Last updated: February 22, 2025
A. Research articles in Journals
J. I. Díaz, A. V. Podolskiy, and T. A. Shaposhnikova, Think globally, act locally: approximate controllability through homogenization of an optimal control problem with control on the boundary of certain particles.
A. N. Dao and J. I. Díaz, Uniqueness and qualitative behavior of solutions to a porous medium equation with Newtonian potential pressure of nonlinear density function.
J. I. Díaz, A. V. Podolskiy, and T. A. Shaposhnikova, New unexpected limit operators for homogenizing optimal control parabolic problems with dynamic reaction flow on the boundary of critically scaled particles. To appear in the Journal of Convex Analysis.
A. 283. J.I. Díaz, A. Ferone and A. Mercaldo, Anisotropic partial symmetrization for some quasilinear equations in comparison with a p-Laplace realization on some of the coordinates. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Volume 548, Issue 1, 1 August 2025, 129370 (PDF)
A. 282. G. Díaz and J. I. Díaz. A bang-bang optimal control for a nonlinear system modeling the Gate Control Theory of Pain. To appear in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series S (PDF)
A. 281.P. Bégout and J. I. Díaz, On the compactness of the support of solitary waves of the complex saturated nonlinear Schrödinger equation and related problems. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena (PDF)
A. 280. J. I. Díaz, A. V. Podolskiy, and T. A. Shaposhnikova, On the corrector term in the homogenization of the nonlinear Poisson-Robin problem giving rise to a strange term: Application to an optimal control problem. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 543.1 (2025): 128867. (PDF)
A.279. J. I. Díaz, A Note on the Farkas’ Lemma and the Maximum Principle for Elliptic PDEs. Montes Taurus J. Pure Appl. Math. 7 (3), 12–15, 2025; Article ID: MTJPAM-D-24-00049. Special Issue: Recent Developments in Contemporary Mathematics and their Applications «Dedicated to Professor Manuel López-Pellicer on the occasion of his 81st birthday». (PDF)
A.278. P. Bégout and J. I. Díaz, Strong stabilization of damped nonlinear Schrödinger equation with saturation on unbounded domains. Math. Anal. Appl. 538 (2024) 128329 (PDF)
A. 277. J. I. Díaz, A. V. Podolskiy, and T. A.Shaposhnikova, Aperiodical isoperimetric planar homogenization with critical diameter: universal non-local strange term for a dynamical unilateral boundary condition. Doklady Mathematics, DOI: 10.1134/S1064562424701734 (PDF)
A. 276. J.I. Díaz and J. Hernández, Beyond the classical strong maximum principle: forcing changing sign near the boundary and at solutions. Advances in Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 13, no. 1, 2024, pp. 20230128. (PDF)
A. 275. L. Boccardo, J. I. Díaz, and D. Gómez-Castro, Failure of the strong maximum principle for linear elliptic with singular convection of non-negative divergence. Electron. J. Differential Equations, Vol. 2024 (2024) No. 13, 1-16. (PDF)
A. 274. G. R. Cirmi and J. I. Díaz Qualitative properties of solutions of some quasilinear equations related to Bingham fluid. Communications in Optimization Theory» (COT), Vol. 2023 (2023), Article ID 5, 1-20. (PDF)
A. 273. J. I. Díaz, A. V. Podolskiy, and T. A. Shaposhnikova, On the strange nonlocal homogenized problem arising as the limit of a Poisson equation with dynamical unilateral conditions on the boundary of perforations of critical size and arbitrary shape. Electron. J. Differential Equations, Vol. 2024 (2024), No. 03, pp. 1-29. (PDF)
A. 272. J. I. Díaz, A. V. Podolskiy, and T. A. Shaposhnikova. Unexpected regionally negative solutions of the homogenized problem associated with the Poisson equation and dynamic unilateral boundary conditions: the case of symmetric particles of critical size.Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, RACSAM, DOI
10.1007/s13398-023-01503-w (PDF)
A. 271. P. Bégout and J. I. Díaz, Finite time extinction for critically damped Schrodinger equation with a sublinear nonlinearity, Advances in Differential Equations, Volume 28, Numbers 3-4 (2023), 311-340 (PDF)
A.270. J. I. Díaz, T. A. Shaposhnikova, and M. N. Zubova, A strange non-local monotone operator arising in the homogenization of a diffusion equation with dynamic nonlinear boundary conditions on particles of critical size and arbitrary shape, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2022 (2022), No. 52, pp. 1–32. (PDF)
A. 269. J. I. Díaz and J. Giacomoni, Monotone continuous dependence of solutions of singular quenching parabolic problems, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 (PDF)
A.268. A.C. Casal, G. Díaz, J. I. Díaz, J.M. Vegas, Controlled boundary explosions: dynamics after blow-up for some semilinear problems with global controls, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst, doi:10.3934/dcds.2022075 (PDF)
A.267. J. I. Díaz and J. Hernández, Bounded positive solutions for diffusive logistic equations with unbounded distributed limitations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series S doi:10.3934/dcdss.2022018. Published on line 17 February 2022. (PDF)
A266. J. I. Díaz, A. V. Podolskiy, and T. A. Shaposhnikova. Boundary control and homogenization: optimal climatization through smart double skin boundaries. Differential and Integral Equations. 35, 3-4 (2022), 191–210 (PDF)
A.265. J. I. Díaz, A. V. Podolskiy, and T. A. Shaposhnikova. On the homogenization of an optimal control problem in a domain perforated by holes of critical size and arbitrary shape. Doklady Akademii Nauk. (Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences), 2022, 502, 11–18 (PDF)
A.264. G. Díaz and J. I. Díaz. Stochastic energy balance climate models with Legendre weighted diffusion and a cylindrical Wiener process forcing. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series S. doi: 10.3934/dcdss.2021165. Published on line 18 Decemb 2021. (PDF)
A.263. P. Bégout and J. I. Díaz, Finite time extinction for a class of damped Schroedinger equations with a singular saturated nonlinearity, Journal of Differential Equations, January 308(2) (2022) 252-285 (PDF)
A. 262. A.N. Dao and J. I. Díaz, A note on the logarithmically improved regularity criteria for the Navier-Stokes equations in homogeneous Besov spaces, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2021 (2021), No. 89, pp. 1-9. (PDF)
A. 261. J. I. Díaz, A. V. Podolskiy, and T. A. Shaposhnikova. On the convergence of controls and cost functionals in some optimal control heterogeneous problems when the homogenization process gives rise to some strange terms. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (PDF)
A. 260. J. I. Díaz and J. Hernández, Multiple positive solutions for some local and non-local elliptic systems arising in desertification models. Rend. Mat. Appl. (7) 42 (2021), no. 3-4, 227–251. (PDF)
A.259. J. I. Díaz, F. Feo and M. R. Posteraro, Half-space Gaussian symmetrization: applications to semilinear elliptic problems. Adv. Nonlinear Anal. Published online: April 14, 2021 (PDF)
A. 258. J. I. Díaz, D. Hilhorst and P. Kyriazopoulos, On a parabolic system with strong absorption modeling dryland vegetation.Vol. 2021 (2021), No. 08, pp. 1-19.(PDF)
A. 257. F. Brock, J. I. Díaz, A. Ferone, D. Gómez-Castro and A. Mercaldo, Steiner Symmetrization for anisotropic quasilinear equations via partial discretizxation. Ann. I.H.Poincaré–AN 38 (2021) 347–368, doi: (PDF)
A.256. J. I. Díaz, New applications of monotonicity methods to a class of non-monotone parabolic quasilinear sub-homogeneous problems. Journal Pure and Applied Functional Analysis. (Special Issue dedicated to Haïm Brezis.), 5 4 (2020), 925-949. (PDF)
A. 255. N. A. Dao, J. I. Díaz, Energy and large time estimates for nonlinear porous medium flow with nonlocal pressure in R^N. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 238 (2020), no. 1, 299–345.// (PDF)
A.254. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, T. A. Shaposhnikova, and M. N. Zubova, A time depending strange term in the Robin boundary condition in the homogenization of an elliptic problem with critically alternating Neumann and dynamic boundary conditions. Doklady Mathematics, 2020, Vol. 101, No. 2, 96–101 (PDF)
A.253. J. I. Díaz, J.F. Padial, J. I. Tello and L.Tello, Complex Ginzburg-Landau equations with a delayed nonlocal perturbation, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations.Vol. 2020 (2020), No. 40, 1-18. (PDF)
A.252. N. A. Dao, J. I. Díaz and Q.B.H. Nguyen, Pointwise gradient estimates in multi-dimensional slow diffusion equations with a singular quenching term. Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 20 (2020), no. 2, 477–502 Advanced Nonlinear Studies, (PDF)
A.251. N. A. Dao, J. I. Díaz and Q.-H. Nguyen. Fractional Sobolev inequalities using the maximal functions. Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 31 (2020), 225–236. (PDF)
A.250. J. I. Díaz and J. Hernández, Linearized stability for degenerate and singular semilinear and quasilinear parabolic problems: the linearized singular equations. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis Volume 54, No. 2B, 2019, 937-966 (2019). DOI: 10.12775/TMNA.2019.091. (PDF)
A.249. P. Bégout and J. I. Díaz, Finite Time Extinction for the Strongly Damped Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation in Bounded Domains, Journal of Differential Equations, Volume 268, Issue 7, 15 March 2020, Pages 4029-4058 DOI information: 10.1016/j.jde.2019.10.016 (PDF)
A.248. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, A. V. Podol’skiy, and T. A. Shaposhnikova. On the asymptotic limit of the effectiveness of reaction–diffusion equations in periodically structured media, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 455 (2), (2017), 1597-1613 (PDF)
A. 247 J. I. Díaz, J. Hernández and Y. Il.yasov. On the exact multiplicity of stable ground states of non-Lipschitz semilinear elliptic equations for some classes of starshaped sets. Adv. Nonlinear Anal. 2020; 9: 1046–1065 (PDF)
A.246. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, T. A. Shaposhnikova, and M. N. Zubova, A nonlocal memory strange term arising in the critical scale homogenisation of a diffusion equation with a dynamic boundary condition, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations,Vol. 2019 (2019), No. 77, pp. 1-13. (PDF)
A.245. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, A. V. Podol’skiy, and T. A. Shaposhnikova. Homogenization in presence of a net of periodic boundary obstacles related to reverse osmosis nano-composite critical scaled membrane boundaries.
