Publicaciones derivadas hasta el momento del depósito de la tesis.

2024-25 Agne Bikauskaite

  • Bikauskaite, A., Molina, I. and Morales, D., 2022. Multivariate mixture model for small area estimation of poverty indicators. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society, 185(Supplement_2), pp.S724-S755.

2024-25 Marta María Sánchez García

  • Sánchez-García, M. M., Barderas, G., Romero, P., 2023. Modelization of Low-Cost Maneuvers for an Areostationary Preliminary Mission Design. Mathematical and Computational Applications 28 (6), 105.

2024-25 Sara Hamaizia

  • Hamaizia, S., Jiménez, S., & Velasco, M. P. (2024). Rich phenomenology of the solutions in a fractional Duffing equation. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 27(3), 1017-1047.

2023-24 José Manuel Muñoz Hermosilla

  • Muñoz-Hermosilla, J. M., Otero, J., De Andrés, E., Shahateet, K., Navarro, F., & Pérez-Doña, I. (2024). A 3D glacier dynamics–line plume model to estimate the frontal ablation of Hansbreen, Svalbard. The Cryosphere18(4), 1911-1924.
  • Navarro, F., Recio-Blitz, C., Rodríguez-Cielos, R., Otero, J., Shahateet, K., De Andrés, E., … & Muñoz-Hermosilla, J. M. (2022). Surface mass balance monitoring of the peripheral glaciers of the Antarctic Peninsula in the context of regional climate change. Annals of Glaciology63(87-89), 101-106.

2023-24 Somia Boumimez

  • Boumimez, S., & Castro, C. (2024). Numerical approximation of the boundary control for the wave equation in a square domain with a spectral collocation method. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 43(2), 81.

2023-24 Bibiana Granda Chico

  • Granda, B., León, J., Vitoriano, B., & Hearne, J. (2023). Decision support models and methodologies for fire suppression. Fire, 6(2), 37.

2023-24 Paula Milagros Terán Viadero Chico

  • Terán-Viadero, P., Alonso-Ayuso, A., & Javier Martín-Campo, F. (2024). A 2-dimensional guillotine cutting stock problem with variable-sized stock for the honeycomb cardboard industry. International Journal of Production Research, 62(1-2), 483-500.
  • Terán-Viadero, P., Alonso-Ayuso, A., & Martín-Campo, F. J. (2024). Mathematical optimisation in the honeycomb cardboard industry: A model for the two-dimensional variable-sized cutting stock problem. European Journal of Operational Research.

2023-24 Sandra Ranilla Cortina

  • Ranilla-Cortina, S., & Vigo-Aguiar, J. (2024). Performance enhancement through portfolio optimization of delayed insider information: An analysis and implementation study. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 446, 115855.
  • Aguiar, J. V., & Ranilla‐Cortina, S. (2023). Special Issue “CMMSE 2020” in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (MMA). Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 46(15), 15923-15923.

2023-24 Nourelhouda Groun

  • Begiashvili, B., Groun, N., Garicano-Mena, J., Le Clainche, S., & Valero, E. (2023). Data-driven modal decomposition methods as feature detection techniques for flow problems: A critical assessment. Physics of Fluids35(4).
  • Groun, N., Begiashvili, B., Valero, E., Garicano-Mena, J., & Le Clainche, S. (2023). Higher order dynamic mode decomposition beyond aerospace engineering. Results in Engineering20, 101471.
  • Groun, N., Villalba-Orero, M., Lara-Pezzi, E., Valero, E., Garicano-Mena, J., & Le Clainche, S. (2022). Higher order dynamic mode decomposition: From fluid dynamics to heart disease analysis. Computers in Biology and Medicine144, 105384.
  • Groun, N., Villalba-Orero, M., Lara-Pezzi, E., Valero, E., Garicano-Mena, J., & Le Clainche, S. (2022). A novel data-driven method for the analysis and reconstruction of cardiac cine MRI. Computers in biology and medicine151, 106317.

2023-24 María Jaenada Malagón

  • Balakrishnan N., Castilla E., Jaenada M. and Pardo L. (2023). Robust inference for nondestructive one-shot device testing under step-stress model with exponential lifetimes. Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 1-31.
  • Balakrishnan, N. and Jaenada, M. and Pardo, L. (2023). Restricted minimum density power divergence estimator for step-stress ALT with non-destructive one-shot devices. Data Analysis and Related Applications: New Approaches. Eds. Dimotikalis, Yiannis and Skiadas, Christos H. ISTE. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Balakrishnan, N. and Jaenada, M. and Pardo, L. (2023). Robust Rao-type tests for nondestructive one-shot device testing under step-stress model with exponential lifetimes. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Bulding Bridges between Soft and Statisical Methodologies for Data Sciencies, Eds: L.A. García-Escudero, A. Gordaliza, A. Mayo, M.A. Lubiano Gómez, M.A. Gil, P. Grzegorzewski y O. Hryniewicz. Proceeding International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics, 24–31. Springer- Verlag.
  • Balakrishnan N., Jaenada M. and Pardo L. (2023). Step-stress tests for interval-censored data under gamma lifetime distribution, Quality Engineering, 1-18.
  • Balakrishnan, N., Jaenada, M. and Pardo, L. (2023). Non-destructive one-shot device test under step-stress experiment with lognormal lifetime distribution. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 437, 115483.
  • Castilla, E., Jaenada, M., and Pardo, L. (2022). Estimation and testing on independent not identically distributed observations based on Rényi’s pseudodistances. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 68(7), 4588-4609.
  • Felipe, A. Jaenada, M. Miranda, P. and Pardo, L. (2024). Model Selection for independent not identically distributed observations based on Rényi’s pseudodistances. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 440, 115630.
  • Castilla, E,. Jaenada, M., Martin, N. and Pardo, L. (2021). Comparing two dependent normal populations through Wald-type tests based on Rényi’s pseudodistance estimators. Statistics and Computing, 32(6), 1-34.
  • Jaenada, M., Miranda, P., Pardo, L., and Zografos, K. (2023). An Approach to Canonical Correlation Analysis Based on Rényi’s Pseudodistances. Entropy, 25(5), 713.
  • Jaenada, M., Miranda, P. and Pardo, L. (2022). Robust test statistics based on Restricted minimum Renyi’s pseudodistance estimators. Entropy, 24(5), 616.
  • Felipe, A. Jaenada, M. Miranda, P. and Pardo, L. (2023). Restricted distance-type Gaussian estimators based on density power divergence and their applications in hypothesis testing. Mathematics 11(6), 1480.
  • Ghosh, A., Jaenada, M. and Pardo, L. (2023). Robust adaptive variable selection in ultra-high dimensional linear regression models. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 1-33.
  • Jaenada, M. (2021) A comparative study of robust regularization methods based on minimum density power and Rényi divergence losses, in the 3rd BYMAT Conference. TEMat monográficos 2, 195-198.
  • Ghosh, A., Jaenada, M. and Pardo, L. (2022). Classification of COVID19 patients using robust logistic regression. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice (JSTP). Advances in Probability and Statistics: An Issue in Memory of Theophilos Cacoullos. Invited Paper, 16(4), 1-23.
  • Jaenada, M. and Pardo, L. (2021) The Minimum Renyi’s Pseudodistance Estimators for Generalized Linear Models in Data Analysis and Related Applications. Theory and Practice (Vol. 9). Pag. 223-236. Editors: K. N. Zafeiris, C H. Skiadas, Y Dimitikalis, A. Karagrigoriou and C. Karagrigoriu-Vonta. Wiley
  • Jaenada, M. and Pardo, L. (2021). Robust Statistical Inference in Generalized Linear Models based on Minimum Renyi’s Pseudodistance estimators. Entropy, 24(1), 123.
  • Jaenada, M. (2022) On the consistence of the modified median estimator for the logistic in regression model. Trends in Mathematical, Information and Data Sciences. Editors: N. Balakrishnan, M. A. Gil, N. Martin, D. Morales and M. C. Pardo. Springer.

