PhD proposals and Post-doc positions in Computer Science in Marseille

The Labex Archimède (Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in Marseille) offers several PhD and Post-doc positions in mathematics and computer science. Some of these positions will be opened in the Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale de Marseille (LIF – UMR7279 Aix-Marseille University / CNRS). The research areas of applicants can be any of the research topics studied in our lab :

– Algorithms and Complexity (contact : Victor Chepoi)
– Databases and Data-mining (contact : Rosine Cicchetti)
– Distributed Algorithms (contact : Jérémie Chalopin)
– Logic, Automata and Verification (contact : Rémi Morin)
– Machine and Statistical Learning (contact : Liva Ralaivola)
– Natural Language processing (contact : Alexis Nasr)
– Theoretical Computer Science and Biological Dynamics (contact : Sylvain Sené)

More information can be found on

PhD positions: applicants must have a master’s degree in mathematics or computer science. Funding is available for doctoral students for a full three year Graduate Scholarship in Marseille. The monthly stipend is approximatively 1600 euros (before tax but including health insurance, social security coverage). The starting date is between september and november 2014.

Post-doc positions: applicants must hold a Ph.D in mathematics or computer science obtained before October 1st, 2014. These are research-only appointments (with no teaching duties). They are typically for one year, with possible renewal for a second year subject to review. The salary will be approximately 2100 euros per month (before tax but including health insurance and social security coverage). The starting date is between september and november 2014.

Before applying, candidates may contact researchers from the LIF working in their topics of interest and should email their detailed CV with a list of publications, and a short description of their current research interests and future research plans to

The deadline for application is 15 june 2014 on these sites (PhD : – Post-docs :

Mucha Suerte.

Seminario de Doctorandos UCM.

Building Bridges: 2nd EU/US Summer School on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics.

Buenos días,

Os hacemos llegar la siguiente información

LMS-CMI Research School – Bristol, 30 June – 5 July 2014
Organisers:  Lynne Walling (Bristol), Jennifer Beineke (Western New England University)
Automorphic forms are present in almost every area of modern number theory. In recent decades there has been a starburst of activity and progress in this broad area, leading to many new directions, applications, and connections with other areas within mathematics and mathematical physics.  The purpose of the research school is to provide graduate students and early career researchers with training on some topics that are having great impact on current research in automorphic forms, allowing them to make new connections, with areas related to their current research programs and with other researchers. The school will be comprised of three 2-day intensive mini-courses, each team-taught by a pair of experts, and supplemented by afternoon problems sessions.
  • Explicit Methods for Modular Forms and L-functions (John Cremona, University of Warwick and Tim Dokchitser, University of Bristol)
  • The Legacy of Ramanujan (William Duke, UCLA and Ozlem Imamoglu, ETH Zurich)
  • The Langlands Program (James Cogdell, Ohio State University, and Solomon Friedberg, Boston College)
 For further information please visit:
Applications: Research students, post-docs and those working in industry are invited to apply. The closing date for applications is 15 March 2014. Numbers will be limited and those interested are advised to make an early application.  Applications should be made using the registration form available via the Society’s website at:
and applicants should have a letter of support sent to the organisers at:
*All applicants will be contacted within two weeks after the deadline; information about individual applications will not be available before then*
Financial support:  There is some support available for travel and local costs; requests for support should be indicated on the application form.
Fees:  Registration for a graduate student is £150, and for an early career researcher it is £250, although these fees may be lowered or waived as is appropriate. Fees are not payable until a place on the course is offered but will be due by 15 May 2014.

Mucha suerte,

Seminario de Doctorandos de la UCM.

Convocatoria ayudas para contratos para la formación Pos-Doctoral.

Buenos días,

Os hacemos llegar la siguiente información en relación a las ayudas para contratos para la formación postdoctoral (que sustituyen a las antiguas Juan de la Cierva) 

Podéis encontrar toda la información en la web de MINECO pinchando aquí.

Aquellos que estén interesados deben saber que el plazo de solicitud para los investigadores termina el 24/02/2014 a las 15:00 horas.

Mucha suerte,

Seminario de Doctorandos de la UCM.

Vacante de Profesor de Informática en Dijon, Francia.

Buenos días,

Os hacemos llegar una información referente a un puesto de profesor en Informática, section (27 PR 0922 S) en Dijon (Francia) para el otoño del 2014. El perfil buscado es el siguiente:

Formación (Grado y Máster): Modelización y síntesis de imagen, ingeniería de software, multimedia.

Investigación: Modelización Geométrica y síntesis de imagen, modelado iterativo (subdivisión, IFS, modelos multirresolución, etc.) y estudiar las propiedades de las superficies generadas por este tipo de modelo.

Aquellos que estén interesados pueden contactar con

Contact enseignement:
Pr Nadine CULLOT –
UFR Sciences et Techniques – Département I.E.M. – Directrice Adjointe

Contacts recherche :
Marc NEVEU –
Equipe Modélisation Géométrique et Synthèse d’Images du Laboratoire LE2I

Mucha suerte,

Seminario de Doctorandos de la UCM.

