
I am a professor at the School of Mathematical Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid. University profile here.

I am also a Corresponding Member of the Division of Mathematical Sciences of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences (elected in 2023). The entry ceremony was streamed live on January 18, 2024 (Video).

I have worked in several areas of mathematics and mathematical physics, often motivated by problems in dynamics, geometry or topology.  A significant part of my research concerns integrable systems, see my papers in Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 2011 and 2017 for an introduction to my contributions in this direction, including a summary of my work on semitoric systems from the papers in Inventiones Mathematicae 2009 and Acta Mathematica 2011. An introduction to these works is discussed in the 2011 video lecture Symplectic Dynamics of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and recent developments appear in the 2024 video lecture Toric and Semitoric Symplectic Geometry: Progress and Challenges at the
Joint CRM-Montréal/Princeton/Institute for Advanced Study/Tel Aviv/Paris Symplectic Zoominar. My research is supported by the BBVA Foundation with a BBVA-Project.

Contact information is available here. My office at the School of Mathematics is 226A.

Either mathematics is too big for the human mind or the human mind is more than a machine.
K. Godel