2023-24 Kheir-eddine Otmani

  • Kheir-Eddine Otmani, Gerasimos Ntoukas, Oscar A. Mariño, Esteban Ferrer; Toward a robust detection of viscous and turbulent flow regions using unsupervised machine learning. Physics of Fluids 1 February 2023; 35 (2): 027112.
  • Tlales, K., Otmani, KE., Ntoukas, G. et al. Machine learning mesh-adaptation for laminar and turbulent flows: applications to high-order discontinuous Galerkin solvers. Engineering with Computers (2024).
  • Otmani, Ke., Ferrer, E., Ntoukas, G. (2023). An Invariant Feature Space for Flow Region Identification Using Machine Learning. In: Karakoc, T.H., Le Clainche, S., Chen, X., Dalkiran, A., Ercan, A.H. (eds) New Technologies and Developments in Unmanned Systems. ISUDEF 2022. Sustainable Aviation. Springer, Cham.

2023-24 Adolfo Javier Urrutia Zambrana

  • Urrutia‐Zambrana, A., Tirado, G., & Mateos, A. (2021). Variable neighborhood search to solve the generalized orienteering problem. International Transactions in Operational Research, 28(1), 142-167.

2023-24 Mario Freire Torres

  • Freire-Torres, M., Colera, M., & Carpio, J. (2023). Numerical Solution of Thermal Phenomena in Welding Problems. Mathematics11(13), 3009.

2023-24 Hadi Asghari

  • H. Asghari, H. Topol, J. Merodio et al., Application of sensitivity analysis in extension, inflation, and torsion of
    residually stressed circular cylindrical tubes, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2023, in PEM.
  • H. Asghari, H. Topol, J. Merodio et al., Application of the extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity testing (FAST)
    method to inflated, axial stretched, and residually stressed cylinders, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, in AMM.
  • H. Topol, H. Asghari, J. Merodio et al., Post-bifurcation of inflated fibrous cylindrical membranes under different
    fiber configurations, European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids, 2023, in EJM.

2023-24 Guillermo García Sánchez

  • Mentaschi, L., Vousdoukas, M., García-Sánchez, G., Le Blanc, T., Feyen, L., 2023. «Developments towards global coupled ocean modelling of waves and storm surges.» Frontiers in Marine Science, JCR Impact 5.247; Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Ocean Engineering (Q1); Oceanography (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q2). Vol. 10, p. 1233679.
  • Amahjour, N., García-Sánchez, G., Agaoglou, M., Mancho, A. M., 2023. «Analysis of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in a hospital isolation room using CFD and Lagrangian Coherent Structures.» Physica D, SJR 1.044, H-Index 144; Applied Mathematics (Q1); Mathematical Physics (Q1); Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (Q1). Vol. 453, p. 133825.
  • García-Sánchez, G., Mancho, A. M., Agaoglou, M., Wiggins, S., 2023. «New links between invariant dynamical structures and uncertainty quantification.» Physica D, SJR 1.044, H-Index 144; Applied Mathematics (Q1); Mathematical Physics (Q1); Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (Q1). Vol. 453, p. 133826.
  • Daquin, J., García-Sánchez, G., Agaoglou, M., Mancho, A. M., 2023. «Global dynamics visualisation from Lagrangian Descriptors. Applications to discrete and continuous systems.» Physica D, SJR 1.044, H-Index 144; Applied Mathematics (Q1); Mathematical Physics (Q1); Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (Q1). Vol. 442, p. 133520.

