I have published papers with authors from Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Iran, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and USA. My recent work includes collaborations with my former PhD students at the University of California San Diego Joseph Palmer and Xiudi Tang (several papers in the period 2017-2024), with Alessio Figalli (Fields Medal 2018, 2 papers), with Vladimir Voevodsky (Fields Medal 2002, 1 paper) and with Tudor Ratiu (6 papers). Between the years 2003 and 2006 I worked almost exclusively on symplectic group actions, in collaboration with Johannes J. Duistermaat (4 papers), a topic to which I have been coming back throughout my career. Since about fifteen years ago I have had extensive collaborations with San Vu Ngoc (14 papers) and with Fraydoun Rezakhanlou (2 papers) with a focus on integrable and dynamical systems. More recently I have been working on combinatorial problems arising in geometry with my PhD student at the University of Cantabria Luis Crespo and Francisco Santos (3 papers), and on p-adic geometry, with Luis Crespo (2 papers). The work with Crespo continues a research program which Vladimir Voevodsky, Michael A. Warren and myself started more than a decade ago, concerning a p-adic approach to symplectic geometry, with an eye towards implementing it in the language of homotopy type theory and Voevodsky’s Univalent Foundations program, using a computer proof assistant (we also developed computer code in the programming language/interative proof assistant Coq, which accompanies two of our papers, and is available below).
I have been particularly interested in the construction of symplectic invariants and inverse spectral problems, mainly in dimension four. Among the papers which resulted from the collaboration with Vu Ngoc are two papers in which we gave a symplectic classification of semitoric systems (Inventiones Mathematicae 2009 and Acta Mathematica 2011), a paper where we solved, with Laurent Charles, the inverse spectral problem for quantum toric integrable systems on compact manifolds (Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure 2013) and another paper with Yohann Le Floch and Vu Ngoc which extends this to certain quantum semitoric systems (Mathematische Annalen 2016), all of which are displayed below. I gave a short general audience introduction to these ideas at the 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, see Talk at Board of Trustees Meeting. An introducion to the basic ideas of symplectic geometry is given in this article (in Spanish, written for the BBVA Foundation).
A more in depth description of my research contributions can be found in the Research section of the website.
- p-adic symplectic geometry of integrable systems and Weierstrass-Williamson theory (with L. Crespo), Preprint, 107 pp.
arxiv:2501.14444 - The p-adic Jaynes-Cummings model in symplectic geometry (with L. Crespo), Preprint, 58 pp.
arxiv:2406.18415 - Ewald’s Conjecture and integer points in algebraic and symplectic toric geometry (with L. Crespo and F. Santos), Preprint, 37 pp.
arxiv:2310.10366 - Moduli spaces of Delzant polytopes and symplectic toric manifolds (with F. Santos), Preprint, 37 pp.
arxiv:2303.02369 - The structure of monotone blow-ups in symplectic toric geometry and a question of McDuff (with F. Santos), to appear in Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze, 14 pp.
arxiv:2308.03085 - The random Arnold Conjecture: a new probabilistic Conley-Zehnder Theory for symplectic maps (with F. Rezakhanlou), Communications in Mathematical Physics 406 (2025), article number 35, 61 pp.
Publisher Website (OPEN ACCESS) arxiv:2306.15586 - Semitoric systems of non-simple type (with J. Palmer and X. Tang), Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas 118, 161 (2024), 32 pp.
Publisher Website arXiv:1909.03501 - Symplectic geometry: applications and challenges (in Spanish), La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española 27 (2024) 285-311.
Publisher Website - Vu Ngoc’s Conjecture on focus-focus singular fibers with multiple pinched points (with X. Tang), Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 26, 6 (2024), 34 pp.
Publisher Website arXiv:1803.00998 - Symplectic and inverse spectral geometry of integrable systems: a glimpse and open problems. Topology and its Applications 339 Part A (2023) 108577, 35 pp.
Publisher Website - Symplectic invariants of semitoric systems and the inverse problem for quantum systems, Indagationes Mathematicae 32 (2021) 246-274.
Publisher Website arXiv:2002.05306 - Moser-Greene-Shiohama stability for families (with X. Tang), Journal of Symplectic Geometry 17 (2019) 1427-1446.
