Rgas Schools and/or Reading Courses are the main training activities of the network. They are designed as strengthening elements of the different master’s and doctoral programs and sometimes considered by these programs as their own activities. We propose the realization of a school and/or a reading course per year of a length between 1 and 4 weeks, focused, preferably in the themes that we have identified as strategic. These schools and
reading courses may include a workshop at the end. As a complement to the Schools, more specialized courses will be organized periodically and with the intervention of 1 or 2 teachers and a variable duration of between 8 and 20 hours, in face-to-face or hybrid format, intensive (to be developed in a week), or longer in time.
RGAS Summer School on Perfectoid Techniques, La Cristalera, May 19-23, 2025. The school will feature lecture series by Johannes Anschütz, Linquan Ma, and Jakub Witaszek. The registration is open until February 28
Sample of past schools
Mini-course (6 sessions): Mixed Hodge Structures on Alexander Modules by Eva Elduque and Moises Herradon Cueto (26 Oct – 11 Nov 2020 and 23 Nov – 02 Dec 2020), Organizaed by the Iberoamerican Webminar of Young Researchers in
Singularity Theory and related topics
Course on Local Algebra by I. Smirnov, Basque Center of Applied Mathematics
Singularidades de curvas planas y polinomios de Bernstein by Pi. Cassou-Nogues, IMUS, November 5 – 11, 2019.
Summer School on Model Theory and its application to Algebra, Algebraic Geometry and Singularity Theory
11-22 September 2023 in Bilbao, BCAM.
Speakers: P. Kubides- Kovasics (Los Andes), I. Halupkzok (Duesseldorf), C. d’Elbee (Bonn).
RGAS School on Singularities
8-12 January 2024 at the Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla (IMUS)
Speakers: D. Barth (Leuven), E. Quinlan Gallego (Utah), I. Smyrnov (Bilbao, BCAM).
BGSMath Graduate Course «Valuation Theory and the OM Algorithm
CRM-UPC 15-19/1/2024
Speakers: Maria Alberich, Jordi Guàrdia, Enric Nart, Sebastian Pauli, Adrien Poteaux, Joaquim Roé, and Martin Weiman.
Future and planned schools
1.- Summer School on Perfectoids in algebraic geometry commutative algebra. It ill be held in Bilbao with funding from the Basque Goberment and from PID2021-12052NA-100 (PI I. Smirnov). There will be online precourses. Tentative speakers: L. Ma, Z. Patakfalvi, K. Schwede, S. Tagaki, K. Tucker, J. Witaszek.
2.- A Series of Four Courses on Condense Mathematics to be held in Madrid. Tentative courses: 1) Foundations and cohomology of loccaly compact groups, 2) Solid Groups, rigid analytic rings and analytic geometry: developments around p-adic geometry, 3) Complex Geometry via condense mathematics, 4) Mathematical Formalization in Lean.Tentative speakers: J. Castillo (course 1), L. Mann (courses 1, 2,3), P. Scholze
(courses 2,3), J. Commelin (course 4).