
  1.   M. García-Bravo, T. Rajala and J. Takanen, Two-sided boundary points of Sobolev-extension domains on Euclidean spacesPot. Anal.  60 (2024), 1249–1270. (ArXiv preprint version).
  2. M. García-Bravo, T. Rajala and J. Takanen, A necessary condition for Sobolev extension domains in higher dimensionsNonlinear Anal. 240 (2024) 113446, 22 pp. (ArXiv preprint version).
  3. M. García-Bravo, T. Ikonen, Z. Zhu, Extensions and approximations of Banach-valued Sobolev functions, Math. Z. 305 (2023), no. 67. (ArXiv preprint version).
  4. M. García-Bravo and T. Rajala, Strong BV-extension and W^{1,1}-extension domainsJ. Funct. Anal. 283 (2022), no. 10,  109665, 39 pp. (ArXiv preprint version).
  5. M. García-Bravo, T. Rajala and Z. Zhu, Bi-Lipschitz invariance of planar BV- and W^{1,1}-extension domains,  Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 150 (2022), no. 6, 2535–2543. (ArXiv preprint version).
  6. M. García-Bravo, Extraction of critical points of smooth functions on Banach space, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 482 (2020), no. 1, 123535, 21 pp. (ArXiv preprint version).
  7. R. Deville and M. García-Bravo, Normal tilings of a Banach space and its ball, Mathematika 66 (2020), no. 3, 752-764. (ArXiv preprint version).
  8. D. Azagra and M. García-Bravo, Some remarks about the Morse-Sard theorem and approximate differentiability, Rev. Mat. Complut. 33 (2020), no. 1 161-185. (ArXiv preprint version).
  9. D. Azagra, T. Dobrowolski and M. García-Bravo, Smooth approximations without critical points of continuous mappings between Banach spaces, and diffeomorphic extractions of sets, Adv. Math. 354 (2019), 106756, 80 pp. (ArXiv preprint version).
  10. D. Azagra, J. Ferrera, M. García-Bravo and J. Gómez-Gil, Subdifferentiable functions satisfy Lusin properties of class C^{1} or C^{2} , J. Approx. Theory 230 (2018), 1-12. (ArXiv preprint version).

Doctoral dissertation

Morse-Sard type theorems in Rn and in Banach spaces, presented at University Autónoma of Madrid in September 2020.

  • AGENT Forum (Young Researchers in Analysis and Geometry). Jyväskylä University, Finland. May 2024.
  • Geometric And Variational Analysis. In memory of Jan Malý. Będlewo (Poland). June 2024.
  • Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Geometric Measure Theory in Bilbao. June 2023.
  • XXI Encuentros de Análisis Real y Complejo en Jarandilla de la Vera. May 2023.
  • Functional Analysis in Lille. A Conference in  honor of Gilles Godefroy. June 2022.