Adv. Nonlinear Anal. 9 (2020), no. 1, 193–227 (PDF)
A.244 J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, A. V. Podol’skiy, and T. A. Shaposhnikova. “Characterizing the strange term in critical size homogenization: quasilinear equations with a nonlinear boundary condition involving a general maximal monotone graph. Advances in Nonlinear Analysis, 2019; 8: 679–693, DOI.10.1515/anona-2018-0041 (PDF)
A.243. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, and A. M. Ramos. “On the well-posedness of a multiscale mathematical model for Lithium-ion batteries”. Adv. Nonlinear Anal. 2019; 8: 1132–1157 (PDF).
A. 242. A. N. Dao, J. I. Díaz and H. V. Kha, Complete quenching phenomenon and instantaneous shrinking of support of solutions of degenerate parabolic equations with nonlinear singular absorption. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 149 (2019) 1323–1346, (PDF)
A. 241. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, T. A. Shaposhnikova, and M. N. Zubova. “Classification of homogenized limits of diffusion problems with spatially-dependent reaction over critical-size particles”. Applicable Analysis (2019) 98:1-2, 232-255 (PDF)
A.240. S. Bensid and J. I. Díaz, On the exact number of monotone solutions of a simplified Budyko climate model and their different stability. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B, 24, 3 (2019) 1033-1047 (PDF)
A.239. M. de Benito Delgado and J. I. Diaz. Some remarks on the coincidence set for the Signorini problem. Opuscula Math. 39, no. 2 (2019), 145–157 (PDF)
A. 238. J. I. Díaz, Decaying to zero bifurcation solution curve for some sublinear elliptic eigenvalue type problems, Rev. Acad. Canar. Cienc., 29, (2017) 9-19. (PDF)
A. 237. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, and J. L. Vázquez. The fractional Schrödinger equation with general nonnegative potentials. The weighted space approach. Nonlinear Analysis, Nonlinear Analysis, 177 (2018): 325-360 (PDF)
A. 236 J. I. Díaz, Correction to: On the ambiguous treatment of the Schrödinger equation for the infinite potential well and an alternative via singular potentials: the multi-dimensional case. SeMA-Journal 75 (2018), no. 3, 563–568. DOI: 10.1007/s40324-018-0167-z (PDF)
A. 235. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, A. V. Podolskii, and T. A. Shaposhnikova. “Non-existence of critical scales in the homogenization of the problem with p-Laplace diffusion and nonlinear reaction in the boundary of periodically distributed particles in n-dimensional domains when p > n”. In: Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A.Matemáticas 112 (2018), no. 2, 331–340 (PDF)
A.234. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, A. V. Podol’skiy, and T. A. Shaposhnikova. Homogenization of Boundary Value Problems in Plane Domains with Frequently Alternating Type of Nonlinear Boundary Conditions: Critical Case, Doklady Mathematics, 2018, Vol. 97, No. 3, pp. 271–276. Published in Russian in Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2018, Vol. 480, No. 6, pp. 644–649. (PDF)
A.233. L. Alvarez, C. Cuenca, J. I. Díaz and E. González, Level Set Regularization Using Geometric Flows. SIAM J. Imaging Sciences 2018 Vol. 11, No. 2, 1493-1523. (PDF)
A. 232. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, and J.-M. Rakotoson. “Existence and uniqueness of solutions of Schrödinger type stationary equations with very singular potentials without prescribing boundary conditions and some applications”. Differential Equations and Applications, 10.1 (2018), 47–74 (PDF)
A. 231. N.A Dao, J. I Diaz, Q.H. Nguyen: Generalized Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities using Lorentz spaces and BMO, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods, Applications., 173, (2018), 146-153. (PDF)
A.230. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez – Castro, J.M. Rakotoson and R. Temam, Linear diffusion with singular absorption potential and/or unbounded convective flow: the weighted space approach. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 38.2 (2018), 509–546. (PDF)
A.229. A. N. Dao and J. I. Díaz, The extinction versus the blow-up: Global and non-global existence of solutions of source types of degenerate parabolic equations with a singular absorption. J. Differential Equations. 263 (2017), no. 10, 6764–6804. (PDF)
A.228. J. I. Díaz, On the ambiguous treatment of the Schrödinger equation for the infinite potential well and an alternative via singular potentials: the multi-dimensional case. SeMA-Journal 74 3 (2017) 225-278, (PDF)
A.227. J. I. Díaz, Remarks on the preceding paper by Crespo, Ivorra and Ramos on the stability of bioreactor processes. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2017 (2017), No. 195, pp. 1-5. (PDF)
A.226. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez-Castro, A. V. Podol’skiy, and M.N. Zubova, Change of homogenized absorption term in diffusion processes with reaction on the boundary of periodically distributed asymmetric particles of critical size. Electron. J. Differential Equations, Vol. 2017 (2017), No. 178, pp. 1-25. (PDF)
A.225. L. T. T. Bui, A. N. Dao and J.I. Díaz, Critical case for the viscous Cahn-Hilliard equation. Electron. J. Differential Equations, Vol. 2017 (2017), No. 176, pp. 1-8. (PDF)
A.224. J. I. Díaz and Y. Meyer, Poisson summation formulae and the wave equation with a finitely supported measure as initial velocity. Afr. Diaspora J. Math. Vol 20, No 1 (2017) 1-13. (PDF)
A.223. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez – Castro, A.V. Podol’skii, T.A. Shaposhnikova, Homogeneization of variational inequalities of Signoriny type for the p-Lpalacian in perforated domains when 1<p <2. Doklady Mathematics, 95, 151–156 (2017). doi:10.1134/S1064562417020132. (PDF)
A.222. A. N. Dao and J.I. Díaz, Existence and uniqueness of singular solutions of p-Laplacian with absorption for Dirichlet boundary condition. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Article electronically published on June 16, 2017 (PDF).