2023-24 Kaian Fernandes Shahateet

  • Shahateet, K., Seehaus, T., Navarro, F., Sommer, C., & Braun, M. (2021). Geodetic mass balance of the South Shetland Islands ice caps, Antarctica, from differencing TanDEM-X DEMs. Remote Sensing, 13(17), 3408.
  • Shahateet, K., Navarro, F., Seehaus, T., Fürst, J. J., & Braun, M. (2023). Estimating ice discharge of the Antarctic Peninsula using different ice-thickness datasets. Annals of Glaciology, 1-12.
  • Navarro, F., Recio-Blitz, C., Rodríguez-Cielos, R., Otero, J., Shahateet, K., De Andrés, E., … & Muñoz-Hermosilla, J. M. (2022). Surface mass balance monitoring of the peripheral glaciers of the Antarctic Peninsula in the context of regional climate change. Annals of Glaciology, 63(87-89), 101-106.
  • Muñoz-Hermosilla, J. M., Otero, J., De Andrés, E., Shahateet, K., Navarro, F., & Pérez-Doña, I. (2024). A 3D glacier dynamics–line plume model to estimate the frontal ablation of Hansbreen, Svalbard. The Cryosphere, 18(4), 1911-1924.

2023-24 Javier Rodríguez Cuadrado

  • Rodríguez-Cuadrado, J. and San Martín, J., 2024. Design of Random and Deterministic Fractal Surfaces from Voronoi Cells. Computer-Aided Design, 169, pp.103674.
  • Cefalo, M., Creo, S., Lancia, M. R. and Rodríguez-Cuadrado, J., 2023. Fractal mixtures for optimal heat draining. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 173, pp.113750.
  • Rodríguez-Cuadrado, J. and San Martín, J., 2022. Shielding material distributions and associated fractals. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 158, pp.112008.
  • Rodríguez-Cuadrado, J. and San Martín, J., 2022. Sierpinski-Takagi combination for a uniform and optimal point-surface load transmission. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 105, pp.307-320.
  • Rodríguez-Cuadrado, J. and San Martín, J., 2021. Fractal equilibrium configuration of a mechanically loaded binary tree. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 152, pp.111415.

2022-23 Gabriel Antonio Valverde Castilla

  • Valverde Castilla, G. A., Mira McWilliams, J. M., & González-Pérez, B. (2021). One-Layer vs. Two-Layer SOM in the Context of Outlier Identification: A Simulation Study. Applied Sciences, 11(14), 6241.
  • González-Pérez, B., Núñez, C., Sánchez, J. L., Valverde, G., & Velasco, J. M. (2021). Expert system to model and forecast time series of epidemiological counts with applications to COVID-19. Mathematics, 9(13), 1485.
  • López, V., Urgelés, D., Sánchez, Ó., & Valverde, G. (2017). Big Data in Healthcare and Social Sciences: Bip4Cast as a CAD system. International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC), 8(3), 1-16.
  • López, V., VALVERDE, G., Anchiraico, J. C., & URGELES, D. (2016). Specification of a cad prediction system for bipolar disorder. In Uncertainty Modelling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making: Proceedings of the 12th International FLINS Conference (pp. 162-167).
  • Lopez, V., Miñana, G., Sánchez, O., González, B., Valverde, G., & Caro, R. (2015, December). Big+ Open data: some applications for a Smartcity. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC) (pp. 384-389). IEEE.

2022-23 Edgar González Fernández

  • González Fernández, E.; Sandoval Orozco A.L.; García Villalba L.J. Digital Video
    Manipulation Detection Technique Based on Compression Algorithms. IEEE Transactions
    on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022, 23(3), pp. 2596 – 2605.
    DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2021.3132227
  • Armas Vega E.A., González Fernández, E.; Sandoval Orozco A.L.; García Villalba,
    L.J. Copy-move forgery detection technique based on discrete cosine transform blocks
    features. IEEE Access, 2021, 33(10), pp. 4713–4727.
    DOI: 10.1007/s00521-020-05433-1
  • Armas Vega E.A., González Fernández, E.; Sandoval Orozco A.L.; García Villalba,
    L.J. Passive Image Forgery Detection Based on the Demosaicing Algorithm and JPEG
    Compression. IEEE Access, 2020, 10, pp. 229–237.
    DOI: 10.1007/s00521-020-05433-1
  • Armas Vega E.A., González Fernández, E.; Sandoval Orozco A.L.; García Villalba,
    L.J.; Image Tampering Detection by Estimating Interpolation Patterns. Future Generation
    Computer Systems, 2020
    DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2964516
  • González Fernández, E.; Sandoval Orozco A.L.; García Villalba, L.J.; Hernandez-
    Castro, J. Digital Image Tamper Detection Technique Based on Spectrum Analysis of
    CFA Artifacts, Sensors, 2018, 18(9), 2804
    DOI: 10.3390/s18092804

2022-23 Manuel Colera Rico

  • Manuel Colera, Jaime Carpio, Rodolfo Bermejo. A nearly-conservative high-order Lagrange–Galerkin method for the resolution of scalar convection-dominated equations in non-divergence-free velocityfields Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 372, 113366, 0045-7825 (2020)
  • Manuel Colera, Jaime Carpio, Rodolfo Bermejo. A nearly-conservative, high-order, forward Lagrange-Galerkin method for the resolution of scalar hyperbolic conservation laws Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 376, 113654, 0045-7825 (2021)
  • Manuel Colera, Jaime Carpio, Rodolfo Bermejo. A nearly-conservative, high-order, forward Lagrange-Galerkin method for the resolution of compressible flows on unstructured triangular meshes Journal of Computational Physics 467, 111471, 0021-9991 (2022)

2022-23 Pablo Eleazar Merino Alonso

  • F. Macià, P. E. Merino-Alonso, A. Souto-Iglesias. On the truncated integral SPH solution of the hydrostatic problem. Computational Particle Mechanics, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s40571-020-00333-6.
  • F. Macià, P. E. Merino-Alonso, A. Souto-Iglesias. On the convergence of the solutions to the integral SPH heat and advection-diffusion equations: Theoretical analysis and numerical verification. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 397:Paper No. 115045, (2022). ISSN 0045-7825. doi: 10.1016/j.cma.2022.115045.
  • V. Pablo Eleazar Merino-Alonso, Fabricio Macià, Antonio Souto-Iglesias. On the numerical solution to the truncated discrete SPH formulation of the hydrostatic problem. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 32(4):699–709, (2020). doi: 10.1007/s42241-020-0043-z.
  • Pablo Eleazar Merino-Alonso, Fabricio Macia, Antonio Souto-Iglesias. On the convergence of the solution to the integral sph advection-diffusion equation with rotating transport velocity field. Acta Mechanica Sinica, pages 722262, (2022). doi:
  • Jose Luis Cercos-Pita, Pablo Eleazar Merino-Alonso, Javier Calderon-Sanchez, Daniel Duque. The role of time integration in energy conservation in smoothed particle hydrodynamics fluid dynamics simulations. European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, 97:78–92, (2023). ISSN 0997-7546. doi:

