Cocksley, G., Concha-Dimas, A., Castañeda, C., Carrasco, D., Blanco, P., 2014. Radar interferometry techniques for the study of ground subsidence phenomena: a review of practical issues through cases in Spain. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71-1, 163-181. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-013-2422-z.
(92) Samsonov, S. V., K. F. Tiampo, A. G. Camacho, J. Fernández, and P. J. González, 2014. Spatiotemporal analysis and interpretation of 1993–2013 ground deformation at Campi Flegrei, Italy, observed by advanced DInSAR. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 6101-6108, doi: 10.1002/2014GL060595.
(93) Samsonov, S. V., A. P. Trishchenko, K. Tiampo, P. J. González, Y. Zhang, and J. Fernández, 2014. Removal of systematic seasonal atmospheric signal from interferometric synthetic aperture radar ground deformation time series, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 6123-6130, doi:10.1002/2014GL061307.
(94) Fullea, J., A. G. Camacho, A. Negredo, J. Fernández, 2015. The Canary Islands hot spot: new insights from 3D coupled geophysical-petrological modelling of the lithosphere and uppermost mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 409, 71-88, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.10.038
(95) Orive, R., Osete, M.L., Díaz, J.I., Fernández, J., 2015. Introduction to Mathematics and Geosciences: Global and Local Perspectives, Volume I. Pure and applied geophysics, 172/1, 1-5. DOI 10.1007/s00024-014-0961-1.
(96) Díaz, J.I, Fernández, J., Orive, R., Osete, M.L., 2015 (Editors). Pure and Applied Geophysics (Pageoph), vol. 172, nº 1, Topical Issue “Mathematics and Geosciences. Global and Local perspectives: Volume I». pp. 1-196.
(97) Fernández, J., P.J. González, A. G. Camacho, J.F. Prieto, 2015. Volcano geodetic research in the Canary Islands: A summary of results and perspectives. Pure and applied geophysics. DOI: 10.1007/s00024-014-0916-6. (in press)
(98) Camacho, A.G., Carmona, E., García-Jerez, A., Sánchez-Martos, F., Prieto, J.F., Fernández, J., Luzón, F., 2015 Alluvial valleys structure via 3-D gravity inversion: The Low Andarax Valley (Almería, Spain) test case. Pure and applied geophysics. DOI 10.1007/s00024-014-0914-8. (in press)