Wednesday, September 19, 2012
- 09.00: Registration
- 09.30: Opening
- 10:00: Juan Francisco Padial (UPM): On a mathematical model arising in the nuclear fusion by magnetic
confinement in the Stellarator devices: existence of solutions and a numerical approach - 11.00: Coffee break
- 11.30: Anh Dao Nguyen (Francois Rabelais University): Isolated initial singularities for the viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equation
- 12:00: Moisés Soto Bajo (UAM): Introduction to Shift-Invariant Spaces Theory
- 12.30: Juan Luis Ródenas Pedregosa (UCM): Some variational principles and applications to the Geometry of Banach spaces
- 13.00: Óscar Domínguez Bonilla (UCM): Approximation spaces
- 15.30: Antonio Suárez (Universidad de Sevilla): On some models in arising in angiogenesis: a crucial step in tumor growth
- 16.00: David González de la Aleja Gallego (UCM): Dinámica de ecuaciones difusivas de tipo convectivo-adventivo
- 16.30: Javier Pérez Álvaro (UC3M): Sensitivity Problems for Fiedler Matrices
- 17.00: Coffee break
- 17.30: David Torres Teigell (UAM): Non-homeomorphic Galois conjugate surfaces
- 18.00: Luis Ángel Calvo Pascual (UAM): Bundles over Klein surfaces
Thursday, September 20, 2012
- 09.30: Aniceto Murillo (Universidad de Granada):
- 10.30: Hugo Bello Gutiérrez (UCM): Purely topological construction of the Caratheodory’s prime end theory
- 11.00: Coffee break
- 11.30: Héctor Barge Yáñez (UCM): Topological Methods in Population Dynamics
- 12.00: Roger Casals (UCM): Contact Blow-Up
- 12.30: Marta Farré Puiggalí (UCM): Hamiltonian formulation of the Yang-Mills equations
- 13:00: Leire Gorrochategui Gregorio (UCM): Problems around complements of plane curves
- 15.30: Pedro Tradacete (UC3M): Arithmetic means and convex sets in Banach spaces
- 16.00: María Francisca Pérez Valero (UC3M): On Fourier Series of Jacobi-Sobolev Orthogonal Polynomials
- 16.30: Leonardo Ferro (UC3M): Lie-Jordan Banach algebras and quantum reduction
- 17.00: Coffee break
- 17.30: Beatriz Pascual Escudero (UAM): Trivialization of analytic map germs for the resolution of singularities
- 18.00: Michael Ernesto López Lehmann (UCM): Variable exponent Lebesgue spaces and modulars
Friday, September 21, 2012
- 09.30: Jesús Bastero (Universidad de Zaragoza): Hyperplane sections of convex bodies, variance and isoperimetry
- 10.30: Andrea Cadarso Rebolledo (UCM): Formalizing the existence of entanglement in a quantum spin chain via Matrix Product States in new physical settings
- 11.00: Coffee break
- 11.30: Fábio Sílvio José de Carvalho (UCM): Variable Models for prediction and adjust of multivariate data
- 12.00: Juan Martín Álvaro (UCM): Resultados clásicos y actuales sobre los espacios C(K)
- 12.30: Pablo Jiménez Rodríguez (UCM): Lineability and spaceability in function spaces
The Workshop will take place at the room Miguel de Guzmán, School of Mathematics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid