- D. Azagra, M. García-Bravo and M. Jiménez-Sevilla, Approximate Morse-Sard type results for non-separable Banach spaces, J. Funct. Anal. 287 (2024), no. 4, 110488, 50 pp.
- M. García-Bravo, T. Rajala and J. Takanen, Two-sided boundary points of Sobolev-extension domains on Euclidean spaces, Pot. Anal. 60 (2024), 1249–1270. (ArXiv preprint version).
- M. García-Bravo, T. Rajala and J. Takanen, A necessary condition for Sobolev extension domains in higher dimensions, Nonlinear Anal. 240 (2024) 113446, 22 pp. (ArXiv preprint version).
- M. García-Bravo, T. Ikonen, Z. Zhu, Extensions and approximations of Banach-valued Sobolev functions, Math. Z. 305 (2023), no. 67. (ArXiv preprint version).
- M. García-Bravo and T. Rajala, Strong BV-extension and W^{1,1}-extension domains, J. Funct. Anal. 283 (2022), no. 10, 109665, 39 pp. (ArXiv preprint version).
- M. García-Bravo, T. Rajala and Z. Zhu, Bi-Lipschitz invariance of planar BV- and W^{1,1}-extension domains, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 150 (2022), no. 6, 2535–2543. (ArXiv preprint version).
- M. García-Bravo, Extraction of critical points of smooth functions on Banach space, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 482 (2020), no. 1, 123535, 21 pp. (ArXiv preprint version).
- R. Deville and M. García-Bravo, Normal tilings of a Banach space and its ball, Mathematika 66 (2020), no. 3, 752-764. (ArXiv preprint version).
- D. Azagra and M. García-Bravo, Some remarks about the Morse-Sard theorem and approximate differentiability, Rev. Mat. Complut. 33 (2020), no. 1 161-185. (ArXiv preprint version).
- D. Azagra, T. Dobrowolski and M. García-Bravo, Smooth approximations without critical points of continuous mappings between Banach spaces, and diffeomorphic extractions of sets, Adv. Math. 354 (2019), 106756, 80 pp. (ArXiv preprint version).
- D. Azagra, J. Ferrera, M. García-Bravo and J. Gómez-Gil, Subdifferentiable functions satisfy Lusin properties of class C^{1} or C^{2} , J. Approx. Theory 230 (2018), 1-12. (ArXiv preprint version).
Doctoral dissertation
Morse-Sard type theorems in Rn and in Banach spaces, presented at University Autónoma of Madrid in September 2020.
- II Encuentro. Red de Análisis Matemático y Aplicaciones. Cullera (Spain). March 2025.
- Structures in Banach Spaces. Vienna (Austria). March 2025.
- New perspectives in Banach spaces and Banach lattices. Castro Urdiales (Spain). July 2024.
- AGENT Forum (Young Researchers in Analysis and Geometry). Jyväskylä University, Finland. May 2024.
- Geometric And Variational Analysis. In memory of Jan Malý. Będlewo (Poland). June 2024.