- BBVA Foundation Description (in Spanish): available here.
- Title: From Integrability to Randomness in Symplectic and Quantum Geometry
- Amount: 149996 euros
- Duration: 2022-2025
- Principal Investigator: Álvaro Pelayo
- Team Members: Sean Curry (Oklahoma State University, USA), Fraydoun Rezakhanlou (UC Berkeley, USA) and San Vu Ngoc (Rennes 1, France)
- Brief Description: The goal is to use techniques from symplectic geometry, combinatorics, algebra and analysis to study classical/quantum integrable systems and random systems. Integrable systems are a crucial family of dynamical systems (i.e. systems which evolve with time) for which many quantities are preserved under the motion, and they play an essential role in both mathematics and physics. The project aims to introduce new perspectives and methods to solve several fundamental problems concerning integrable systems, including understanding their invariants and singularities, existence of fixed points, as well as making connections with symplectic geometric aspects of stability and randomness.
On May 31, 2022, the BBVA (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Bank) Foundation announced that it had awarded 35 Research Grants for Scientific Research Projects in the areas of Mathematics, Climate Change and Ecology and Conservation Biology, Biomedicine, Social Sciences and Philosophy.
A total of 35 projects were selected among 620 submissions, including 4 projects in Mathematics, including the project above.
On June 7, 2022, the BBVA Foundation published a press note, available here, which includes a description (in Spanish) of the selected projects aimed at a general audience.
- El Pais: Online Version.
(in El Mundo here, in ABC here and in La Vanguardia here) - Royal Spanish Mathematical Society: Online Version. PDF Version (pages 3-4)
BBVA Foundation: Online Version.
- Symplectic and Algebraic Geometry of real and p-adic systems (co-organized by R. Campoamor, M. de León and A. Díaz-Cano), June 10,11 and 12 of 2024 at the Complutense University of Madrid.
- Combinatorial Problems in Algebraic and Symplectic Geometry (co-organized by R. Campoamor, M. de León and A. Díaz-Cano, in collaboration with the UCM Algebra, Geometry and Topology Seminar Organizers M. Castrillón and R. Mallavibarrena), November 8 of 2023 at the Complutense University of Madrid.
- Stability, Quantization, and Randomness in Symplectic Geometry (co-organized with R. Campoamor, M. de León and A. Díaz-Cano), dedicated to Professor Pedro Luis García Pérez on his 85th Birthday, June 28, 29 and 30 of 2023 at the Complutense University of Madrid. A video of the Opening of the Conference by the Dean of the School of Mathematics Antonio Brú and my opening lecture may be found in the section in Videos.
- BBVA Foundation Project Opening Lecture at Conference Symplectic and Algebraic Geometry of Real and p-adic systems, Complutense University of Madrid 2024 Spain.
- Joint CRM-Montréal/Princeton/Institute for Advanced Study/Tel Aviv/Paris Symplectic Zoominar (online) 2024 USA. Video
- Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences – Entry Speech as Corresponding Member in the Mathematical Sciences Division, Madrid 2024 Spain. Video
- Lecture at Congress deLeonfest 2023, An Interdisciplinary Conference on Geometric Mechanics and Related Fields, in honor of Manuel de León at ICMAT Madrid, 2023 Spain.
- BBVA Foundation Project Opening Lecture at Conference Stability, Quantization and Randomness in Symplectic Geometry – Dedicated to Professor Pedro Luis García Pérez on his 85th birthday, Complutense University of Madrid, 2023 Spain. Video
- University of Cantabria, MATESCO Seminar 2023 Spain.
- University of Cantabria, MATESCO Seminar 2022 Spain.
- Article at the invitation of the BBVA Foundation in Journal Sigma-FBBVA (January 2025) : El poder de la interacción entre la investigación básica y aplicada (en Español/in Spanish).
Red Leonardo (of BBVA Foundation) Website - Article at the invitation of the BBVA Foundation (February 2024): Geometría simpléctica: de los movimientos planetarios a las misiones espaciales (en Español/in Spanish).
BBVA Foundation Website
- p-adic symplectic geometry of integrable systems and Weierstrass-Williamson theory (with L. Crespo), Preprint, 107 pp.
arxiv:2501.14444 - The p-adic Jaynes-Cummings model in symplectic geometry (with L. Crespo), Preprint, 58 pp.
arxiv:2406.18415 - Ewald’s Conjecture and integer points in algebraic and symplectic toric geometry (with L. Crespo and F. Santos), Preprint, 37 pp.
arxiv:2310.10366 - Moduli spaces of Delzant polytopes and symplectic toric manifolds (with F. Santos), Preprint, 37 pp.
arxiv:2303.02369 - The structure of monotone blow-ups in symplectic toric geometry and a question of McDuff (with F. Santos), to appear in Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze, 14 pp.
arxiv:2308.03085 - The random Arnold Conjecture: a new probabilistic Conley-Zehnder Theory for symplectic maps (with F. Rezakhanlou), Communications in Mathematical Physics 406 (2025), article number 35, 61 pp.
Publisher Website (OPEN ACCESS) arxiv:2306.15586 - Semitoric systems of non-simple type (with J. Palmer and X. Tang), Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas 118, 161 (2024), 32 pp.
Publisher Website arXiv:1909.03501 - Symplectic geometry: applications and challenges (in Spanish), La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española 27 (2024) 285-311.
Publisher Website - Vu Ngoc’s Conjecture on focus-focus singular fibers with multiple pinched points (with X. Tang), Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 26, 6 (2024), 34 pp.
Publisher Website arXiv:1803.00998 - Symplectic and inverse spectral geometry of integrable systems: a glimpse and open problems. Topology and its Applications 339 Part A (2023) 108577, 35 pp.
Publisher Website
- Extended abstract (2024): On Ewald’s and Nill’s Conjectures about smooth polytopes (with L. Crespo, F. Santos), Conference Discrete Mathematics Days, Alcalá de Henares, July 3-5, 2024.
Publisher Website
Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.
M. Curie