A.221. S. Bensid and J.I. Díaz, Stability results for discontinuous nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems with a S-shaped bifurcation branch of stationary solutions. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B 22 5 (2017) 1757-1778. (PDF)
A.220. S. N. Antontsev and J. I. Díaz, Finite Speed of Propagation and Waiting Time for Local Solutions of Degenerate Equations in Viscoelastic Media or Heat Flows with Memory, Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations, April 2016, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 207–216, (PDF)
A.219. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez – Castro, C. Timofte, The effectiveness factor of reaction-diffusion equations: homogenization and existence of optimal pellet shapes, Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations, April 2016, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 119–129 (PDF)
A.218. J. I. Díaz, J. Hernández, and Y. Il.yasov. Stability criteria on flat and compactly supported ground states of some non-Lipschitz autonomous semilinear equations. Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Chinese Ann. Math. vol. 38 (2017), pp. 345-378 (PDF)
A.217. J. I. Díaz, D. Gómez – Castro, A.V. Podol’skii, T.A. Shaposhnikova, Homogenization of the p-Laplace operator with nonlinear boundary condition on critical size particles: identifying the strange term for some non smooth and multivalued kinetics. Doklady Mathematics, 2016, Vol. 94, No. 1, pp. 387–392. Published in Russian in Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2016, Vol. 469, No. 2, pp. 148–153. (PDF)
A.216. J. I. Díaz, T. Pirantozzi, L. Vázquez, On the finite time extinction phenomenon for some nonlinear fractional evolution equations, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2016 (2016), No. 239, pp. 1-13 (PDF)
A.215. A. N. Dao, J.I. Díaz and P. Sauvy, Quenching phenomenon of singular parabolic problems with L1 initial data, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2016 (2016), No. 136, pp. 1-16 (PDF)
A.214. L. Álvarez, G. Díaz and J. I. Díaz, Some Qualitative Properties for Geometric Flows and its Euler Implicit Discretization. Nonlinear Analysis 137 (2016) 43–76 (PDF)
A.213. A. N. Dao and J. I. Díaz, A gradient estimate to a degenerate parabolic equation with a singular absorption term: global and local quenching phenomena. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 437 (2016) 445–473 (PDF)
A.212. N. El Berdan, J. I. Díaz and J.M. Rakotoson, The Uniform Hopf Inequality for discontinuous coefficients and optimal regularity in bmo for singular problems. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 437 (2016) 350–379 (PDF)
A.211. A. Arjona, J. I. Díaz, Stabilization of a hyperbolic/elliptic system modelling the viscoelastic-gravitational deformation in a multilayered Earth. Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, AIMS Proceedings, doi:10.3934/proc.2015.0066 2015 66-74 (PDF)
A.210. A. C. Casal, J. I. Díaz, J. M. Vegas, Complete recuperation after the blow-up time for semilinear problems.Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, AIMS Proceedings, doi:10.3934/proc.2015.0223 2015 223-229 (PDF)
A.209. J. I. Díaz and D. Gómez-Castro, Steiner symmetrization for concave semilinear elliptic and parabolic equations and the obstacle problem. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, AIMS Proceedings, doi:10.3934/proc.2015.0379, 2015 pp. 379-386 (PDF)
A.208. G. Díaz and J. I. Díaz, Parabolic Monge–Ampère equations giving rise to a free boundary: the worn stone model.Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, AIMS Proceedings, doi:10.3934/proc.2015.0369 2015 pp. 369-378 (PDF)
A.207. J. I. Díaz and D. Gómez-Castro, Shape differentiation: an application to the effectiveness of a steady state reaction-diffusion problem arising in chemical engineering. Electron. J. Diff. Eqns. Conf. 22 (2015), pp. 31-45. (PDF)
A.206. A. Arjona and J. I. Diaz, On the mathematical analysis of a viscoelastic-gravitational layered earth model for magmatic intrusion: the dynamic case. Electron. J. Diff. Eqns. Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Conf. 22 (2015), pp. 1-18. (PDF)
A.205 J. I. Díaz, On the ambiguous treatment of the Schrödinger equation for the infinite potential well and an alternative via flat solutions: the one-dimensional case. Interfaces and Free Boundaries. 17 (2015), 333–351 (PDF)
A.204. J. I. Díaz, J. Hernández and F. J. Mancebo, Nodal solutions bifurcating from infnity for some singular p-Laplace equations: flat and compact support solutions.Minimax Theory and its Applications, Minimax Theory and its Applications 2 (2017) 27-40 .(PDF)
A.203. J. I. Díaz, J. Hernández, Positive and nodal solutions bifurcating from the infinity for a semilinear equation: solutions with compact support, Porugaliae Math. 72, 2 (2015), 145-160. (PDF)
A.202. J. I. Díaz and D. Gómez-Castro, On the effectiveness of wastewater cylindrical reactors: an analysis through Steiner symmetrization. Pure and Applied Geophysics, Volume 173, Issue 3, 923-935, Published online DOI 10.1007/s00024-015-1124-8 (PDF)
A.201. A. Arjona, J. I. Díaz, Geometrical evolution of volcanoes. A theoretical approach. Rev. R. Acad. Cien. Serie A. Mat (RACSAM), Published online DOI 10.1007/s13398-014-0198-y (PDF)
A.200 J. I. Díaz, J. Hernández and Y. lI’yasov, On the existence of positive solutions and solutions with compact support for a spectral nonlinear elliptic problem with strong absorption. Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Mehods and Applications. 119 (2015) 484.500. (PDF)
A.199 J. I. Díaz, T. Mingazzini, Free boundaries touching the boundary of the domain for some reaction-diffusion problems. Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Mehods and Applications. 119 (2015) 275–294.(PDF)
A.198. G. Díaz and J. I. Díaz, On the free boundary associated with the stationary Monge–Ampère operator on the set of non strictly convex functions. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems.doi:10.3934/dcds.2015.35.1447
Volume 35, Number 4, April 2015 pp. 1447–1468.(PDF)
A.197. J. I. Díaz, E. Sanchez-Palencia, A problem on slender nearly cylindrical shells suggested by Torroja’s structures. International Journal of Engineering Science. 88 (2015) 83–98 (PDF)
A.196. J. I. Díaz, M. Lazzo, P.G. Schmidt, Asymptotic Behavior of Large Radial Solutions of a Polyharmonic Equation with Superlinear Growth. Journal Differential Equations. Volume 257, Issue 12, 15 December 2014, Pages 4249-4276..(PDF)
A.195. J. I. Díaz, On the free boundary for quenching type parabolic problems via local energy methods. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 13, 2014, 1799–1814. (PDF)
A.194. J. I. Díaz, A. Hidalgo and L. Tello, Multiple solutions and numerical analysis to the dynamic and stationary models coupling a delayed energy balance model involving latent heat and discontinuous albedo with a deep ocean. Proc. R. Soc. A. 2014 470 20140376; doi:10.1098/rspa.2014.0376 (published 27 August 2014). (PDF)
A.193. I. Arregui, J. I. Díaz, C. Vázquez, A nonlinear bilaplacian equation with hinged boundary conditions and very weak solutions: analysis and numerical solution. Rev. R. Acad. Cien. Serie A. Mat (RACSAM), 108 (2014), 867-879. (PDF)
A.192. P. Bégout and J. I. Díaz, Existence of weak solutions to some stationary Schrödinger equations with singular nonlinearity. Rev. R. Acad. Cien. Serie A. Mat. (RACSAM).109 (2015), no. 1, 43–63.(PDF)
A.191. P. Bégout and J. I. Díaz, A sharper energy method for the localization of the support to some stationary Schrodinger equations with a singular nonlinearity. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 34 (2014), no. 9, 3371–3382..(PDF)