2022-23 Francisco Manuel Márquez García

  • Francisco M. Márquez, Pedro J. Zufiria y Luis J. Yebra. Port-Hamiltonian Modeling of Multiphysics Systems, Object-Oriented Implementation With the Modelica Language. IEEE Access Vol 8, p.105980-105996 (2020)
  • Francisco M. Márquez, Pedro J. Zufiria y Luis J. Yebra. Port-Hamiltonian modeling of thermofluid systems, object-oriented implementation with Modelica I: Thermodynamic Part. IEEE Access Vol. 9, pp. 131496-131519 (2021) DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.31150382169-3536

2021-22 Bruno Flores Barrio

  • Flores, B., Rios Insua, D., Alfaro, C. & Gomez, J. (2022). Forecasting Aviation Safety Occurrences. Applied Stochastic Models in Business, Industry,

2021-22 Carmen García-Miguel

  • García-Miguel, C., San Martín, J. (2021). Covering fractals with constant radius tiles: Distribution functions and their implications for resource management. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 143, 110626.
  • García-Miguel, C., San Martín, J. (2021). Maximizing Circular Tiles On Fractals: A First Step To Optimization In Fractals. Fractals, 29(06), 2150167.

2021-22 Alberto Almech Jiménez

  • A. Almech, E. Roanes Lozano, C. Solano Macías, y A. Hernando. “A New Approach to Shortest Route Finding in a Railway Network with Two Track Gauges, Gauge Changeovers”. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019. URL
  • A. Almech y E. Roanes Lozano. “Automatic generation of diagrammatic subway maps for any date with Maple”. Mathematics in Computer Science, 14:193–207, 2020. URL
  • A. Almech y E. Roanes Lozano. “A 3D proposal for the visualization of speed in railway networks”. AIMS Mathematics, 5:7480, 2020. URL
  • A. Almech y E. Roanes Lozano. “An Accelerated-Time Simulation of Queues at Ticket Offices at Railway Stations”. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021:10, 2021. URL

2021-22 Ismael Ahrazem Dfuf

  • Ahrazem Dfuf, I., Mira McWilliams, J. M., González Fernández, M. C. (2019). Multi-output conditional inference trees applied to the electricity market: Variable importance analysis. Energies, 12(6), 1097.
  • Dfuf, I. A., Pérez-Minayo, J. F., Mcwilliams, J. M. M., Fernández, C. G. (2020). Variable importance analysis in imbalanced datasets: A new approach. IEEE Access, 8, 127404-127430.

2021-22 José Miguel García Palomo

  • Miguel G. Palomo, Francisco Ballesteros (2017). An Application of Free Latin Squares to the Design of Experiments. International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 28, 83-97. DOI:10.6186/IJIMS.2017.28.2.2.
  • Miguel G. Palomo (2021). Sudoku Ripeto. A variant of Sudoku with repeated symbols. ICGA Journal, 43 (1), 26-49. DOI: 10.3233/icg-210180

2021-22 Simón Rodríguez Santana

  • Simón Rodríguez Santana, Daniel Hernández-Lobato. Adversarial a-divergence Minimization for Bayesian Approximate Inference. Neurocomputing, ISSN 0925-2312
  • Simón Rodríguez Santana, Roi Naveiro, David Ríos Insua. Large Scale Automated Forecasting for Monitoring Network Safety, Security. Applied Stochastic Models in Business, Industry

2021-22 Ignacio Miguel González García

  • García, I. G., Mateos, A. (2021). Use of Social Network Analysis for Tax Control in Spain. Hacienda Publica Espanola, (239), 159-197.
  • Munoz, H., Vicente, E., Gonzalez, I., Mateos, A., Jimenez-Martin, A. (2021). Convgraph: Community detection of homogeneous relationships in weighted graphs. Mathematics, 9(4), 367.
  • García, I. G., Caballero, A. M. (2021). A Multi-Objective Bayesian Approach with Dynamic Optimization (MOBADO). A Hybrid of Decision Theory and Machine Learning Applied to Customs Fraud Control in Spain. Mathematics, 9(13), 1-23.
  • González García, I., Mateos Caballero, A. (2021). Models of Wealth and Inequality Using Fiscal Microdata: Distribution in Spain from 2015 to 2020. Mathematics, 9(4), 377.

2021-22 Víctor Adolfo Gallego Alcalá

  • V. Gallego, D. R. Insua. Current advances in neural networks. Annual Review of Statistics, Its Application (to appear), 2021.
  • V. Gallego, D. Ríos Insua. Variationally inferred sampling through a refined bound. Entropy, 23(1):123, 2021.
  • D. Rios Insua, R. Naveiro,, V. Gallego. Perspectives on adversarial classification. Mathematics, 8(11), 2020.
  • D. Banks, V. Gallego, R. Naveiro,, D. R. Insua. Adversarial risk analysis: An overview. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics, page e1530, 2020.
  • V. Gallego, D. R. Insua. Stochastic gradient mcmc with repulsive forces. In Bayesian Deep Learning Workshop, Neural Information, Processing Systems (NIPS), 2018.
  • V. Gallego, R. Naveiro,, D. R. Insua. Reinforcement learning under threats. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 33, 2019.

2021-22 Darlington Mensah

  • Mensah, D., Lapazaran, J. J., Otero, J., Recio-Blitz, C. (2022). A restitution method to reconstruct the 2001–13 surface evolution of Hurd Glacier, Livingston Island, Antarctica, using surface mass balance data. Journal of Glaciology, 68(269), 443-456.