Publisher Website - Symplectic stability on manifolds with cylindrical ends (with S. Curry and X. Tang), Journal of Geometric Analysis 29 (2019) 1660-1675.
Publisher Website arXiv:1704.08659 - Symplectic geometry and spectral properties of classical and quantum coupled angular momenta (with Y. Le Floch), Journal of Nonlinear Science 29 (2019) 655-708.
Publisher Website arXiv:1607.05419 - Spectral asymptotics of semiclassical unitary operators (with Y. Le Floch), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 473 (2019) 1174-1202
Publisher Website arXiv:1506.02873 - Moser stability for volume forms on noncompact fiber bundles (with X. Tang), Differential Geometry and its Applications 63 (2019) 120-136.
Publisher Website arXiv:1607.03800 - Classifying toric and semitoric fans by lifting equations from SL(2,Z) (with D. Kane and J. Palmer), Symmetry, Integrability, and Geometry: Methods and Applications SIGMA 14 (2018), 016, 43 pp.
Publisher Website arXiv:1502.07698 - Minimal models of compact symplectic semitoric manifolds (with D. Kane and J. Palmer) Journal of Geometry and Physics 125 (2018) 49-74.
Publisher Website arXiv:1610.05423 - Symplectic G-capacities and integrable systems (with A. Figalli and J. Palmer), Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (5) Vol. XVIII (2018) 65-103.
Publisher Website arXiv:1511.04499 - Poincare-Birkhoff theorems in random dynamics (with F. Rezakhanlou), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 370 (2018) 601-639.
Publisher Website arXiv:1306.0821 - Hamiltonian and symplectic symmetries: an introduction, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 54 (2017) 383-436.
Publisher Website arXiv:1610.09718 - The affine invariant of proper semitoric integrable systems (with T. Ratiu and S. Vu Ngoc), Nonlinearity 30 (2017) 3993-4028.
Publisher Website arXiv:1307.7516 - The tropical momentum map: a classification of toric log symplectic manifolds (with M. Gualtieri, S. Li, and T. Ratiu), Mathematische Annalen 367 (2017) 1217-1258.
Publisher Website arXiv:1407.3300 - Generating hyperbolic singularities in semitoric systems via Hopf bifurcations (with H. Dullin), Journal of Nonlinear Science 26 (2016) 787-811.
Publisher Website arXiv:1503.01534 - On the continuity of ball packing density on moduli spaces of toric manifolds (with A. Figalli), Advances in Geometry 16 (2016) 291-300.
Publisher Website arXiv:1408.1462 - Spectral limits of semiclassical commuting self-adjoint operators (with S. Vu Ngoc), A Mathematical Tribute to J.M. Montesinos, Editorial Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2016) 527-546.
Publisher Website arXiv:1506.04591 - Inverse spectral theory for semiclassical Jaynes-Cummings systems (with Y. Le Floch and S. Vu Ngoc), Mathematische Annalen 364 (2016) 1393-1413. Erratum in Mathematische Annalen 375 (2019) 917-920.
Publisher Website arXiv:1407.5159 - Sharp symplectic embeddings of cylinders (with S. Vu Ngoc), Indagationes Mathematicae N.S. 27 (2016) 307-317.
Publisher Website arXiv:1304.5250 - Euler-MacLaurin formulas via differential operators (with Y. Le Floch) Advances in Applied Mathematics 76 (2016) 99-124.
Publisher Website arXiv:1312.5711 - Fermat and the number of fixed points of periodic flows (with L. Godinho and S. Sabatini), Communications in Number Theory and Physics 9 (2015) 643-687.
Publisher Website arXiv:1404.4541 - A univalent formalization of the p-adic numbers (with V. Voevodsky and M. Warren), Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 25 (2015) 1147-1171.
Publisher Website arXiv:1302.1207
This paper comes with an associated Coq code (Coq is an interative proof assistant/programming language) by the same authors, which is distributed in several chapters:
Formal Power Series (24 pp);
The Heyting Field of Fractions for an Apartness Domain (8 pp);
Fixing Notation, Terminology and Basic Lemmas (15 pp);
p-Adic Numbers (29 pp);
Integers mod p (28pp). - Fiber connectivity and bifurcation diagrams for almost toric systems (with T. Ratiu and S. Vu Ngoc) Journal of Symplectic Geometry 13 (2015) 343-386.