A.190. P. Bégout and J. I. Díaz, Self-similar solutions with compactly supported profile of some nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Electronic Journal Differential Equations. vol 2014 (2014), No. 90, 1-15. (PDF)
A.189. J. I. Díaz, J. M. Rakotoson, Elliptic problems on the space of weighted with the distance to the boundary integrable functions revisited. Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Conference 21 (2014), 45-59. (PDF)
A.188. J. I. Díaz, J. Hernández, Positive and free boundary solutions to some singular nonlinear elliptic problems with absorption: an overview and open problems. Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Conference 21 (2014). 31-44.(PDF)
A.187. J.-M. Coron, J. I. Díaz, A. Drici, T. Mingazzini, Global Null Controllability of the 1-Dimensional Nonlinear Slow Diffusion Equation, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, 34B(3), 2013, 333–344 (PDF)
A.186. J. I. Díaz, Non Hookean beams and plates: very weak solutions and their numerical analysis. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling. Volume 11, Number 2, 2014, 315-331 (PDF)
A.185. J. I. Díaz, I. Moyano, An everyday strategy analysed via Control Theory, Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 39(2), 2012, 121-124 (PDF)
A.184. J. I. Díaz, P. Kyriazopoulos, On an elliptic system related to desertification studies, RACSAM, 2, 2014, 397-404, DOI 10.1007/s13398-012-0108-0 (PDF)
A.183. J. I. Díaz, T. Mingazzini and A. M. Ramos, On the optimal control for a semilinear equation with cost depending on the free boundary, NETWORKS AND HETEROGENEOUS MEDIA Vol. 7, Number 4, December 2012 (PDF)
A.182. A. C. Casal, J. I. Díaz, J. M. Vegas, Finite extinction time property for a delayed linear problem on a manifold without boundary. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Supplement 2011 265-271 (PDF)
A.181. J. I. Díaz, and S. Kamin, Convergence to travelling waves for quasilinear fisher-KPP type equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 390 (2012) 74–85 (PDF)
A.180. J. I. Díaz, A note on spatial uniformation for Fisher-KPP type equations with a concentration dependent diffusion Int. J. Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, 4 (2012). Vol. 4, Nos. 1/2, 70-77, 2012, (PDF)
A.179. P. Bégout and J. I. Díaz, Localizing Estimates of the Support of Solutions of Some Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations: The Stationary Case. Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis, 29, (2012), 35-58. (PDF)
A.178. J. I. Díaz, J. Hernández and J. M. Rakotoson. On very weak positive solutions to some semilinear elliptic problems with simultaneous singular nonlinear and spatial dependence terms. Milan J. Maths. 79 (2011) 233-245 (PDF)
A.177. G. Díaz, J. I. Díaz, J. Otero: Construction of the maximal solution of Backus’ problem in Geodesy and Geomagnetism. Stud. Geophys. Geod., 55 (2011), 415−440 (PDF)
A.176 J. I. Díaz, On the very weak solvability of the beam equation. Rev. R. Acad. Cien. Serie A. Mat (RACSAM) 105 (2011), 167–172, DOI 10.1007/s13398-011-0017-7. (PDF)
A.175. M. Badii (†) and J. I. Díaz, On the time periodic free boundary associated to some nonlinear parabolic equations. Boundary Value Problems. Boundary Value Problems, Volume 2010, Article ID 147301, doi:10.1155/2010/147301 (PDF)
A.174. Y. Belaud, J. I. Díaz, Abstract results on the finite extinction time property: application to a singular parabolic equation. Journal of Convex Analysis 17 (2010), No. 3&4, 827-860. (PDF)
A.173. J. I. Díaz, M. Sauvageot, Euler’s tallest column revisited, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 11 (2010) 2731-2747 (PFD)
A.172. J. I. Díaz, J. M. Rakotoson, On very weak solutions of semilinear elliptic equations with right hand side data integrable with respect to the distance to the boundary, Discrete and Continuum Dynamical Systems, Vol.27, 3, 2010, 1037-1058. (PDF)
A.171. S. N. Antontsev, J. I. Díaz, New L1 -gradient estimates of solutions to one dimensional quasilinear parabolic systems, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 2010, Vol. 12, 1, 85-106. (PDF)
A.170. J. I. Díaz, R. Glowinski, G. Guidoboni, T. Kim, Qualitative properties and approximation of solutions of Bingham flows: on the stabilization for large time and the geometry of the support. Rev. R. Acad. Cien. Serie A. Mat RACSAM 104 (1), 2010, 157–200.(PDF)
A.169. J. I. Díaz, S. Shmarev, Langragian approach to level sets: application to a free boundary problem arising in climatology, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 194, 2009, no.1, 75-103 (PDF)
A.168. A. C. Casal, J. I. Díaz, J. M. Vegas, Finite extinction and null controllability via delayed feedback non-local actions, Nonlinear Analysis 71 (2009), pp. e2018-e2022, DOI information: 10.1016/ (PDF)
A.167. L. Álvarez, J. I. Díaz, On the retention of the interfaces in some elliptic and parabolic nonlinear problems, Discrete and Continuum Dynamical Systems, Vol. 25, Nº1, (2009), 1-17. (PDF)
A.166. J. I. Díaz, S. Shmarev, Lagrangian approach to the study of level sets II: a quasilinear equation in climatology, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 352 (2009) 475–495 (PDF)
A.165. J. I. Díaz, J. Hernández and F. J. Mancebo, Branches of positive and free boundary solutions for some singular quasilinear elliptic problems. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 352 (2009) 449–474 (PDF)
A.164. J. I. Díaz, J. M. Rakotoson, On the differentiability of very weak solutions with right hand side data integrable with respect to the distance to the boundary, Journal Functional Analysis 257 (2009) 807–831 (PDF)
A.163. J. I. Díaz, J. A. Langa, J. Valero, On the asymptotic behaviour of solutions of a stochastic energy balance climate model. Physica D, 238 (2009), 880-887. (PDF)
A.162. S. N. Antontsev, J. I. Díaz, On gradient estimates and other qualitative properties of solutions of nonlinear non autonomous parabolic systems, Rev. R. Acad. Cien. Serie A. Mat 103 (1), (2009) 201-214. (PDF)
A.161. J. I. Díaz, E. Sanchez-Palencia, Stabilization beyond the distributions, Rev. R. Acad. Cien. Serie A. Mat, 103 (1), (2009) 167-176.(PDF)
A.160. J. I. Díaz, E. Sánchez-Palencia, On a problem of slender slightly hyperbolic shells suggested by Torroja’s structures. CRAS Mechanique, 337 (2009) 1-7. (PDF)
A.159. J. I. Díaz, J.M. Rakotoson y P.G. Schmidt, “Local strong solutions of a parabolic system related to the Boussinesq approximation for buoyancy-driven flow with viscous heating”, Advances in Differential Equations. Volume 13, Numbers 9-10, 2008, pp. 977-1000.(PDF)
A.158. J. I. Díaz, A. C. Fowler, A. I. Muñoz, E. Schiavi, Mathematical analysis of a model of river channel formation, Pure appl. geophys. 165 (2008) 1663–1682 (PDF)
A.157. S. N. Antontsev, J.I. Díaz, On the Coupling between Channel Level and Surface Ground Water Flows , Pure and Applied Geophysics, PAGEOPH, 165 (2008) 1511–1530 (PDF)
A.156. A. Arjona, J. I. Díaz, J. Fernández, J. B. Rundle, On the mathematical analysis of an elastic gravitational layered Earth model for magmatic intrusion: The stationary case. Pure appl. geophys. 165 (2008) 1465–1490 (PDF)
A.155. J. I. Díaz, Estimates on the location of the free boundary for the obstacle and Stefan problems by means of some energy methods , Georgian Mathematical Journal (special issue dedicated to the memory of J.L. Lions on the ocassion of his 80th birthday), 15, 2008, nº 3, 455-484. (PDF)
A.154. J. I. Díaz, Ch. Faghloumi , Actions on Environment under uncertainty: stochastic formulation and the associated deterministic problem , Rev. R. Acad. Cien. Serie A. Mat. 202 (2), 2008, 335–353 (PDF)