2020-21 Elena María Castilla González

  • Balakrishnan, N., Castilla, E., Martín N., Pardo, L. (2019). Robust estimators, test-
    statistics for one-shot device testing under the exponential distribution. IEEE transactions
    on Information Theory. 65(5), pp. 3080-3096.
  • Balakrishnan, N., Castilla, E., Martín N., Pardo, L. (2020). Robust inference for one-
    shot device testing data under exponential lifetime model with multiple stresses. Quality,
    Reliability Engineering International. 36, pp. 1916-1930.
  • Balakrishnan, N., Castilla, E., Martín N., Pardo, L. (2019).Robust estimators for one-shot
    device testing data under gamma lifetime model with an application to a tumor toxicological
    data. Metrika. 82(8), pp. 991{1019.
  • Balakrishnan, N., Castilla, E., Martín N., Pardo, L. (2019). Robust inference for one-shot
    device testing data under Weibull lifetime model. IEEE transactions on Reliability. 69(3),
    pp. 937-953.
  • Balakrishnan, N., Castilla, E., Martín N., Pardo, L. (2021). Divergence-based robust
    inference under proportional hazards model for one-shot device testing. IEEE transactions
    on Reliability. DOI: 10.1109/TR.2021.3062289.
  • Balakrishnan, N., Castilla, E., Ling, M.H. (2022) Optimal designs of constant-stress accelerated
    life-tests for one-shot devices with model mis-speci_cation analysis. Reliability Engineering International, 38(2), 989-1012.
  • Balakrishnan, N., Castilla, E., Martin, N., Pardo, L. (2023). Power divergence approach for one-shot device testing under competing risks. Journal of Computational, Applied Mathematics, 419, 114676.
  • Castilla, E., Martín N., Mu~noz S., Pardo, L. (2020). Robust Wald-type tests based on
    minimum R_enyi pseudodistance estimators for the multiple regression model. Journal of
    Statistical Computation, Simulation. 90(14), pp. 2655-2680.
  • Castilla, E., Martín, N., Pardo, L. (2018). Pseudo minimum phi-divergence estimator
    for the multinomial logistic regression model with complex sample design. AStA Adv. Stat.
    Anal., 102(3), pp. 381-411.
  • Castilla, E., Ghosh, A., Martín, N., Pardo, L. (2018). New statistical robust procedures
    for polytomous logistic regression models. Biometrics, 74(4), pp. 1282-1291.
  • Castilla, E., Martín, N., Pardo, L. (2020). Testing linear hypotheses in logistic regression
    analysis with complex sample survey data based on phi-divergence measures. Communications
    in Statistics-Theory, Methods. DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2020.1746342.
  • Castilla, E., Ghosh, A., Martín, N., Pardo, L. (2020). Robust semiparametric inference
    for polytomous logistic regression with complex survey design. Advances in Data Analysis
    and Classi_cation . DOI: 10.1007/s11634-020-00430-7.
  • Castilla, E., Martín, N., Pardo, L., Zografos, K. (2018). Composite likelihood methods
    based on minimum density power divergence estimator. Entropy 20(1), 18.
  • Castilla, E., Martín, N., Pardo, L., Zografos, K. (2019). Composite likelihood methods:
    Rao-type tests based on composite minimum density power divergence estimator. Statistical
    Papers. 62, pp. 1003-1041.
  • Castilla, E., Martín, N., Pardo, L., Zografos, K. (2020). Model Selection in a composite
    likelihood framework based on density power divergence. Entropy. 22(3), 270.
  • Castilla, E., Chocano, P. J. (2022). A new robust approach for multinomial logistic regression with complex design model. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 68(11), 7379-7395.

2020-21 Adán Rodríguez Martínez

  • Rodriguez-Martinez, A. & Vitoriano, B. (2020), ‘Probability-based wildfire risk measure for decision-making’, Mathematics 8(4), 557.

2020-21 Víctor Puente García

  • V. Puente, M. Folgueira (2018) ITRS/GCRS transformation: Uncertainty propagation analysis and short-term modelling of IAU 2006/2000A developments. Advances in Space Research, 63 (5), 1792-1802
  • V. Puente, E. Azcue, Y. Gómez-Espada, S. García-Espada (en revisión) Comparison of common VLBI and GNSS estimates in CONT17 campaign. Journal of Geodesy
  • V. Puente (en revisión) A priori zenith wet delays in the analysis of VLBI CONT sessions. Advances in Space Research.

2019-20 Óscar de Gregorio Vicente

  • B. González-Pérez, C. Nuñez-Pardo, G. Valverde, O. De Gregorio-Vicente, P. González-Pérez (en revisión) Development of an Expert System for the Detection of Change Points in Time Series with Applications to COVID-19 . Journal of Biomedical Informatics.
  • O. De Gregorio-Vicente; B. González-Pérez; M.A. Gómez-Villegas (2017) Aproximación bayesiana aplicada al reparto modal en Modelos de Transporte de Mercancías (Caso práctico: Corredor Ferroviario Bioceánico Central (CFBC)). DYNA Ingeniería e Industria, 92, 580-586. DOI: “

2019-20 Ángel de Andrea González

  • L.M. González, A. de Andrea (2019) Numerical computation of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability for a viscous fluid with regularized interface properties. Physical Review E 10.1103/PhysRevE.100.013101
  • A. de Andrea, L.M. González (2017) Effects of a semi-infinite stratification on the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in an interface with surface tension. AIP ADVANCES 7-19/10.1063/1.4985989

2019-20 Fabián Alberto Castiblanco Ruiz

  • F. Castiblanco, C. Franco, J. T. Rodríguez, J. Montero (2020) Evaluation of the quality and relevance of a fuzzy partition. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 1-1 Pre press 1064-1246

2019-20 Jorge Daniel Mello Román

  • J.D. Mello, A. Hernández-Estrada (2019) Un estudio sobre el rendimiento académico en matemáticas. Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa – REDIE,
  • J.D. Mello, J.C. Mello, S. Gómez, M. García-Torres (2019) Predictive models for the medical diagnosis of Dengue. A case study in Paraguay. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
  • J.D. Mello, A. Hernández-Estrada (2020) KPLS optimization with Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms. IEEE Access

