
RGAS network supports and collaborates with Iberoamerican Webminar of Young Researchers in
Singularity Theory and related topics


Iberosing events:

Iberoamerican webminar of young researchers in Singularity Theory 2023 Mirror symmetry & Hodge ideals, 06-10 November, 2023, Universidad de Granada (Spain)
Homological Mirror Symmetry, by Prof. Helge Ruddat (Univ. of Stavanger).
Invariants of singularities via 𝐷-modules, by Prof. Mircea Mustaţă (Univ. of Michigan).
Invited talks by
Josep Àlvarez Montaner (Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya), Hülya Argüz (Univ. of Georgia), Jean-Baptiste Campesato (Univ. Angers), Yenni Cherik (Aix-Marseille Univ.), Simon Felten (Columbia Univ.), Moisés Herradón-Cueto (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid), Ilya Smirnov (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics), Anna Valette (Jagiellonian Univ.)

IberoSing International Workshop 2022, 24th-27th October 2022, Univ. Complutense de Madrid (hybrid event). Several talks and 3 minicourses about:
Floer Homology towards the Zariski conjecture by Javier Fernández de Bobadilla/Tomasz Pelka (BCAM).
The Monodromy Conjecture by Willem Veys (KU Leuven).
Lipschitz normal embedding of singular spaces by Lorenzo Fantini (Centre de Mathématiques Laurent Schwartz-École Polytechnique de Paris).

IberoSing Special hybrid workshop for PhD students in singularities (27th-28th October 2021)

IberoSing Special Summer Edition 2021 (23th-25th June 2021)

Mini-course (6 sessions): Mixed Hodge Structures on Alexander Modules by Eva Elduque and Moises Herradon Cueto (26 Oct – 11 Nov 2020 and 23 Nov – 02 Dec 2020)


Scientific committe of Iberosing Webminar:
Patricio Almiron Cuadros (UGR), Pablo Portilla Cuadrado (Lille), Juan Viu-Sos (UPM).