A.153. R. Bermejo, J. Carpio, J. I. Díaz, L. Tello, Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of a Nonlinear Diffusive Climate Energy Balance Model. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2008. (PDF)
A.152. J. I. Díaz, R. Wiltshire, Potential symmetry properties of a family of equations occuring in ice sheet dynamics, Pure appl. geophys. 165 (2008) 1643–1661 (PDF)
A.151. S. N. Antontsev, J. I. Díaz, On thermal and stagnation interfaces generated by discharge of a laminar hot gas in a stagnant colder atmosphere , Prikl. Mekh. Tekhn. Fiz. (JAMTP) 49, 2008, nº 4, 192–205 (PDF)
A.150. R. Bermejo, J. Carpio, J. I. Díaz, P. Galán de Sastre , A finite element algorithm of a nonlinear diffusive climate energy balance model, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165, nº 6, 2008, 1025-1048. (PDF)
A.149. A. C. Casal, J. I. Díaz, J. M. Vegas, Blow-up behavior in some partial differential equations with time delay, Dynamic Systems and Applications. Volume 18, 2009, 29-46. (PDF)
A.148. S. N. Antontsev, J. I. Díaz, Mathematical Models of Hydrological Cycle: channel level and surface ground water flows , CMNE/CILAMCE 2007, Porto, 13 a 15 de Junho, 2007, APMTAC, Portugal 2007 (PDF)
A.147. J. I. Díaz, L. Tello, On a climate model with a dynamic nonlinear diffusive boundary condition, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems series S, Vol 1, N. 2, (2008), 253-262.(PDF)
A.146. A. C. Casal, J. I. Díaz, J.M. Vegas, Finite extinction time via delayed feedback actions, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 14 (S2), 2007, 23-27. (PDF)
A.145. J. I. Díaz and J. F. Padial, On a free-boundary problem modeling the action of a limiter on a plasma , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Supplement 2007, 313-322. (PDF)
A.144. J. I. Díaz, V. García , Natural and artificially controlled connections among steady states of a climate model , Rev. R. Acad. Cien.Serie A Matem, 101 (2), 2007, 229-234. (PDF)
A.143. J. I. Díaz, A variant of the Smale’s model for flocks formation, Rev. R. Acad. Cien.Serie A Matem, 101 (2), 2007, 225-228. (PDF)
A.142. B. Baji, A. Cabot, J. I. Díaz, Asymptotics for some nonlinear damped wave equation: finite time convergence versus exponential decay results, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis, 24 (6), 1009-1028, 2007.(PDF)
A.141. J. I. Díaz, L. Tello, A 2D Climate Energy Balance Model Coupled with Aa3D Deep Ocean Model, 2006 International Conference in honor of Jacqueline Fleckinger; Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Conf. 16(2007),129-135. (PDF)
A.140. J. I. Díaz, M. Lazzo, and P. G. Schmidt, Large radial solutions of a polyharmonic equation with superlinear growth, 2006 International Conference in honor of Jacqueline Fleckinger; Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Conf. 16 (2007). 103-128. (PDF)
A.139. J. I. Díaz, G. Hetzer , Asymptotic behavior of a weakly forced dry friction oscillator, 2006 International Conference in honor of Jacqueline J. Diff. Eqns., Conf. 16(2007), pp . 95-102. (PDF)
A.138. J. I. Díaz, J. F. Padial, J. M. Rakotoson, On some Bernouilli free boundary type problems for general elliptic operators. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edimburgh, 137A, 895-911, 2007 (PDF)
A.137. C. Casal, J. I. Díaz and M. Stich, Control of turbulence in oscillatory reaction-diffusion systems through a combination of global and local feedback, Physical Review E 76, 036209 1-9, 2007 (PDF)
A.136. J. I. Díaz, E. Sánchez-Palencia, On slender shells and related problems suggested by Torroja’s structures, Asymptotic Analysis, 52, 2007, 259-297 (PDF)
A.135. S. Antontsev, J. I. Díaz, Mathematical analysis of the discharge of a laminar hot gas in a colder atmosphee, Rev. R. Acad. Cien.Serie A Matem, 101, 2007, 235-241. (PDF)
A.134. J. I. Díaz, J. M. Rakotoson, P.G. Schmidt, A parabolic system involving a quadratic gradient term related to the Boussinesq approximation, Rev. R. Acad. Cien.Serie A Matem, 101, 2007, 113-117. (PDF)
A.133. A. C. Casal, J. I. Díaz and M. Stich, On some delayed nonlinear parabolic equations modeling CO oxidation, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, serie A, Vol 13b (Supplementary Volume), 2006, 413-426 (PDF)
A.132. G. Díaz, J. I. Díaz, C. Faghloumi, On an evolution problem associated to the modelling of incertitude into the Environment. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 8, 2007, 399-404. (PDF)
A.131. J. I. Díaz, A. I. Muñoz, E. Schiavi. Mathematical analysis of an obstacle problem modelling ice streaming. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 8, 2007, 267-287 (PDF)
A.130. J. I. Díaz, S. Martin. On the instantaneous formation of cavitation in hydrodynamic lubrication, C.R. Mecanique, 334, 11, 645-650, 2006.(PDF)
A.129. J. I. Díaz, R. Wiltshire. Similarity solutions of an equation describing ice sheets, Dynamics, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 216 (2006) 319-326. (PDF)
A.128. P. Bégout, J. I. Díaz. On a nonlinear Schrdinger equation with a localizing effect. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 342, Série I, 2006, 459-463 (PDF)
A.127. J. I. Díaz. G. Hetzer, L. Tello. An Energy Balance Climate Model with Hysteresis, Nonlinear Analysis 64 (2006), 2053 – 2074. (PDF)
A.126. A. C. Casal, J. I. Díaz. On the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with a delayed feedback. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 16, 1 (2006) 1-17. (PDF)
A.125. G. Díaz, J. I. Díaz, J. Otero. On an oblique boundary value problem related to the Backus problem in Geodesy, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 7 (2006) 147-166. (PDF)
A.124. J. I. Díaz and S. González. New Results on the Burgers and the Linear Heat Equations in Unbounded Domains, Rev. R. Acad. Cien.Serie A Matem, 99 (2), 2005, 219–22. (PDF)
A.123. A. C. Casal, J. I. Díaz. On the principle of pseudo-linearized stability: application to some delayed parabolic equations Nonlinear Analysis 63(2005) e997 – e1007. (PDF)
A.122. J. I. Díaz, M. Lazzo, P. G. Schmidt. Large Solutions for a System of Elliptic Equations Arising from Fluid Dynamics SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 37 (2005), 490-513 (PDF)
A.121. M. Compte, J. I. Díaz. On the Newton partially flat minimal resistance body type problems. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 7, 2005, 395-411. (PDF)
A.120. C. Conca, J. I. Díaz, C. Timofte. On the homogeneization of a transmission problem arising in Chemistry. Romanian Reports in Physics, 56 (No.4), 2004, 613-622. (PDF)
A.119. J. I. Díaz and A .M. Ramos. Numerical experiments regarding the distributed control of semilinear parabolic problems. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 48, 2004, 1575-1586. (PDF)
A.118. S.N. Antontsev, J. I. Díaz, H. B. de Oliveira. Stopping a viscous fluid by a feedback dissipative external field: II. The stationary Navier-Stokes problem. Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, Volume 6, Number 4, 2004, 439 – 461. (PDF)
A.117. G. Díaz, J. I. Díaz. Uniqueness of the boundary behavior for large solutions to a degenerate elliptic equation involving the ∞–Laplacian. Rev. R. Acad. Cien.Serie A Matem, 97, nº 3, 2003, 425–430 (PDF)
A.116. J. I. Díaz, J. I. Tello. A note on some inverse problems arising in lubrication theory. Differential and Integral Equations, 17, 2004, 583-592. (PDF)
A.115. C. Conca, J. I. Díaz, A. Liñan, C. Timofte. Homogeneization in Chemical Reactive Flows, Electr. J. Diff. Eqns. 2004 (No.40), 1-22, 2004. (PDF)
A.114. Ph. Benilan, J. I. Díaz. Pointwise gradient estimates of solutions of onedimensional nonlinear parabolic problems. J. Evolution Equations, 3, 2004, 557-602. (PDF)