2019-20 Elisa da Conceição Jose Maria

  • Elisa C.J. Maria, Isabel Salazar, Luis Sanz, Miguel A. Gómez-Villegas (2020) Using Copula to Model Dependence When Testing Multiple Hypotheses in DNA Microarray Experiments: A Bayesian Approximation. Mathematics, 8 (9), 1514. 10.3390/math8091514

2019-20 Antonio Manuel Vargas Ureña

  • M. Negreanu, J.I. Tello, A.M. Vargas (2019) On a parabolicelliptic chemotaxis system with periodic asymptotic behavior. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
  • F. Ureña; M. Negreanu; A. García; J.J. Benito; L. Gavete.; A.M. Vargas (2020) On the convergence of the Generalized Finite Difference Method for solving a chemotaxis system with no chemical diffusion. Computational Particle Mechanics 10.1007/s40571-020-00359-w
  • V. Navarro; M. Negreanu; R. Dáger; A.M. Vargas (2020) Uniform asymptotic behavior of numerical solutions for a predator-prey system with diffusion and chemotaxis. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
  • F. Ureña; M. Negreanu; A. García; J.J. Benito; L. Gavete.; A.M. Vargas (2020) Solving a fully parabolic chemotaxis system with periodic asymptotic behavior using Generalized Finite Difference Method. Applied Numerical Mathematics
  • F. Ureña; M. Negreanu; A. García; J.J. Benito; L. Gavete.; A.M. Vargas (2020) Solving a chemotaxis-haptotaxis system in 2D using
    Generalized Finite Difference Method. Computers and Mathematics with Applications
  • M. Negreanu, J.I. Tello, A.M. Vargas (2020) A note on a periodic Parabolic-ODE chemotaxis system. Applied Mathematics Letters
  • M. Negreanu, J.I. Tello, A.M. Vargas (2020) On a fully parabolic chemotaxis system with source term and periodic asymptotic behavior. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik ZAMP
  • F. Ureña; M. Negreanu; A. García; J.J. Benito; L. Gavete.; A.M. Vargas (2020) On the numerical solution to a parabolic-elliptic system with chemotactic and periodic terms using Generalized Finite Differences. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

2019-20 Pedro García Segador

  • P. García-Segador,  P. Miranda (2017) Bottom-Up: A new algorithm to generate random linear extensions of a poset. Order
  • P. García-Segador,  P. Miranda (2018)Applying Young diagrams to 2-symmetric fuzzy measures with an application to general fuzzy measures. Fuzzy Sets and Systems
  • P. García-Segador,  P. Miranda (2019) Combinatorial structure of the polytope of 2-additive measures. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
  • P. García-Segador,  P. Miranda (a enviar) Counting Doubly alternating permutations and other fence posets
  • P. García-Segador,  P. Miranda (2020) Order cones: A tool for deriving k-dimensional faces of cones of subfamilies of monotone games. Annals of Operations Research

2019-20 Jorge Herrera de la Cruz

  • HERRERA DE LA CRUZ, Jorge; IVORRA, Benjamin; RAMOS, Ángel M (2019) An Algorithm for Solving a Class of Multiplayer Feedback-Nash Differential Games. Mathematical Problems in Engineering
  • HERRERA DE LA CRUZ, Jorge; IVORRA, Benjamin; RAMOS, Ángel M (en revisión) An algorithm for solving Feedback Nash equilibria in Stochastic Differential Games. Journal of scientific computing.

2019-20 Roi Naveiro Flores

  • R Naveiro, A Redondo, DR Insua, F Ruggeri (2019) Adversarial classification: An adversarial risk analysis approach. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 113, 133-148
  • V Gallego, R Naveiro, DR Insua (2019) Reinforcement learning under threats. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33 (01), 9939-9940
  • R Naveiro, S Rodríguez, D Ríos Insua (2019) Large‐scale automated forecasting for network safety and security monitoring. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 35 (3), 431-447

2019-20 Marta Barbero

  • Barbero, M., Gómez-Chacón, I.M., Arzarello, F. (2020) Backward reasoning and epistemic actions in discovering processes of strategic games problems. Mathematics

2019-20 Eva de Andrés Marruedo

  • De Andrés, E., Otero, J., Navarro, F., Prominska, A., Lapazaran, J., Walczowski, W. (2018) A two‐dimensional glacier ‐fjord coupled model applied to estimate submarine melt rates and front position changes of Hansbreen, Svalbard. Journal of Glaciology, DOI:
  • De Andrés, E.; Slater, D.A., Straneo, F., Otero, J., Das, S., Navarro, F. (2020) Surface emergence of glacial plumes determined by fjord stratification. The Cryosphere, DOI: 10.5194/tc‐2019‐264
  • Sánchez‐Gámez, P., Navarro,F.J., Dowdeswell, J.A., De Andrés, E. (2020) Surface velocities and calving flux of the Academy of
    Sciences Ice Cap, Severnaya Zemlya. Ice and Snow, 60 (1), In press

2019-20 Alejandro Tlaie Boira

  • A. Tlaie, I. Leyva, R. Sevilla-Escoboza, V.P. Vera, I. Sendiña-Nadal (2019) Dynamical complexity as a proxy for the network degree distribution. Physical Review E 99 (1), 012310 5 2019
  • A Tlaie, LM Ballesteros-Esteban, I Leyva, I Sendiña-Nadal (2019) On the statistical complexity and connectivity relationship in cultured neural networks. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 119 (Special Issue), 284-290 3 2019
  • A Tlaie, I Leyva, I Sendiña-Nadal (2019) High-order couplings in geometric complex networks of neurons. Physical Review E 100 (5), 052305