Publisher Website arXiv:1108.0328 - Hofer’s question on intermediate symplectic capacities (with S. Vu Ngoc), Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 110 (2015) 787-804.
Publisher Website arXiv:1210.1537 - L^2-Cohomology and complete Hamiltonian manifolds (with R. Mazzeo and T. Ratiu), Journal of Geometry and Physics 87 (2015) 305-313.
Publisher Website arXiv:1402.0098 - Log-concavity and symplectic flows (with Y. Lin), Mathematical Research Letters 22 (2015) 501-527.
Publisher Website arXiv:1207.1335 - Semiclassical quantization and spectral limits of h-pseudodifferential and Berezin-Toeplitz operators (with L. Polterovich and S. Vu Ngoc), Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 109 (2014) 676-696.
Publisher Website arXiv:1302.0424 - Homotopy type theory in context (with M. Warren), Gazette des mathématiciens Société Mathématique de France 42 (2014) 95-110.
Publisher Website - Homotopy type theory and Voevodsky’s univalent foundations (with M. Warren), Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 51 (2014) 597-648.
This paper comes with an associated Coq code tutorial, 22pp, by the same authors (Coq is an interative proof assistant/programming language).
Publisher Website arXiv:1210.5658 - Semiclassical inverse spectral theory for singularities of focus-focus type (with S. Vu Ngoc), Communications in Mathematical Physics 329 (2014) 809-820.
Publisher Website arXiv:1302.2260 - Moduli spaces of toric manifolds (with A. Pires, T. Ratiu, and S. Sabatini), Geometriae Dedicata 169 (2014) 323-341.
Publisher Website arXiv:1207.0092 - Isospectrality for quantum toric integrable systems (with L. Charles and S. Vu Ngoc), Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure 43 (2013) 815-849.
Publisher Website arXiv:1111.5985 - Voevodsky’s Univalence Axiom in homotopy type theory (with S. Awodey and M. Warren), Notices of the American Mathematical Society 60 (2013) 1164-1167.
Publisher Website arXiv:1302.4731 - Symplectic spectral geometry of semiclassical operators, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society 20 (2013) 405-415.
Publisher Website arXiv:1303.2570 - Circle valued momentum maps for symplectic periodic flows (with T. S. Ratiu), L’Enseignement Mathématique 58 (2012) 205-219.
Publisher Website - First steps in symplectic and spectral theory of integrable systems (with S. Vu Ngoc), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A 32 (2012) 3325-3377.
Publisher Website arXiv:1306.0124 - Hamiltonian dynamics and spectral theory for spin-oscillators (with S. Vu Ngoc), Communications in Mathematical Physics 309 (2012) 123-154.
Publisher Website arXiv:1005.0439 - Symplectic geometry on moduli spaces of J-holomorphic curves (with J. Coffey and L. Kessler), Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 41 (2012) 265-280.
Publisher Website arXiv:0905.3009 - Symplectic theory of completely integrable Hamiltonian systems (with S. Vu Ngoc) Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 48 (2011) 409-455.
Publisher Website arXiv:1306.0115 - Constructing integrable systems of semitoric type (with S. Vu Ngoc), Acta Mathematica 206 (2011) 93-125.
Publisher Website (OPEN ACCESS) arXiv:0903.3376
(This paper takes the position 13 out of 539 among the most cited papers in Mathscinet since 1940 in the category 53D20 of “Momentum maps and symplectic reduction”, with date February 14, 2025.) - Fourier integral operators, spectral theory, and Hamiltonian systems, Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española 14 (2011) 247-262.
Publisher Website - Fixed points of symplectic periodic flows (with S. Tolman), Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 31 (2011) 1237-1247.
Publisher Website arXiv:1003.4787 - Complex structures on 4-manifolds with symplectic 2-torus actions (with J.J. Duistermaat), International Journal of Mathematics 2 (2011) 449-463.
Publisher Website - Non-Kahler symplectic manifolds with toric symmetries (with Y. Lin), Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 62 (2011) 103-114.