A.113. J. I. Díaz, M. B. Lerena, J. F. Padial, J. M. Rakotoson. An elliptic-parabolic equation with a nonlocal term for the transient regime of a plasma in a Stellarator. Journal of Differential Equations, 198, 2004, 321-355. (PDF)
A.112. J. I. Díaz, B. Straughan. Global stability for convection when the viscosity has a maximum. Continuum Mech. Thermodyn., 16 (4): 347-352, 2004. (PDF)
A.111. J. I. Díaz, J. Fleckinger. Positivité en temps grande des solutions de l’équation de la chaleur: le principe d’antimaximum parabolique. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 10 (1-2): 193-200, 2004. (PDF)
A.110. S. N. Antontsev, J. I. Díaz, H. B. de Oliveira. Stopping a viscous fluid by a feedback dissipative external field: I. The stationary Stokes problem. Rend. Mat. Acc. Lincei, s.9, 15, 257-270, 2004. (PDF)
A.109. J. I. Díaz, G. Talenti. A free-boundary problem related to the location of volcanic gas sources. Pure and Applied Geophysics, PAGEOPH, 161, 2004, 1509-1517. (PDF)
A.108. J. I. Díaz, J. I. Tello. Mathematical analysis of a simple model for the growth of necrotic tumors in presence of inhibitor. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 9, 2003, 359-381. (PDF)
A.107. C. Conca, J. I. Díaz, C. Timofte. Effective Chemical Process in Porous Media. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 13, 2003, 1437-1462. (PDF)
A.106. L. Alvarez, J. I. Díaz. The waiting time property for parabolic problems through the non-diffusion of the support for the stationary discretized problems. Rev. R. Acad. Cien.Serie A Matem, 97, nº 1, 2003, 83-88. (PDF)
A.105. H. Amann, J. I. Díaz, A note on the dynamics of an oscillator in the presence of strong friction. Nonlinear Analysis, 55, 2003, 209-216. (PDF)
A.104 .J. I. Díaz, J. I. Tello. On the mathematical controllability in a simple growth tumors model by the internal localized action of inhibitors. Nonlinear Análysis.Real World Applications, 4, 2003, 109-125. (PDF)
A.103. J. I. Díaz, J. Hernández, L. Tello. Some results about multiplicity and bifurcation of stationary solutions of a climatological model. Rev. R. Acad. Cien.Serie A Matem, 96, nº 3, 2002, 357-366. (PDF)
A.102. J. I. Díaz. On the von Neumann problem and the approximate controllability of Stackelberg-Nash strategies for some environmental problems. Rev. R. Acad. Cien.Serie A Matem, 96, nº 3, 2002, 343-356. (PDF)
A.101. S. N. Antontsev, J. I. Díaz, H. B. de Oliveira. On the confinement of a viscous fluid by means of a feedback external field, C.R. Mecanique, 330, 797-802, 2002. (PDF)
A.100. J. I. Díaz, M. B. Lerena. On the inviscid and non-resistive limit for the equations of incompressible magnetohydrodynamics. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 10, 2002, 1401-1419. (PDF)
A.99. N. Calvo, J. I. Díaz, J. Durany, E. Schiavi, C. Vázquez. On a doubly nonlinear parabolic obstacle problem modelling ice sheet dynamics, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 63, 2002, 683-707. (PDF)
A.98. J. I. Díaz, R. Quintanilla. Spatial and continuous dependence estimates in linear viscoelasticity J. Math. Anal. And Applic., 273, 2002, 1-16. (PDF)
A.97. J. I. Díaz, M. B. Lerena, J. F. Padial. On a nonlocal quasilinear parabolic model related to a current-carrying Stellarator, Nonlinear Analysis.Real World Applications 3, 2002, 503-514. (PDF)
A.96. G. Díaz, J. I. Díaz. On a stochastic parabolic PDE arising in Climatology. Rev. R. Acad. Cien.Serie A Matem, 96, nº 1, 2002, 123-128. (PDF)
A.95. J. I. Díaz, Ch. Faghloumi. Analysis of a degenerate obstacle problem on an unbounded set arising in the environment. Applied Math. and Optimization, 45, 251-267, 2002. (PDF)
A.94. J. I. Díaz, J. I. Tello. On the mathematical analysis of the limit case of a radiative-convective climate model. Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications, 3, 293-305, 2002. (PDF)
A.93. J. I. Díaz, L. Tello. Infinetely many stationary solutions for a simple climate model via a shooting method, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 25, 327-334, 2002. (PDF)
A.92. F. Andreu, V. Caselles, J. I. Díaz, J. M. Mazón. Some Qualitative Properties for the Total Variation Flow, Journal of Functional Analysis, 188, 516-547, 2002. (PDF)
A.91. J. I. Díaz. Qualitative Study of Nonlinear Parabolic Equations: an Introduction. Extracta Mathematicae, 16, núm.2, 303-341, 2001. (PDF)
A.90. J. I. Díaz, A. Liñán. On the asymptotic behaviour of solutions of a damped oscillator under a sublinear friction term. Rev. R. Acad. Cien.Serie A Matem, 95, nº 1, 2001, 155-160. (PDF)
A.89. I. Bejenaru, J. I. Díaz, I. I. Vrabie. An abstract approximate controllability result and applications to elliptic and parabolic systems with dynamical boundary conditions. Electr. J. Diff. Eqns. 2001 (No.50), 1-19, 2001. (PDF)
A.88. J. I. Díaz, G. Galiano, A. Jüngel. On a quasilinear degenerate system arising in semiconductor theory. Part I: Existence and uniqueness of solutions. Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications, 2, 305-336, 2001. (PDF)
A.87. J. I. Díaz, E. Schiavi. A Note on Hysteresis in Glaciology. Applied Math. Letters, 13, 125-129, 2000. (PDF)
A.86. J. I. Díaz. Two Problems in Homogenization of Porous Media. Extracta Mathematica, 14, nº2, 141-155, 1999. (PDF)
A.85. J. I. Díaz, B. Lerena, J. F. Padial, J. M. Rakotoson. Nonlocal elliptic-parabolic equation arising in the transient regime of a magnetically confined plasma in a Stellarator. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, 329, Série I, 773-777, 1999. (PDF)
A.84. J. I. Díaz, J. Hernández. Global bifurcation and continua of nonnegative solutions for a quasilinear elliptic problem. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, 329, Série I, 587-592, 1999. (PDF)
A.83. J. I. Díaz, E. Schiavi. On a degenerate parabolic/hyperbolic system in glaciology giving rise to a free boundary. Nonlinear Analysis, 38, 649-673, 1999. (PDF)
A.82. M. Badii, J. I. Díaz. Time Periodic Solutions for a Diffusive Energy Balance Model in Climatology. Jour. Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 233, 713-729, 1999. (PDF)
A.81. J. I. Díaz, G. Galiano, A. Jüngel. On a quasilinear degenerate system arising in semiconductor theory. Part II: Localization of vacuum solutions, Nonlinear Analysis, 36, 569-594, 1999. (PDF)
A.80. J. I. Díaz, L. Tello. On a nonlinear parabolic problem on a Riemannian manifold without boundary arising in Climatology. Collectanea Mathematica, Volum L, Fascicle 1, 19-51, 1999. (PDF)
A.79. J. I. Díaz, G. Galiano, J. F. Padial. On the uniqueness of solutions of a nonlinear elliptic problem arising in the confinement of a plasma in a Stellarator device. Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 39, 61-73, 1998. (PDF)
A.78. J. I. Díaz, J. L. Lions. Sur la contrôlabilté approchée de problèmes paraboliques avec phénomènes d’explosion, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 327, Série I, 173-177, 1998. (PDF)
A.77. J. I. Díaz, G. Galiano. Existence and uniqueness of solutions of the Boussinesq system with nonlinear thermal diffusion, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, (volumen dedicado a O.A. Ladyzhenskaya), 11, 58-92, 1998. (PDF)
A.76. D. Arcoya, J. I. Díaz, L. Tello. S-Shaped bifurcation branch in a quasilinear multivalued model arising in Climatology. Journal of Differential Equations, 149, 215-225, 1998. (PDF)
A.75. J. I. Díaz, T. Nagai, J. M. Rakotoson. Symmetrization techniques on unbounded domains: application to a Chemotaxis system on RN. Journal of Differential Equations, 145, No.1, 156-183.1998. (PDF)