2019-20 Javier León Caballero

  • Javier León, Victor Reijnders, John Hearne, Melih Ozlen, Karin Reinke (2019)  A landscape-scale optimisation model to break the hazardous fuel continuum while maintaining habitat quality. Environmental Modeling and Assesment, 24 (4), 369-379
  • Javier León, F. Javier Martín-Campo, M. Teresa Ortuño, Begoña Vitoriano, Luis Miguel Carrasco, Luis Narvarte (2019) A methodology for designing electrification programs for remote areas. Central European Journal of Operations Research. Online (septiembre 2019) doi: 10.1007/s10100-019-00649-6
  • Javier León, Justo Puerto, Begoña Vitoriano (enviado) A risk-aversion methodology for the multiobjective stochastic programming problem. Computers and Operations Research

2019-20 Nuria Martínez Martín

  • N. Martínez, D. Gómez, P. Olaso, K. Rojas, J. Montero (2019) Social indexes segregation based on MEOWA and MOOWA aggregation operators. Studies in Computational Intelligence (accepted).
  • N. Martínez, D. Gómez, P. Olaso, K. Rojas, J. Montero (2019) A novel ordered weighted averaging weight determination based on ordinal dispersion. International Journal of Intelligent Systems,34: 2291-2315.

2018-19 Carlos Calvo Tapia

  • Villacorta-Atienza J.A., Calvo C., Makarov V.A. Prediction-for-CompAction: Navigation in social environments using generalized cognitive maps. Biological Cybernetics 109(3), 307-320. 2015. doi:10.1007/s00422-015-0644-8
  • Calvo C., Villacorta-Atienza J.A., Mironov V.I., Gallego V., Makarov. V. Waves in isotropic totalistic cellular automata: Application to real-time robot navigation . Advances in Complex Systems 19(4) 1650012-18. 2016. doi:10.1142/S0219525916500120
  • Villacorta-Atienza J.A., Calvo C., Lobov S., Makarov V.A.. Limb Movement in Dynamic Situations Based on Generalized Cognitive Maps. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 12(4) 15-29. 2017. doi:10.1051/mmnp/201712403 0973-5348
  • Tyukin I., Gorban A.N., Calvo C., Makarova J., Makarov V.A. High-dimensional brain: A tool for encoding and rapid learning of memories by single neurons . Bulletin of mathematical biology, 2018. doi:10.1007/s11538-018-0415-5 0092-8240
  • Calvo Tapia C., Tyukin I.Y., Makarov V.A. Fast social-like learning of complex behaviors based on motor motifs  Physical Review E 97(5) 052308. 2018. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.97.052308
  • Villacorta-Atienza J.A., Calvo Tapia C., Diez-Hermano S., Sanchez-Jimenez A., Lobov S, Krilova N., Murciano A., Lopez-Tolsa G., Pellon R., and Makarov V.A. Static internal representation of dynamic situations reveals time compaction in human cognition . eLife (under review), 2019
  • Calvo Tapia C., Makarov V.A., van Leeuwen C. Basic principles drive self-organization of brain-like connectivity structure. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (under review), 2019
  • Calvo Tapia C., Makarov V.A., van Leeuwen C. Basic principles drive self-organization of brain-like connectivity structure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (submitted), 2019

2017-18 Jorge González Ortega

  • J. Gonzalez-Ortega, D. Ríos-Insua, J. Cano. Adversarial Risk Analysis for Bi-Agent Influence Diagrams: An Algorithmic Approach. European Journal of Operational Research. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2018.09.015
  • J. Gonzalez-Ortega, D. Ríos-Insua, F. Ruggeri, R. Soyer. Hypothesis Testing in Presence of Adversaries. The American Statistician, (enviado) 2018
  • P. Gómez-Esteban, A. Liu, D. Ríos-Insua, J. Gonzalez-Ortega. Competition and Cooperation in a Community of Autonomous Agents. Autonomous Robots (enviado) 2018

2017-18 Pablo Sánchez Gámez

  • Sánchez-Gámez, P.; Navarro, F. Glacier surface velocity retrieval using D-InSAR and offset tracking techniques applied to ascending and descending passes of Sentinel-1 data for southern Ellesmere ice caps, Canadian Arctic. Remote Sensing Remote Sensing. 2017, 9, 442, doi:10.3390/rs9050442
  • Sánchez-Gámez, P.; Navarro, F. Ice discharge error estimates using different cross-sectional area approaches: a case study for the Canadian High Arctic, 2016/17. Journal of Glaciology, 64 (246), 595-608. 2018. doi: 10.1017/jog.2018.48
  • Sánchez-Gámez, P.; Navarro, F.; Benham, T. J.; Glazovsky, A. F.; Bassford, R. P.; Dowdeswell, J.A. Intra- and inter-annual variability in dynamic discharge from the Academy of Sciences Ice Cap, Severnaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic, and its role in modulating mass balance. Journal of Glaciology, 2018.

2017-18 Carely Guada Escalona

  • C. Guada, D. Gómez, J.T. Rodríguez, J. Yáñez, J. Montero. A novel edge detection algorithm based on a hierarchical graph-partition approach.  Journal of Intelligence and Fuzzy Systems 334, 3,  1875-1892. 2018. 10.3233/JIFS-171218
  • C. Guada, D. Gómez, J.T. Rodríguez, J. Yáñez, J. Montero. Classifying image analysis techniques from their output, IJCIS 9, supplement 1, 43-68 . 2016. 1875-6891
  • D. Gómez, J. Yáñez, C. Guada,  J.T. Rodríguez, J. Montero. Fuzzy image segmentation based upon hierarchical clustering. KBS 87, 26-37. 2015. 0950-7051

2017-18 Agustín Caparrós Quintero

  • A. Caparrós, R. Hernández-Heredero. Formal recursion operators of integrable nonevolutionary equations and Lagrangian systems. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51-22, 2018, 1751-8113