3 Post-Doc or Research Engineer Positions are open in Grenoble, Lyon and Paris (France‏)

Buenos días,

Os hacemos llegar la siguiente información: Three research positions (postdoc or research engineer), offered by the French ANR project HPAC (High Performance Algebraic Computation), are open.

Title: High Performance Algebraic Computing

Keywords: parallel computing, computer algebra, linear algebra, C/C++ programming

– Grenoble, France (LIG-MOAIS, LJK-CASYS),
– Lyon, France (LIP-AriC),
– Paris, France (LIP6-PolSys),

Starting date: between June 2014 and January 2015

Type of position: 3 postdoc or research engineer positions of 1 year each

Detailed descriptions:
– in english:
– in french:
– HPAC project main web page:

General Context: The ambition of the project HPAC is to provide international reference high-performance libraries for exact linear algebra and algebraic systems on multi-processor architectures and to influence parallel programming approaches for algebraic computing. It focuses on the design of new parallel algorithms and building blocks dedicated to exact linear algebra routines. These blocks will then be used for the parallelization of the sequential code of the LinBox and FGb libraries, state of the art for exact linear algebra and polynomial systems solving, and used in many computer algebra systems. The project combines several areas of expertise: parallel runtime and language, exact, symbolic and symbolic/numeric algorithmic, and software engineering.

Profile of the positions: We are seeking for candidates with solid expertise in software library design and developments (e.g. C, C++, OpenMP, Autotools, versioning,…) with preferably good background on mathematical software and computer algebra algorithmic. The main outcome of the work will depend on the type of the position (postdoc or engineer) and include code development in open-source C/C++ libraries such as LinBox, FGb, Kaapi and research publications in international journals or conferences.

Each location is seeking for candidates matching with the following keywords:

– Lyon: (contact:
High performance/parallel computer algebra, symbolic and mixed symbolic-numeric linear algebra, validated computation, high performance Euclidean lattice computation, lattice basis reduction.

– Grenoble: (contact:
Library design and development, LinBox, Sage, XKaapi, parallel exact linear algebra, work-stealing and data-flow tasks.

– Paris: (contact:
Polynomial system solving, Grobner basis computations, parallel exact linear algebra, algebraic cryptanalysis, distributed computing.

Mucha suerte,

Seminario de Doctorandos de la UCM.

Research Grant for PhD students and Post-docs‏

Buenos días,

Os hacemos llegar la siguiente información acerca de la búsqueda de estudiantes de Doctorado y Post-Doc para un proyecto de investigación obre Carleson measures for Sub-Hardy Spaces which is one of the hot topics in the intersection of complex analysis and operator theory financiado por TUBITAK (NSF of Turkey), y cuyo candidato obtendrá alojamiento en el campus de Sabanci University, Istanbul.

Aquellos que estén interesados pueden encontrar toda la información AQUI.

Mucha suerte,

Seminario de Doctorandos de la UCM.

Becas del “Programa de doctorado Severo Ochoa-La Caixa del ICMAT»

Buenos días,

Os hacemos llegar la siguiente información en relación a 4 becas del “Programa de doctorado Severo Ochoa-La Caixa del ICMAT».

Aquellos que estén interesados tienen plazo para hacer su solicitud hasta el 18/02/2014 en el siguiente enlace.

Podéis encontrar el cartel, la convocatoria del BOEinformación para los solicitantes.

Mucha suerte,

Seminario de Doctorandos de la UCM.

Vacante de Profesor de Informática en Dijon, Francia.

Buenos días,

Os hacemos llegar una información referente a un puesto de profesor en Informática, section (27 PR 0922 S) en Dijon (Francia) para el otoño del 2014. El perfil buscado es el siguiente:

Formación (Grado y Máster): Modelización y síntesis de imagen, ingeniería de software, multimedia.

Investigación: Modelización Geométrica y síntesis de imagen, modelado iterativo (subdivisión, IFS, modelos multirresolución, etc.) y estudiar las propiedades de las superficies generadas por este tipo de modelo.

Aquellos que estén interesados pueden contactar con

Contact enseignement:
Pr Nadine CULLOT –
UFR Sciences et Techniques – Département I.E.M. – Directrice Adjointe

Contacts recherche :
Marc NEVEU –
Equipe Modélisation Géométrique et Synthèse d’Images du Laboratoire LE2I

Mucha suerte,

Seminario de Doctorandos de la UCM.

Master’s Programme in Applied and Engineering Mathematics (N5TeAM).

Buenos días,

Os hacemos llegar una información sobre el Master’s Programme in Applied and Engineering Mathematics (N5TeAM) comenzando en otoño del 2014, en el que podrás estudiar en dos universidades técnicas nórdicas de alta calidad obteniendo tanto un título doble.

Aquellos que estén interesados pueden hacer una solicitud por Internet hasta el 31/01/2014 en el siguiente enlace.

El test de idioma se realizará el 28/02/2014.

Mucha suerte,

Seminario de Doctorandos de la UCM.