
I am currently doing my Ph.D. Thesis in the Ph.D. Program on Mathematical Engineering, Statistics and Operations Research, associated to the Department of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Analysis (AMMA), in the Complutense University of Madrid.

I started my Ph.D. in October 2020, as a Research Assistant in the Interdisciplinary Mathematics Institute (IMI), and it is supervised by Ángel Manuel Ramos del Olmo, Benjamin Pierre Paul Ivorra and Alain Rapaport, in the framework of the MOMAT Research Group. Since December 2021, I am a Predoctoral Fellow of the AMMA Department, supported by an FPU predoctoral grant from the Spanish Government.

I expect to obtain my Ph.D. in Summer 2025, entitled «Mathematics and infectious diseases: Analysis and application of compartmental models«.

Main research area

Nowadays, my main reasearch is focused on Mathematical Epidemiology, and more concretely compartmental models based on ODEs, in both a theoretical (e.g., equilibria, asymptotic behavior, and sensitivity analysis) and an applied (e.g., parameter identification and optimization of control measures for real epidemics) way. I work as well on inverse problems, more concretely, on the study of observability and identifiability properties of dynamical systems, with special application to epidemiological models.

General research interests

Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation, Mathematical Epidemiology, Population Dynamics, Structural and Practical Identifiability, Observability, Inverse Problems.

For more information, you can contact me at akubik@ucm.es.