Publisher Website - Topology of symplectic torus actions with symplectic orbits (with J.J. Duistermaat), Revista Matemática Complutense 24 (2011) 59-81.
Publisher Website - Symplectic actions of 2-tori on 4-manifolds, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 204 (2010) no. 959, viii+ 91p.
Publisher Website arXiv:math/0609848 - Reduced phase space and toric variety coordinatizations of Delzant spaces (with J.J. Duistermaat), Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 146 (2009) 695-718.
Publisher Website arXiv:0704.0430 - Semitoric integrable systems on symplectic 4-manifolds (with S. Vu Ngoc), Inventiones Mathematicae 177 (2009) 571-597.
Publisher Website (OPEN ACCESS) arXiv:0806.1946
(This paper takes the position 9 out of 1138 among the most cited papers in Mathscinet since 1940 in the category 37J35 of “Completely integrable systems, topological structure of phase space, integration methods”, with date February 14, 2025.) - Maximal ball packings of symplectic toric manifolds (with B. Schmidt) International Mathematics Research Notices IMRN (2008), 24p, ID rnm139.
Publisher Website arXiv:0704.1036 - Symplectic torus actions with coisotropic principal orbits (with J.J. Duistermaat), Annales de l’Institut Fourier 57 (2007) 2239-2327.
Publisher Website arXiv:math/0511676 - Topology of spaces of equivariant symplectic embeddings, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 35 (2007) 277-288.
Publisher Website arXiv:0704.1033 - A geometric approach to the classification of the equilibrium shapes of self-gravitating fluids (with D. Peralta-Salas), Communications in Mathematical Physics 267 (2006) 93-115.
Publisher Website - Toric symplectic ball packing, Topology and Its Applications 157 (2006) 3633-3644.
Publisher Website arXiv:0704.1034 - Unounded trajectories of dynamical systems (with F. G. Gascón and D. Peralta-Salas), Applied Mathematics Letters 17 (2004) 253-259.
Publisher Website
Reviews of these publications may be found in the American Mathematical Society website Mathscinet.
- Article at the invitation of the BBVA Foundation in Journal Sigma-FBBVA (January 2025) : El poder de la interacción entre la investigación básica y aplicada (en Español/in Spanish).
Red Leonardo (of BBVA Foundation) Website - Article in newspaper ABC (January 2025): Muere Pedro Luis García Pérez, un histórico de las matemáticas y pionero de la geometría diferencial en España (con Francisco Marcellán, en Español/in Spanish).
ABC Website - Article at the invitation of the BBVA Foundation (February 2024): Geometría simpléctica: de los movimientos planetarios a las misiones espaciales (en Español/in Spanish).
BBVA Foundation Website - Tribuna in newspaper El País (October 2023): La inminente y necesaria transformación de las universidades públicas (with Francisco Marcellán, en Español/in Spanish).
Publisher Website (Text) - Tribuna in newspaper El País (April 2023): La investigación básica en matemáticas: un motor esencial para España (en Español/in Spanish).
Publisher Website (Text) - Opinion article in Bulletin of the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society (May 2022): La internacionalización de las matemáticas en España (en Español/in Spanish), Boletín de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española 760 (2022) 3-4.
Publisher Website (Text) Publisher Website (PDF)
- Extended abstract (2024): On Ewald’s and Nill’s Conjectures about smooth polytopes (with L. Crespo, F. Santos), Conference Discrete Mathematics Days, Alcalá de Henares, July 3-5, 2024.
Publisher Website - Book (2013): Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics, The Univalent Foundations Program, Institute for Advanced Study, 2013, 473 pages. I was a program participant of the Univalent Foundations Program.
Publisher Website - Memorial article (2011): Remembering Johannes J. Duistermaat 1942-2010 (Edited by V. Guillemin, A. Pelayo, S. Vu Ngoc, and A.Weinstein), Notices of the American Mathematical Society 58 (2011) 794-802.
Publisher Website - PhD Thesis at the University of Michigan (2007): Symplectic Torus Actions. 2007. Advisor: Yael Karshon.
Everyone is the son of his own works.
M. de Cervantes