A.74. J. I. Díaz, F. Padial, J. M. Rakotoson. Mathematical treatment of the magnetic confinement in a current carrying Stellarator. Nonlinear Analysis, 34, pp. 857-887, 1998. (PDF)
A.73. J. I. Díaz, J. Henry, A. M. Ramos. On the approximate controllability of some semilinear parabolic boundary-value problems. Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 37, 71-97, 1998. (PDF)
A.72. J. I. Díaz. On a nonlocal elliptic problem arising in the magnetic confinement of a plasma in a Stellarator. Nonlinear Analysis, 30, No.7, 3963-3974, 1997. (PDF)
A.71. J. I. Díaz, G. Galiano. On the Boussinesq system with nonlinear thermal diffusion. Nonlinear Analysis, 30, No.6, 3255-3266, 1997. (PDF)
A.70. J. I. Díaz, J. Hernandez, L. Tello. On the multiplicity of equilibrium solutions to a nonlinear diffusion equation on a manifold arising in Climatology. Jour. Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 216, 593-613, 1997. (PDF)
A.69. J. I. Díaz, G. Galiano, A. Jüngel. Space localization and uniqueness of solutions of a quasilinear parabolic system arising in semiconductor theory. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 325, Série I, 267-272, 1997. (PDF)
A.68. J. I. Díaz, A. M. Ramos. Some results about the approximate controllability property for quasilinear diffusion equations. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 324, Série I, 1243-1248, 1997. (PDF)
A.67. J. I. Díaz, A. V. Fursikov. Approximate controllability of the Stokes system on cylinders by external one‑dimensional local forces. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliqueés, Vol.76, 353-375, 1997. (PDF)
A.66. J. I. Díaz, J. F. Padial. Uniqueness and existence of solutions in the BV(Q) space to a doubly nonlinear parabolic problem, Publications Matematiques, Vol. 40,527-560, 1996. (PDF)
A.65. J. I. Díaz, S. N. Kruzhkov. Propagation properties for scalar conservation laws. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 323, Série I, 463-468, 1996. (PDF)
A.64. G. Díaz, J. I. Díaz, J. Otero. Some remarks on the Backus problem in Geodesy. Física de la Tierra: Observaciones Geodésicas y Gravimetria, Vol.8, No 8, 179-194, 1996. (PDF)
A.63. J. I. Díaz, J. M. Rakotoson. On a nonlocal stationary free boundary problem arising in the confinement of a plasma in a Stellarator geometry. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, Vol. 134, 53-95, 1996. (PDF)
A.62. J. I. Díaz, T. Nagai, S. I. Shmarev. On the Interfaces in a Nonlocal Quasilinear Degenerate Equation Arising in Population Dynamics. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 13, No. 3, 385-415, 1996. (PDF)
A.61. J. I. Díaz, A. M. Ramos. Positive and negative approximate controllability results for semilinear parabolic equations. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Nat. de Madrid, Tomo LXXXIX,11-30, 1995. (PDF)
A.60. A. Alvino, G. Trombetti, J. I. Díaz, P. L. Lions. Elliptic Equations and Steiner Symmetrization. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. XLIX, 217-236, 1996. (PDF)
A.59. J. I. Díaz, T. Nagai. Symmetrization in a parabolic‑elliptic system related to chemotaxis. Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Vol.5, No 2, 659-680,1995. (PDF)
A.58. S. N. Antontsev, J. I. Díaz, S.Shmarev. The support shrinking properties for solutions of quasilinear parabolic equations with strong absorption terms. Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse, Vol. IV, No 1,5-30, 1995. (PDF)
A.57. J. I. Díaz, I. I. Vrabie. On a Boussinesq type systems in Fluids Dynamics. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 4, No. 2, 399-416 (volumen dedicado a Jean Leray), 1994. (PDF)
A.56. M. Badii, J. I. Díaz. Periodic solutions of a quasilinear parabolic boundary value problem arising in unsaturated flow through a porous medium. Applicable Analysis, Vol. 56, 279-301, 1994. (PDF)
A.55. J. I. Díaz, I. I. Vrabie. Existence for reaction‑diffusion systems. A compactness method approach. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 188, No 2, 521-540, 1994. (PDF)
A.54. J. I. Díaz, I. Stakgold. Mathematical aspects of the combuston of a solid by distribued isothermal gas reaction. SIAM. Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Vol 26, No2, 305-328, 1994. (PDF)
A.53. J. I. Díaz, F. de Thelin. On a nonlinear parabolic problem arising in some models related to turbulent flows. SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Vol 25, No 4, 1085‑1111, 1994. (PDF)
A.52. C. Bandle, G. Díaz, J. I. Díaz. Solutions d’equations de reaction‑diffusion nonlineaires, exploxant au bord parabolic. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, t.318, Série I, 455‑460, 1994. (PDF)
A.51. J. I. Díaz, A. V. Fursikov. A simple proof of the approximate controllability from the interior for nonlinear evolution problems. Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 7, nº5, 85‑87, 1994. (PDF)
A.50. S. N. Antontsev, J. I. Díaz, A. V. Domasky. Continuous dependence and stabilization of solutions of the degenerate system in two‑phase filtration. Dynamical Splosh.Sredy. Novosibirsky (Russia), nº107, 11‑25,1993. (PDF)
A.49. J. Carrillo, J. I. Díaz, G. Gilardi. The propagation of the free boundary of the solution of the dam problem and related problems. Applicable Analysis, Vol. 4, 255‑276, 1993. (PDF)
A.48. L. Boccardo, D. Giacheti, J. I. Díaz, F. Murat. Existence and regularity of renormalized solutions for some elliptic problems involving derivatives of nonlinear termes. Journal of Differential Equations, Vol.106, nº 2, 215‑237, 1993. (PDF)
A.47. L. Ávarez, J. I. Díaz. On the initial growth of interfaces in reaction‑diffusion equations with strong absorption. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh,Vol. 123A, 803‑817,1993. (PDF)
A.46. J. I. Díaz, B. Kawohl. On the convexity and starshapedness of level sets for some nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems on convex rings. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 177, No.1, 263‑286, 1993. (PDF)
A.45. J. I. Díaz, J. M. Rakotoson. On a two‑dimensional stationary free boundary problem arising in the confinement of a plasma in a Stellarator. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris,t. 317, Série I, 353‑358, 1993. (PDF)
A.44. S. N. Antontsev, J. I. Díaz, A. B. Domanski. Uniqueness and stability of the two‑phase filtration system. Doklady Akademic Nauk, Tom 315, No.6, 1151‑1155,1992 (en ruso). (PDF)
A.43. J. I. Díaz, O. A. Oleinik. Nonlinear elliptic boundary‑value problems in unbounded domains and the asymptotic behaviour of its solutions. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris,t. 315, Série I, 787‑792, 1992. (PDF)
A.42. A. Alvino, J. I. Díaz, P. L. Lions, G. Trombetti. Équations elliptiques et symétrization de Steiner. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris,t. 314, Série I, 1015‑1020, 1992. (PDF)
A.41. J. I. Díaz, S. I. Shmarev. On the behaviour of the interface in nonlinear processes with convection dominating diffusion via Lagrangian coordinates. Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications,Vol 1, No1,19‑45,1992. Corrections Vol.2, No 2, 503-506, 1993. (PDF)
A.40. G. Barles, G. Díaz, J. I. Díaz. Uniqueness and continuum of foliated solutions for a quasilinear elliptic equation with non Lipschitz nonlinearity. Comm. in Partial Differential Equations,Vol 17, No 5 and 6, 1037‑1050, 1992. (PDF)
A.39. J. I. Díaz, J. E. Saa. Uniqueness of very singular self‑similar solution of a quasilinear degenerate parabolic equation with absorption. Publicacions Mathematiques. Vol.36, 19‑38. 1992. (PDF)
A.38. J. I. Díaz, J. Mossino. Isoperimetric inequalities in the parabolic obstacle problems. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, Vol. 71, 233‑266. 1992. (PDF)