2017-18 David Gómez Castro

  • J.I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro. STEINER SYMMETRIZATION FOR CONCAVE SEMILINEAR ELLIPTIC AND PARABOLIC EQUATIONS AND THE OBSTACLE PROBLEM. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 2015. doi:10.3934/proc.2015.0379
  • J.I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro. On the effectiveness of wastewater cylindrical reactors: an analysis trough Steiner symmetrization. Pure and Applied Geophysics. 2015. Doi:10.1007/s00024-015-1124-8
  • J.I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, A.V. Podol’skii, T.A. Shaposhnikova. Homogenization of the p–Laplacian with nonlinear boundary condition on critical size particles: identifying the strange term for the some non smooth and multivalued operators. Doklady Mathematics, 2016. 1064-5624
  • J.I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, A.V. Podol’skii, T.A. Shaposhnikova. Non existence of critical scales in the homogenization of the problem with p-Laplace diffusion and nonlinear reaction in the boundary of periodically distributed particles in n-dimensional domains when $p \ge n$. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas. 2017
  • J.I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, A.V. Podol’skii, T.A. Shaposhnikova. Homogenization of variational inequalities of Signorini type for the $p$-Laplacian in perforated domains when $p \in (1, 2)$ .  Doklady Mathematics. 2017
  • J.I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, A.V. Podol’skii, T.A. Shaposhnikova. Characterizing the strange term in critical size homogenization: Quasilinear equations with a general microscopic boundary condition. Advances in nonlinear analysis, 2017
  • J.I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, A.V. Podol’skii, T.A. Shaposhnikova. On the asymptotic limit of the effectiveness of reaction–diffusion equations in periodically structured media. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application. 2017
  • H, Brezis, D. Gómez-Castro. Rigidity of optimal bases for signal spaces. CRAS 2017
  • JI. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, T.A. Shaposhnikova, M.N. Zubova, Change of homogenized absorption term in diffusion processes with reaction on the boundary of periodically distributed asymmetric particles of critical size. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2017

2016-17 Lucas García Rodríguez

  • L. García, PM. Talaván, J. Yáñez. Improving the Hopfield model performance when applied to the traveling salesman problem. A divide-and-conquer scheme. Soft Computing 21 : 3891–3905, 2017
  • L. García, PM. Talaván, J. Yáñez. Attractor Basin Analysis of the Hopfield Model: The Generalized Quadratic Knapsack Problem. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer) volume 10305, 2017

2016-17 Juana María Alonso Revenga

  • Alonso-Revenga, J.M., Martín, N. & Pardo, L. New improved estimators for overdispersion in models with clustered multinomial data and unequal cluster sizes. Statistics and Computing. 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s11222-015-9616-z

2016-17 Hassan Lombera

  • Lombera, H., Tello, J.I. A numerical approach to solve an inverse problem in lubrication theory. RACSAM 108, 617–631 (2014).
  • M. Díaz, H. Lombera, E. Martínez and R. Garza, «An approach for Assembly Sequence Planning based on Max-Min Ant System,» in IEEE Latin America Transactions, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 907-912, April 2015, doi: 10.1109/TLA.2015.7106336.

2014-15 Mario Jaime Martín Burgos

  • MJ. Martin-Burgos, E. Andrés-Pérez. Numerical algorithm to calculate the Green’s function from the stiffness matrix. Applied Numerical Mathematics (En revisión)
  • MJ. Martin-Burgos, E. Andres, C. Lozano, E. Valero. VOLUMETRIC B-SPLINES SHAPE PARAMETRIZATION FOR AERODYNAMIC SHAPE DESIGN. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2014. DOI:10.1016/j.ast.2014.05.003
  • C. Lozano, E. Andrés, MJ. Martin-Burgos, P. Bitrián. Domain vs. boundary computation of flow sensitivities with the continuous adjoint method for aerodynamic shape optimization problems. Numerical Methods in Fluids, 70 (10), 1305–1323, 2012. doi:10.1002/fld.2743
  • M. J. Martin-Burgos, E. Andrés, M. Wildham, P. Bitrián, C. Lozano. NURBS-based aerodynamic shape design optimization with the DLR TAU code.  Journal of Aeroespace Engineering (JAERO), 226 (10), 124-1224. 2012

2014-15 Jorge Yáñez Escanciano

  • YANEZ, J., KUZNETSOV, M., SOUTO-IGLESIAS, A., An analysis of the hydrogen explosion in the Fukushima-Daiichi accident International Journal Hydrogen Energy 40, 8261-8280, 2015.
  • KUZNETSOV, M., YANEZ, J., GRUNE. J, FRIEDRICHS, A., JORDAN, T. Hydrogen combustion in a flat semi-confined layer with respect to the Fukushima Daiichi accident. Nuclear Engineering and Design 286 (2015) 36–48
  • YANEZ, J., KUZNETSOV, M., REDLINGER, R. The acoustic–parametric instability for hydrogen–air mixtures. Combustion and Flame 160 (10), 2013
  • YANEZ, J., KOTCHOURKO, A., LELYAKIN, A. Hydrogen deflagration simulations under typical containment conditions for nuclear safety. Nuclear Energy and design, 250, 678-686, 2012
  • SZABO, T., YANEZ, J., KOTCHOURKO, M., KUZNETSOV, M., JORDAN, T. Parameterization of laminar flame speed dependence on pressure and temperature in hydrogen-air-steam mixtures. Combustion science and technology 184 (10-11), 1427-1444, 2012
  • YANEZ, J., KUZNETSOV, M., KOTCHOURKO, A., LELYAKIN, A., JORDAN, T. Theoretical considerations of laminar flame speed as a function of initial conditions and basic kinetics properties with respect to the safety problem. Journal of energy and power engineering 6, 849-857, 2012
  • MAKAROV, D., VERBECKE, F., MOLKOV, V., …, YANEZ, J. An inter comparison of CFD models to predict lean and non-uniform hydrogen mixture explosions. International Journal of hydrogen energy 35, 5754-5762, 2010
  • BARALDI, D., KOTCHOURKO, A., LELYAKIN, A., …, YANEZ, J. An inter comparison exercise on CFD model capabilities to simulate hydrogen deflagrations with pressure relief vents. International journal of hydrogen energy, 35, 12381-12390, 2010
  • BARALDI, D., KOTCHOURKO, A., LELYAKIN, A., …, YANEZ, J. An inter comparison exercise on CFD model capabilities to simulate hydrogen deflagration in a tunnel. International Journal of hydrogen energy XXX, 1-11, 2009