A.37. J. I. Díaz. On the problem with obstruction for the operator of minimal surfaces and the p‑Laplacian. Vol.46, 183-184 (en ruso), traducido al inglés en Russian Mathematical Surveys, 46, No. 6, 195‑196, 1991. (PDF)
A.36. S. N. Antontsev, J. I. Díaz , S. I. Shmarev. New applications of energy methods to parabolic problems with free boundaries. Vol.46, 181-182 (en ruso), traducido al inglés en Russian Mathematical Surveys, Vol.46, No. 6, 193‑194, 1991. (PDF)
A.35. J. I. Díaz. Desigualdades de tipo isoperimétrico para problemas de Plateau y capilaridad. Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias, Vol. III, No.1, 127‑166, 1991. (PDF)
A.34. J. I. Díaz. Sur la contrôlabilité approchée des inéquations variationelles et d’autres problèmes paraboliques non linéaires. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris,t. 312, Série I, 519‑522, 1991. (PDF)
A.33. L. Ávarez, J. I. Díaz. Sufficient and necessary initial mass conditions for the existence of a waiting time in nonlinear diffusion‑convection processes. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,Vol 155,No 2, 378‑392, 1991. (PDF)
A.32. S. N. Antontsev , J. I. Díaz. Space and time localization in the flow of two inmiscible fluids through a porous medium: Energy methods applied to systems. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 16, Nº 4, 299‑313, 1991. (PDF)
A.31. J. I. Díaz, J. E. Saa, U. Thiel. Sobre la ecuación de curvatura media prescrita y otras ecuaciones cuasilineales elípticas con soluciones anulándose localmente. Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina, Vol 35 (volumen dedicado a Julio Rey Pastor), 175‑206, 1990. (PDF)
A.30. J. I. Díaz. Problemas estáticos con frontera libre en Mecánica de Medios Continuos. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Tomo LXXXIII, 119 ‑122, 1989. (PDF)
A.29. J. I. Díaz, I. Vrabie. Propriétés de compacité de l’opérateur de Green généralisé pour l’équation des milieux poreux. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sciences. París, t.309, Série I, 221‑223, 1989. (PDF)
A.28. S. N. Antontsev, J. I. Díaz. Energy methods and localization of solutions for Continuum Mechanics Equations. J. Appl. Mech. Tech.Phys. Vol 174, No 2, 18‑25, 1989 (PDF) (en ruso). (PDF)
A.27. S. N. Antontsev, J. I. Díaz. Applications of energy methods for localization of solutions of equations in Continuum Mechanics. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR. (Mathematical-Physics), Tom. 303, No 2, 320‑325, 1988 (en ruso). (PDF) Traducido al inglés en Soviet Phys. Dokl. Vol 33, No 11, 813-816, 1989. (PDF)
A.26. S. N. Antontsev, J. I. Díaz. New results on localization of solutions of nonlinear elliptic or parabolic equations via energy methods. Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR. (Mathematics), Tom 303, No 3, 524‑528, 1988 (en ruso).(PDF)Traducido al inglés en Soviet Math. Dokl. Vol 38, No 3, 535-539, 1989. (PDF)
A.25. J. I. Díaz, R. Kersner. On the behaviour and cases of nonexistence of the free boundary in a semibounded porous medium. Journal of Math. Analysis and Applications, Vol 132, No 1, 281‑289, 1988. (PDF)
A.24. J. I. Díaz, R. Jiménez. Boundary behaviour of solutions of the Signorini problem: The elliptic case. Bolletino dell’Unione Matemática Italiana, Vol7, No 2‑B, 127-139, 1988. (PDF)
A.23. M. Badii, J. I. Díaz, A. Tesei. Existence and attractivity results for a class of degenerate functional parabolic problems. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova, Vol 78, 109‑124, 1987. (PDF)
A.22. J. I. Díaz, J. E. Saa. Existence et unicité de solutions positives pour certaines équations elliptiques quasilinéaires. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sc. París, t.305, Série I, 521‑524,1987. (PDF)
A.21. J. I. Díaz, J. Mossino. Inequalité isoperimétrique pour le problème d’obstacle parabolique. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sc. París,t. 305, Série I, 737‑740, 1987. (PDF)
A.20. J. I. Díaz, J. M. Morel, L. Oswald, An elliptic equation with singular nonlinearity. Partial Differential Equations,Vol 12,No 12, 1333‑1344, 1987. (PDF)
A.19. J. I. Díaz, R. Kersner. On a nonlinear degenerate parabolic equation in filtration or evaporation through a porous medium. Journal of Differential Equations, Vol 69, No 3, 368‑403,1987. (PDF)
A.18. J. I. Díaz, L. Veron. Local vanishing properties of solutions of elliptic and parabolic quasilinear equations. Trans.of Am. Math. Soc., Vol 290, Nº 2, 787‑814, 1985. (PDF)
A.17. J. I. Díaz, J. Hernández. On the existence of a free boundary for a class of reaction‑diffusion systems. SIAM J.Math. Anal. Vol 15, Nº4, 670‑685, 1984. (PDF)
A.16. J. I. Díaz, L Veron. Compacité du support des solutions d’équations quasilinéaires elliptiques ou paraboliques. C.R.Acad. Sc. París, t.297, Série I, 149‑152, 1983. (PDF)
A.15. J. I. Díaz, R. Kersner. Non existence d’une des frontières libres dans une équation dégénérée en théorie de la filtration. C.R. Acad. Sc. París t. 296, Série I, 505‑508, 1983. (PDF)
A.14. A. Dou, J. I. Díaz. Sobre flujos subsónicos alrededor de un obstáculo simétrico. Collectanea Mathematica, Nº 3, 142‑160, 1983. (PDF)
A.13. J. I. Díaz, L. Veron. Existence, uniqueness and qualitative properties of the solutions of some first order quasilinear equations. Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Vol 32, No3, 319‑361, 1983. (PDF)
A.12. J. I. Díaz. On a fully nonlinear parabolic equations and the asymptotic behaviour of its solutions. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol 95, No 1, 144‑168, 1983. (PDF)
A.11. Ph. Benilan, J. I. Díaz. Comparison of solutions of nonlinear evolutions equations with different nonlinear terms. Israel Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 42, No 3, 241‑257, 1982. (PDF)
A.10. J. I. Díaz y M. Á. Herrero. Estimates on the support of the solutions of some non linear elliptic and parabolic problems. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edimburg. Vol. 98A, 249‑258, 1981. (PDF)
A.9. J. I. Díaz. Resultados de comparación para ecuaciones de evolución no lineales. Publicacions Mathematiques, vol.22, 31‑41, 1980. (PDF)
A.8. J. I. Díaz. Resultados y métodos sobre la propiedad de extinción en tiempo finito para ecuaciones de evolución. Publicacions Mathematiques, vol.19, 93‑115, 1980. (PDF)
A.7. J. I. Díaz. Anulación de soluciones para operadores acretivos en espacios de Banach. Aplicaciones a ciertos problemas parabólicos no lineales. Rev. Real. Acad. Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de Madrid, Tomo LXXIV, Cuad.5º, 865‑880, 1980. (PDF)
A.6. J. I. Díaz. Soluciones con soporte compacto para ciertos problemas semilineales. Collectanea Mathematica Vol. XXX. Fasc. 2º, 141‑179, 1979. (PDF)
A.5. G. Díaz, J. I. Díaz. Finite extinction time for a class of non linear parabolic equations. Comm. in Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 4, No 11, 1213‑1231, 1979. (PDF)
A.4. J. I. Díaz. Solutions with compact support for some degenerate parabolic problems. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. Vol.3, No.6, 831‑847, 1979 (PDF)
A.3. J. I. Díaz. Anulación de soluciones para ciertos problemas parabólicos no lineales. Rev. Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Tomo LXXII, Cuad.4º, 613‑616, 1978 (PDF)
A.2. J. I. Díaz, M. Á. Herrero. Propriétés de support compact pour certaines équations elliptiques et paraboliques non linéaires. C.R. Acad. Sc. París,t. 286, Série I, 815‑817. 1978. (PDF)
A.1. J. I. Díaz. Soluciones con soporte compacto para ciertos problemas unilaterales mixtos. Rev. Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Tomo LXIX, Cuad.3º, 611‑616, 1975 (PDF)
A#. See also Dissemination papers in journals